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  • actual combat
实战 [shí zhàn]
  • [actual combat] 实际战斗

  • 从实战需要出发

实战[shí zhàn]
  1. 构建实战型服装高职教育模式

    Form the Actual Combat for the Mode of Costume Polytechnic Education

  2. 从实战要求出发,切实加强武装泅渡训练

    According to the Demand of Actual Combat , Strengthening the Military Swimming Training

  3. START谈判与美国实战威慑核战略

    Start and america 's war-fighting nuclear strategy

  4. Linux内核原理及升级实战

    Principle and Upgrading Practice of Linux Kernel

  5. SWOT理论及实战分析

    Theory of SWOT and analysis of practice

  6. ManagementGame是CarnegieMellonUniversity(美国卡耐基·梅隆大学)在一门独具特色的综合性管理课程,主要侧重于商业管理运作的实战训练。

    Management game is one comprehensive management course in Carnegie Mellon University , which focuses on practice of commercial management operation .

  7. ERP沙盘模拟软件在营销实战教学中的创新在游戏中体验物流经营之道&沙盘模拟实战

    On the Innovation of ERP Sand Table Imitation Software in the Teaching of Marketing Practice To Learn Logistics Operation Method through the Game-Sand Table Simulation

  8. MBA课程培养出来的是脱离实战的“皇太子”,虽然理论高深,但他们对将要经营的公司却一无所知。

    MBA programs created " crown princes " marked for the top who knew little about the businesses they would run .

  9. 针对不同的工作模式,在ADC模型的基础上分别建立了贴近实战的效能分析模型。

    Aiming at different working modes , the effectiveness analysis model close to actual combat is presented based on ADC model .

  10. 动态链接库(DLL)实例:DLL原理、制作DLL、DLL实战、小结。

    Dynamic link library ( DLL ) examples : DLL principles , fabrication DLL , DLL combat , summary .

  11. 将VRML应用于消防领域,配合消防实战演练的需要,开发了灭火预案虚拟现实系统。

    According to the necessary of fire fighting manoeuvre , this paper develops fire fighting virtual reality demonstration system by VRML .

  12. 在最近的实战Groovy系列中,我们已经介绍过Groovy是构建报表统计程序的一个非常好的工具。

    I 've shown in recent articles in the Practically Groovy series that Groovy is a superb tool for constructing reporting applications .

  13. 在过去几期实战Groovy文章中,您已经了解了闭包和元编程之类的Groovy语言特性如何将动态功能添加到Java™开发中。

    Over the past few Practically Groovy articles , you 've seen how Groovy language features like closures and metaprogramming add new dynamic capabilities to Java ™ development .

  14. 海登说,这是因为ROV技术只是在最近才得以真正用于实战。

    Mr Heydon says it is because the ROV technology has only recently become capable enough .

  15. AⅠ型和AⅡ型对学生掌握足球和排球基本技术秀一定的促进作用,但在培养实战能力和战术意识方面的教学效果不如BⅠ型明显。

    Type AI and Type A_ ⅱ could help the students with the mastery of the basic technologies of football and volleyball , but the teaching effect was not as obvious as in cultivating the actual combat ability and tactics consciousness .

  16. 在实战Groovy的这一期中,我将介绍Groovy对操作符即时多态(也称为操作符重载)的支持。

    In this installment of Practically Groovy , I introduce you to Groovy 's support for operator ad-hoc polymorphism , also known as operator overloading .

  17. 几乎从一年前实战Groovy系列开始,我就已经提供了多个让您了解闭包的机会。

    Since the inception of the Practically Groovy series almost a year ago , I 've given you several opportunities to get to know closures .

  18. 陈建志导师(DepewChen):资深实战型战略实施咨询、人力资源管理咨询和培训专家;

    Depew Chen , senior strength strategy implementation consult , HR management consulting and training expert ;

  19. 在实战Groovy的这一期中,我将向您展示不用XML,转用Groovy作为您的构建配置格式,对构造过程进行增强是多么容易。

    In this installment of Practically Groovy , I 'll show you how easy it is to enhance the build process by using Groovy rather than XML as your build configuration format .

  20. 作为JA志愿者,你将通过实战模式课程引导学生有关就业预备、自主创业和金融知识。

    As JA volunteer , you will educate students about workforce readiness , entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential , hands-on programs .

  21. 通过理论论证和实战总结,本文提出了协同商务中CRM的主题思想:CRM是企业与客户共同创造价值,而不仅仅是企业对客户做了什么。

    After theory reasoning and practical summary , this article presents a thematic idea that CRM is the process of creating value by enterprise and customer altogether , not just by the enterprise itself .

  22. 在实战Groovy的第2期中,您看到了Groovy的表现力和灵活性与Ant和Maven无与伦比的应用结合在一起时发生了什么。

    In this second installment of Practically Groovy , you 've seen what happens when the expressiveness and agility of Groovy is coupled with the unbeatable utility of Ant and Maven .

  23. 相比之下,波音公司的F-18战斗机实战效果最佳,比F-35战斗机要便宜,而且货源充足。

    Boeing 's F-18 has the most combat experience , and is likely to be cheaper than the F-35 .

  24. 到底他们在人们日常的“实战”中学到了些什么?带着这样的疑问,Oprah网站询问了五位顶级和平心理学者如何和平相处提供最好建议。

    Wondering what lessons they 've learned in the trenches that we could use in our daily lives ," O " asked five top peace psychologists for their best advice on waging harmony .

  25. 由艺术书籍出版商Taschen于去年年底出版的这本书随性地介绍了商业沟通的实战指南。

    Released by art book publisher Taschen late last year , the copy book is an inadvertent how-to for crafting business communications .

  26. 综合仿真系统(SSS),要能有效地为武器装备在接近实战条件下,进行作战效能评估,用于武器装备性能改进、改型,必须靠可信度高的武器模型来保证。

    Synthesis Simulation System ( SSS ) must be supported by highly reliable weapon model , if it need evaluate effectively by the fighting efficiency for weapons equipment under the condition of nearly real combat , and to be applied in the improvement or remodeling of weapon equipment performance .

  27. 文中分析了空军和导弹防御组织(BMDO)发展天基激光武器(SBL)所采取的现行技术途径以及为使实战SBL系统投入战场使用所必需的技术需求。

    This paper analyzes the current approach being taken by the Air Force and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization ( BMDO ) to develop the Space Based Laser ( SBL ) and the projected technology needs necessary to field an operational SBL weapon system .

  28. 针对目前足球训练普遍存在大强度练习与实战需要相脱节的现状,设计大强度持球的练习方法运用于U-21组足球队的大负荷训练课。

    There generally exists the status of disjointing intensive exercises with the needs of actual combat . Based on this situation , the training method for completing intensive exercises with balls was designed in training courses of great loading in the football team of .

  29. 区域控制的实战教学。

    3 , Practice of controlling traffic in a whole area .

  30. 论乒乓球多球训练法的实战应用

    Discussion on the Applying of Multi-ball Training Method in Table Tennis