
shí jì cān shù
  • actual parameter
  1. 本表数据仅供参考,实际参数根据用户要求确定。

    Data in the form is only for reference , actual parameter should meet customers'demand .

  2. 根据本实验室直写设备的实际参数,完成了菲涅耳透镜的设计工作。

    The contents as follow : 1 . Based on the actual parameter of laser direct writing system in our laboratory , designed a Fresnel lens .

  3. 在调用curry()方法时,不需要提供所有的实际参数。

    When calling the curry () method you need not supply the full complement of actual parameters .

  4. 本文给出了某100m高烟囱定向爆破拆除设计方案和实际参数;

    In this paper , the design method and actual parameters for demolishing an 100m high chimney by directional blasting are given .

  5. assertNotSame(“msg”,expected,actual):断定实际参数与预期参数不相同。

    AssertNotSame (" msg ", expected , actual ) & asserts that the actual parameter is not the same as the expected parameter .

  6. 在参数化网络类的理论基础上,本文提出用代数规范理论实现CPN的实际参数表示,进一步完善了统一Petri网理论。

    Based on parameterized net classes , the thesis realizes the actualization of colored Petri nets by employing the notions of algebraic specification to enrich the theory of unifying Petri nets .

  7. 本文以频率规划为基本思想着重分析了实际参数DDS的输出频谱特性,介绍了在DDS输出频谱中由各杂散源造成的杂散的位置和幅度的预测方法。

    Based on the thoughtfulness of frequency layout , this paper analyzes the spectrum characteristic of DDS output in practical cases and introduces the location and amplitude of spurs caused by various spur sources .

  8. 注意方法的最后一个参数是个闭包,在这个地方Groovy允许把它从实际参数列表中删除,并把它直接放在结束括号后面。

    Note that where the final parameter to a method is a closure , Groovy permits that you can remove it from the list of actual parameters and place it immediately after the closing parenthesis .

  9. 常常可以发现bug的原因是调用者发送了类型错误的参数或数量错误的参数,或者实际参数和形式参数的次序不匹配。

    Often , you can trace the origin of a bug back to a caller that 's sending the wrong type of argument , the wrong number of arguments , or a mismatch between the order of actual and formal arguments .

  10. 对于静态函数,可以使用arg1访问函数的第一个实际参数。

    In case of static functions , the first actual argument of function can be accessed using__arg1 .

  11. 通常PID调节器的参数整定方法是根据控制船舶实际参数,计算出Kp、Ki、Kd初值,然后对控制对象进行调试,修改上述三个参数,以达到控制的目的。

    The usual way of adjusting parameters is to calculate out the initial values of Kp , Ki and Kd through the actual parameters of real ship 's engine , then debug and revise the three parameters to achieve the goal of the controlling .

  12. 这里,我们将由argno(初始时被设为1以指向命令本身后的第一个实际参数)索引的当前参数复制到字符串变量s1。

    Here we copy the current arg , indexed by argno ( which was initially set to1 , to point to the first actual arg after the command itself ) to string var s1 .

  13. 并对样机进行实验确定了电机实际参数值。

    After manufacturing motor , confirmed practical parameter values of motor .

  14. 在没有实际参数时,可以省略括号。

    When there are no actual arguments then the parentheses can be omitted .

  15. 一组包含需要传递的实际参数值的对象

    An array of objects containing the actual value of the arguments you want to pass

  16. 最后,通过薄膜电容的实际参数计算来更好地演示这种方法。

    Finally , the calculations of the scattering parameters about thin film capacitance show this method clearly .

  17. 回归得到了离心泵性能与各试验因素的关系,综合考虑离心泵的工作实际参数范围,提出了离心泵改型设计的最佳工作性能参数。

    Performance equation of centrifugal pump and relations with factors were developed , considering actual working parameter range .

  18. 最后根据壁虎脚趾的实际参数估算了壁虎的粘附力,模型估计的壁虎的粘附力与实验值符合。

    The adhesion force of the foot of gecko estimated by our model is consistent with the experiment results .

  19. 方法的主要特点是:1.以考验元件的实际参数为输入数据;

    Main features of the method are follows : 1 . Real parameters on fuel element as input data ;

  20. 设计参数基于北京同步辐射装置的实际参数。

    The design parameters are based on the real TXM instrument installed at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility ( BSRF ) .

  21. 将500MW汽轮发电机组的实际参数和实验计算结果代入模型中,建立起实际500MW汽轮发电机组的仿真模型。

    The simulation model of 500 MW unit is built up by practical rated unit parameters and the calculated value of experiments .

  22. 根据双活塞式液压自由活塞发动机样机的实际参数建立了仿真模型,与试验数据比较该仿真模型具有较高的仿真精度。

    The third chapter presents a hardware design of the dual piston hydraulic free First the simulation model is built with experiment verification .

  23. 根据光谱辐射理论,炉口光谱与炼钢在线实际参数间存在内在联系。

    According to the spectral radiating theory , the spectrum of BOF must be in some internal connections with the real parameters of steelmaking .

  24. 尽管有一些根本的变化您需要了解,但是大多数实际参数都是相同的。

    Most of the actual parameters are the same , though there are some fundamental changes that you need to be made aware of .

  25. 关键在于应用材料内禀特性和处理工艺实际参数的材料模型化和仿真技术的研究工作还十分有限。

    Especially , the work in the fiied of modeling and simulation by introducing real parameters of materials and processings , are quite limited .

  26. 可以使用前面的公理重新安排实际参数来把任何单一实际参数提到参数列表的前面来被量化。

    The previous axioms can be used to reorder arguments to bring any single argument to the front of the argument list to be quantified .

  27. 在双端故障定位时,线路设定参数和实际参数的偏差将影响定位的精度。

    To two-terminal fault location , the parameter deviation of the settings from actual values will have an adverse influence on the accuracy of fault location .

  28. 对卡尔曼滤波器进行建模时,本文选取了车辆的坐标、位移、速度和加速度,通过当前帧的实际参数值来估计下一帧的参数值,其根本目的是为了减小搜索区域,提高实时性。

    In the Kalman model , the vehicle coordinate , displacement , velocity and acceleration were selected as parameters in order to reduce the potential regions .

  29. 根据全并联AT供电牵引网的实际参数,建立数学仿真模型,对各种故障情况进行仿真分析,验证了各故障测距方法及各影响因素理论分析的正确性。

    Then the simulation model is built to analyze the impact of various faults and the results of digital simulations indicate the correctness of these principles .

  30. 通过对引进新产品QC16/17型齿轮动力油泵进行优化后发现:优化结果与泵的实际参数很吻合。

    The optimization of the gear power pump of the imported QC 16 / 17 indicates that the result of optimization is identical with the practical parameters .