
  • 网络Luminosity function
  1. Virgo星系团的光度函数和质量函数

    The Luminosity Function and Mass Function of the Virgo Cluster

  2. 疏散星团NGC6530的光度函数和分层效应

    Luminosity function and segregation effect of the open cluster NGC 6530

  3. 进一步的分析表明,这些目标的光度函数和X射线源数密度与X射线源在星团中的位置以及初始的双星比例有关。

    Further investigation shows the source number density is also related to the location of the source in the cluster and the initial binary fraction of clusters .

  4. 这样,一些较侧向的Sc星系就会被错分类到早型星系中。结果还直接表明:如果星系分类只是在图像上进行,则各类星系的光度函数就会出现偏差。

    Our result also implies that there might exist biases in the luminosity functions of individual Hubble types if spiral galaxies are only classified visually .

  5. 星系团成员星系光度函数及其动力学

    The Luminosity Function for the Member Galaxies and the Dynamics of the Clusters

  6. 光学选类星体光度函数的演化

    Evolution of the Luminosity Function of Optically Selected Quasars

  7. OH/IR脉泽源的空间分布和光度函数

    The Spatial Density Distribution and Luminosity Function of OH / IR Maser Sources

  8. Abell2634中心区域成员星系的光度函数

    Luminosity Functions for the Member Galaxies in the Central Region of Abell 2634

  9. 类星体的光度函数

    Luminosity Function of Quasars

  10. 我们发现我们的模型能与大部分观测相符合。特别是我们能够得到很好的多波段光度函数。

    We found that our model can match with most of the local observations especially for the multi-wave luminosity function .

  11. 在本文中,我们研究河外天体的红移分布和它们的光度函数之间的关系。

    In this paper , we investigate the relation between the redshift distribution and the luminosity function of extragalactic objects .

  12. 光度函数是作为某一波段的光度或亮度的函数的特定种类的天体数目。

    A luminosity function is the number of objects of a particular sort as a function of their luminosity or brightness in some wavelength band .

  13. 考虑到次结构一方面可以降低中心星系的亮度,同时能预言与观测很接近的光度函数形状。

    The model with substructures can suppress the luminous central galaxy formation in cluster and can give a better luminosity function compared with the observation .

  14. 我们通过蒙特卡罗模拟方法,探讨了能够解释伽玛暴在高红移处具有较高爆发率的可能物理原因,物理原因可能是指光度函数的宇宙学演化。

    We also investigate the possible physical reasons to explain the excess based on Monte Carlo simulations , including the cosmic evolution of GRB luminosity function .

  15. 方法根据界面对光线的反射和物质本身对光线的衰减,将数据场划分为边界不丰富的简单数据场和边界丰富的复杂数据场,从而采用分段线性函数来构造阻光度传递函数(TF);

    Method An arbitrary data set was classified into a simple one and a complex one according to the boundaries existing within the data set , thereby a piecewise linear function was used to construct the transfer function ( TF ) .

  16. 由于解剖照片中的每个体素颜色值已经确定,因而主要研究如何从每个体素的R、G、B三原色组映射成特定阻光度值,即阻光度转换函数。

    Since the color value for each voxel can be predetermined in the anatomical photographic database , we focused on the designing of mapping from an RGB tuple to an opacity value usually called opacity transfer function .

  17. SAS-2的Υ辐射数据,已被用来测定类星体和赛弗特星系的Υ辐射绝对光度与光学绝对光度间的函数关系,并由此导出它们对河外Υ射线背景辐射的贡献。

    The SAS-2 r-ray data have been employed to determine the functional relationships between the absolute y-ray luminosities Ly and the absolute optical luminosities of quasars and Seyfert galaxies . From these , their contribution to the extragalactic y-ray background have been derived .