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  1. 布陆毙正战海星一起玩。

    Pluto is playing with a starfish .

  2. 一些大型超市连锁店正展开价格战。

    The major supermarket chains are involved in a price war .

  3. 品牌风正急价格战犹酣中国陶瓷怎么了?

    What about Chinese ceramics ?

  4. 从多重意义上来讲正是反战运动改变了后世对于越战的印象

    In many ways it really was the anti-war movement on the ground that shaped our story of Vietnam

  5. 固然有人把荣幸战财产跟物量胜利联系起去,但另外一些人觉得荣幸存正在于热忱战稀切的人际干系中。

    While some people link happiness to wealth and material success , others think it lies in emotions and loving / close personal relationships .

  6. 美国如今正抓紧防范网络战的威胁。

    The US is now scrambling to counter the cyberwar threat .

  7. 在从布鲁克林到曼哈顿的战略撤退中,正是长岛之战提醒了华盛顿任命此团为其后卫部队。

    Their action during this battle prompted Washington to appoint them his rear guard when he strategically withdrew his army from Brooklyn to Manhattan .

  8. 但随着智能手机和平板设备的使用不断普及,网吧正成为网民争夺战的间接牺牲品。

    But as usage of smartphones and tablet devices expands , internet caf é s are becoming the collateral damage in the battle to get the country online .

  9. 它当时是被当作正真的蝙蝠战衣拿给克里斯蒂安·贝尔的,但他立刻明白这是一个玩笑,因为他已经在预制的时候看过一些设计图了。

    It was presented to Christian Bale as the real bat suit , but he knew instantly it was a joke , having seen a few design pictures during preproduction .