
  1. B奥运会场将遍及全北京北、南、东和西但是主会场在北部。

    The Olympics will be all over Beijing – north , south , east and west – but the main centre is in the north .

  2. 北京北苑地区洼里砾岩地层地热井钻井技术

    Geothermy Well Drilling Technology in Conglomerate Rocks

  3. 美国的压力似乎已经取得了有限的成果,今天邀请了北京北的调解努力,显然是朝鲜官员举行会谈。

    US pressure seems to have yielded limited results , with Beijing today inviting a North Korean official for talks in an apparent mediation effort .

  4. 古都风貌保护与大型集中绿地建设&以北京北二环城市公园建设为例

    Ancient Landscape Preservation and Large Concentrated Green Space Construction & With the Construction of the North Second Ring Road City Park , Beijing as the Example

  5. 从京包线北京北&沙城段的现状出发,论述对其进行电气化改造的必要性及其症结所在,探讨了改造的对策及预期改造的效果。

    The article expounds the necessity of electric upgrading and problems in the Beijing North-Shacheng section on the Beijing-Baotou railway line and discusses the countermeasures of the reconstruction and the expected effect .

  6. 周二晚上,北京北四环附近的一个中石油加油站,楚袁熙告诉记者,他一周只开一次车,其他时间都是坐公交或地铁。

    At a Sinopec gas station near the North Fourth Ring Road in Beijing on Tuesday evening , Chu Yuanxi said he only drives one day a week and normally takes buses or the subway .

  7. 学校占地面积64.4公顷,由3个校区组成,主校区位于北京北三环东路,亚运村东南,交通便利环境幽静,景色迷人;西校区占有地理位置优势,坐落丁几西三环中部,香格里拉饭店附近;

    The university , covering an area of 64.4 hectares , is composed of three campuses . The main campus is conveniently located on the eastern section of the North Third Ring Road , southeast of the Asian Games Village , with a quiet and attractive environment The west campus near the Shangri-La Hotel enjoys an advantageous location on the central

  8. 联想同时在北京和北卡罗来纳设有总部,并从产品名称中除去IBM的名字。

    And Lenovo which splits its headquarters between Beijing and North Carolina , is dropping the IBM name from its products .

  9. 北京密云北石城断裂带的断层岩特征及其地震事件的可能证据

    Characteristics of fault rocks and their potential evidences for seismic events

  10. 北京以北沙漠砂样的选频释光特征研究

    Characteristic of selected frequency luminescence for samples collected in deserts north to Beijing

  11. 北京郊区北宅生态村规划研究

    Research on Typical Ecology-village Planning in the Mountain Area of the Beijing 's Suburb

  12. 八达岭位于北京以北50千米处。

    Which is85 kilometres north of Beijing .

  13. 北京地区北东向主要活动断裂的地震工程效应评价

    Assessment of the seismic engineering effect of the main active faults along NE direction in Beijing District

  14. 它正在构思和拍摄的世界上最大的工作室设置在这里,北京以北。

    It is being conceived and shot here on the world 's largest studio set , north of Beijing .

  15. 浑善沙漠位于北京以北400公里,它的绿化是三代人努力的结果。

    The ' greening ' of the Hunshan Desert is the result of 3 generations worth of reforestation efforts around 400-kilometers north of Beijing .

  16. 还建成了北京“北苑六区”1155个车位项目,是单项工程数量最大项目。

    We have also built the " 1155 parking lot " project for " Beiyuan No.6 " in Beijing , which has the largest number of parking lots in a single project .

  17. 国家气象中心报告,雾霾会从兵马俑之都西安蔓延开来,穿过中部一些地区,到达北京;北至沈阳和东北严寒之地哈尔滨。

    The National Meteorological Centre said the smog would stretch from Xian , home to the Terracotta Warriors , across part of central China , through Beijing and up into Shenyang and Harbin in China 's frigid northeast .

  18. 基于GIS与群落调查的北京市野生北柴胡资源量测算

    Estimating Medicinal Yield of Bupleurum chinense in Beijing Region Based on Field Vegetation Survey with GIS Approach

  19. 在北京鸟巢的北广场上,它的创作者们正在对它进行组装。

    This huge transformer is being put up at the north square of Beijing 's Bird Nest .

  20. 昨天,影星刘烨与法国女友安娜伊斯在北京地坛公园北门外的乙十六号会所正式完婚。

    Li Ye and his France girlfriend Anais had a wedding in the sixteenth club , which is out the north gate of the Ditan Park Beijing .

  21. 在此基础上,结合北京怀柔区北宅村的情况,以鹅和鸭农庄为例,对分工共生和合作共生两种经营者共生模式进行深入探讨,总结实现可持续发展的乡村旅游共生机制。

    Taking Goose and Duck Club as an example , we draw conclusions on two sorts of derivative symbiotic models , and discuss symbiotic mechanism of rural tourism sustainable development .

  22. 在北京鸟巢的北广场上,它的创作者们正在对它进行组装。也许你都不敢相信,这个机器人完全是由旧的汽车部件拼成的!

    This huge transformer is being put up at the north square of Beijing 's Bird Nest . And believe it or not , it is all made of old auto parts .