
běi diǎn
  • north point
北点[běi diǎn]
  1. 北点大学是在去餐厅的路上。

    North point is on the way to the restaurant .

  2. 坐落在罗斯岛上,接近南极大陆的最北点,这个几乎终年封冻的考察站是一个国际考察中心站,在暖和的夏季,它也是1200多个科学工作者的家。

    Located on Ross Island near the northern tip of the continent , the almost perpetually frozen station is a center of international research , and is home to as many as 1200 scientists and workers during the warmer summer months .

  3. 玛塞拉居住的地方,租金比较便宜,但稍稍再往北一点情况就不同了。

    Where Marcella lives , the rents are fairly cheap , but a little further north it 's a different story .

  4. 沿着“国企大道”再往北一点,大型国防工业集团保利集团(polygroup)旗下的两座玻璃外墙建筑提醒人们,上述机制组合中还包括另一支强大的力量。

    A little further north along the avenue of the giants , two glass-encased tower complexes owned by the Poly Group , the giant defence industry conglomerate , are a reminder of another powerful voice in the mix .

  5. 再往北一点就是沼泽地边缘了。

    The moors start a little further to the north .

  6. 餐馆位于雅典城外以北一点的地方。

    It 's located a bit outside the city , in Northern Athens .

  7. 我住在这条路再往北一点的地方。

    I live farther up the road .

  8. 再谈了一会儿,凯斯宾和伯恩就走到村子稍北一点的海岸边,凯斯宾当场吹起了号角。

    After a little more conversation Caspian and Bern walked down to the coast a little west of the village and there Caspian winded his horn .

  9. 在此基础上,给出了济源市沁北电厂大气点源扩散模型与GIS集成的应用实例,并对排放气体的污染浓度扩散进行了预测模拟和评价。

    Further , we give an application example , simulate and evaluate the consistence dispersion of atmospheric pollution .

  10. 利用500hPa北半球格点资料,参照历史平均东亚大槽位置,定义了东亚冬季风强度指数(I500)。

    Based on 500 hPa geopotential height fields and mean position of East Asian trough , a definition of the East Asian winter monsoon index ( I_ ( 500 )) is given .

  11. 月日或月日,太阳在黄道上最北的一点时。

    June 21 , when the sun is at its northernmost point .

  12. 如同是表示处置意义,南片各点用介词“连”,西片和北片各点用“来”。

    The preposition of Lian ( iH ) is used to express disposal meaning in South area while Lai ( 3fe ) is used in West area and North area .

  13. 对我国南水北调方案几点建议第十三届全国结构工程学术会议特邀报告

    Several Suggestions on the Project of South-North Water Transfers in Our Country

  14. 行运北交点与上升点呈合相往往为人生带来新层面。

    This transit often brings about new dimensions in life .

  15. 那条鱼还是一直往北游,一点陆地的影子都瞧不见了。

    The fish had headed northward ; there was no land in sight .

  16. 北赤道流分叉点及南海北部环流的研究进展

    Advances of the study of the North Equatorial Current bifurcation and the northern circulation of the South China Sea

  17. 伯恩利是朝鲜人&不不,不是北朝鲜,北朝鲜有点老套。

    Burnley are like Korea-and no , not the North because they are a wee bit old fashioned .