
shí xí xué xiào
  • continuation school
  1. 你来了,我来通知实习学校的事。

    You 're here . I have your assigned internship schools .

  2. 社会化环境的相关因素则主要包括实习学校对实习工作的支持程度、实习班级与师范生的互动程度以及实习辅导教师的辅导方式三个方面。

    The environmental factors include support degree of the practice school , interaction between practice class and normal school students and instruction methods of coaches .

  3. 介绍了挪威科技大学教师教育系和实习学校之间进行的合作教师教育模式,并探讨了这一模式能否实现“贴近现实的教师教育”这种理念。

    This paper presents a partnership model of teacher education between the Program for Teacher Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ( NTNU ) and the schools .

  4. 示范学校;实习学校:师范院校附属学校,其目的是让学生观察有经验的教师的工作,并进行教学实习。

    Demonstration school ; practice school : a school attached to a teacher-training establishment in order to allow students to observe experienced teachers at work and to undertake teaching practice themselves .

  5. 第四部分根据查阅的文献和实习学校的观察分析了思想政治教师专业发展存在的主要问题及原因分析。

    The fourth part , according to consult literature and practice school observation analysis of the main problems of ideological and political lesson teachers ' professional development , and cause analysis .

  6. 这首雄壮有力的歌,是由长辛店劳动实习学校的教员和北京大学的进步学生共同创编而成的。

    This stalwart and emollient song , from grow the teacher of the hot store labor practice school and University of Peking to progress the student to create the plait but become together .

  7. 面对实习学校设备参差不齐,指导教师素质有高有低,实习学生来源、民族、性别比例不均的状况,我校教育实习相应地采取了城乡结合式、基地式等多种形式。

    Confronting different equipment of practice schools , different levels of guiding teachers , different source , nation and sex of practice students , we should take various ways to do practice teaching such as combining the cities with the countries , foxing practice bases .

  8. 直至学生进入实习单位学校始终扮演着中间人的角色,学生与学校之间还存在着中介性质的法律关系。

    Until the students to intern , schools play an intermediary role , students and the schools there is still an intermediary between the nature of legal relationship .

  9. 社会工作实习是学校有计划、有督导地组织学生到机构或社区中接受社会工作实务技能训练和价值观培养的过程。

    Social work practice is a designed and supervisory process which is schools organize students to institutions or community to accept social work practice skills and values training .

  10. 地方高师教育实习与农村学校校本培训整合探讨

    Integration of Teaching Practice in Local Normal University and School-based Training in Rural School

  11. 培养牙医是很昂贵的,因为牙科学校必须提供手把手的教学,这不像那些毕业了才把学生送到医院实习的医科学校。

    Training dentists is expensive , because dental schools must provide hands-on training & unlike medical schools , which send doctors to hospitals for training after they graduate .

  12. 实习是职业学校实践教学的重要环节,同时也是学生提升专业技能的重要手段,通过法律手段使实习管理工作科学化、规范化有着重要意义。

    The internship is an important link of practical teaching in vocational school and an essential means to improve professional skills , which gives great meaning to internship legislation .

  13. 大学生在实习期间与学校是教育管理关系,如学校有过错应承担侵权责任;

    The relation between the students in the practice period and their universities is considered as a kind of educative management , the college should bear the tort liability .

  14. 以过程管理与指导促进大学与中小学的合作关系,实现实习教师、学校合作教师与大学指导教师共同的职业发展。

    And advance the cooperation between universities and the primary schools and middle schools through process management and instruction to realize the professional development of practice teachers , co-teachers and supervisors in universities .

  15. 教育实习是师范学校教学内容的重要组成部分,教育实习基地有德育教育、培养能力、提供教改信息的综合功能。

    Educational practice plays an important role in the teaching of a teachers ' college and educational practice base has the comprehensive functions of moral education , improving students ' ability and providing information on teaching reforms .

  16. 毕业实习是高等学校教学工作的重要组成部分,是大学期间重要的实践教学环节,是学生理论与实践相结合、培养工程应用能力的有效途径。

    Graduation practice is an important part of colleges and universities teaching , an essential practice teaching segment during the college period , a valid path to combine students ' theories and practice , and to develop students ' engineering application ability .

  17. 当前,我国教育市场呈现出泛地区化发展的趋势,这主要表现在招生、就业、实习实训和学校发展等方面,这给中职学校的发展既提供了机遇,也带来了挑战。

    Nowadays , the development of educational market manifest the trend of extensive regionalization , and the trend mainly embody in aspects of recruitment , employment , practice training and school development , which provide opportunity as well as bring challenge for the development of secondary vocational schools .

  18. 副院长路易斯帕伦西亚(luispalencia)辩称,较长的课程能实现更深远的变化,也能够安排更长的实习和与其它学校的交换项目。

    Luis Palencia , Associate Dean at Barcelona-based IESE , one of the few European schools offering a two-year MBA , argues that the longer period allows for more profound changes , as well as for longer internships and exchange programmes with other schools .

  19. 实习是大中专学校实践教学的主要环节之一,对于工科本科教育,尤为重要。

    Practice is one of key links for practical teaching in universities and colleges , especially for engineering undergraduate course education .

  20. 实习是中等职业学校实践教学的主要形式之一,是执行教学计划和课程大纲的关键环节。

    Off-school practice is the main form of teaching practice and the key link to carry out teaching plan and teaching program .

  21. 此外,规定还指出,在学生实习之前,职业学校、实习单位、学生应三方签订协议,以此来明确各方的责任,保护学生的权利。

    Interns , vocational schools and employers must sign a tripartite agreement before the internship to draw clear lines of responsibility and protect students ' rights .

  22. 对接受教育实习的中小学学校的现状进行分析,找出难于建立稳固、理想实习基地的原因;

    Analyzes the present situation of the elementary and middle school which have accepted educational practice , whereby to discover the reason of difficulty of establishing stable , ideal practice bases ;

  23. 教育部上周三宣布,我国将保护实习中的职业学校学生的权益,制定实习最低工资标准。

    China will protect the interests of student interns from vocational schools by stipulating the minimum wage during their internships , the Ministry of Education ( MOE ) announced on last Wednesday .

  24. 教育实习实践表明,实习学校对学生的教师教学综合能力较为满意。

    Shown in the section of educational placement , the students were welcomed by the schools for their comprehensive ability in teaching .

  25. 实习科目,实习课:学校或学院开设的,尤指某一专业领域的课程,目的在于让学生们在教师指导之下将先前所学的理论加以实际运用。

    A school or college course , especially one in a specialized field of study , that is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied theory .

  26. 目前体育教育专业学生实习形式单一,重教育实习轻社会实习,学校、社会一体化实习方式未曾被意识到。

    As the education practice , the society practice is looked down on , and the monolithic practice way in seminary and society is not aware .

  27. 应加强对教育实习的管理,国家教育行政部门、大学、实习学校各有所为,促进管理模式多样化;

    We should strengthen our management of educational practice , letting our national educational administration , universities and practice schools respectively do something useful and developing diverse management models .

  28. 第五章改进顶岗实习工作,促进师范生专业发展策略,主要从师大的培养方案,顶岗实习组织管理方面、实习学校方面以及教育实习生这四个方面进行阐述。

    In the last chapter , it elaborates the strategy of improving post practice and normal students ' professional development from four aspects that are training proposal of Jiangxi Normal University , organizational management , school internship and educational internship .