
zhèng fāng
  • square
正方 [zhèng fāng]
  • [square] 方形的各边长都相等

  • 正方盒子

正方[zhèng fāng]
  1. 介绍了计算二维正方点阵液态声子晶体带隙的PWM法。

    PWM is introduced to calculate the phononic band gaps for two ? dimensional liquid phononic crystals with square lattices .

  2. 在计入最近邻二体和三体作用的简谐近似下,解出了N×N正方简单格子的振动模。

    Taking account of two - and three-body interaction of the nearestneighbours , the acoustic modes of N × N square lattice is solved in harmonic approximation .

  3. 正方结构La(2-x)MxCuO4的晶格动力学

    The lattice dynamics of tetragonal la_ ( 2-x ) m_xcuo_4

  4. 采用正方元胞的Ising模型实空间重正化群解

    Renormalization group solution for the Ising model using square block spin

  5. 正方点阵上Fibonacci超元胞声子晶体的带结构

    Band structure of phononic crystal constructed by Fibonacci super-cell on square lattice

  6. 分析了带有点缺陷的二维正方晶格的TM模偏振的带隙分布,模拟了二维光子晶体缺陷态的分布。

    We analyzed the photonic band gap for TM polarization of two-dimensional photonic crystal of square lattice with point defects and simulated the defect states of two-dimensional photonic crystal . 2 .

  7. 采用完全匹配层(PML)吸收边界条件来截断计算区域,编制了一维光子晶体传输特性的数值计算程序以及二维正方晶格光子晶体传输特性的数值计算程序。

    Progams were developed to calculate the transmission properties of one-dimensional and two-dimensional photonic crystals , which use the perfectly matched layer to cut off the boundary of space .

  8. 虽然Stevie的脸是圆形,依然清晰可见的是他有一个基本正方的下颚。

    Although Stevie has a rounded face shape at the current time , it is still obvious that he has a basic square jaw .

  9. 位于加利福尼亚的洛杉矶一家名为BigMamaAndPapa's披萨店可以制作这种世界最大的披萨,不过是边长为1.37米(约6.4英尺)的正方形状。

    The largest pizza commercially available is 1 m 37 cm ( 4 ft 6 in ) by 1 m 37 cm ( 4 ft 6 in ) and is sold at the Big Mama 's and Papa 's Pizzeria in Los Angeles , California .

  10. 在此基础之上,开发了一种呈正方体型的2in(2×2.54cm)管内蠕动行走机构。

    At this basis , a 2 inch in pipe worming mechanism with a cubic form was developed .

  11. 在二维正方网格上,利用与传纯扩散有限凝聚DLA方法不同的分形生长模型,研究了具有不同扩散半径的拉子无规行走凝聚过程。

    On two & dimension square lattice , the aggregation of randomly walking particles with various diffusing radii were simulated by an algorithm which is somewhat different from the ordinary DLA model .

  12. 对其所有的二维晶格结构的计算表明,由于Jahn-Teller效应,对称性较高的正方和六角晶格都是不稳定的二维结构。

    The calculations for all the 2-dimensional lattice structures show that , as a result of Jahn-Teller effect , the high-symmetry square and hexagonal two-dimensional structures are metastable .

  13. 用坐标空间重正化群(PSRG)方法求解二维正方格子铁磁系统的临界指数

    The Calculation of Critical Exponents of the Two-dimensional Square Lattice Ferromagnetic System Using the Method of PSRG

  14. 运用共振价键概念和Schwinger-Boson平均场近似,研究了二维正方格子上的各向异性Heisenberg反铁磁性。

    Using the Resonant Valence Bond ( RVB ) concept and the Schwinger-Boson Mean Field approximation , this paper investigates a two dimensional ( square lattice ) anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet .

  15. 下个月,黑莓公司将推出一款叫做Passport的新机型,它依然搭载了黑莓标志性的QWERTY全键盘,但是键盘只有三排按键,也就是只有字母部分。另外它还搭载了一块罕见的4.5英寸正方型显示屏。

    Next month , the company is expected to release the Passport , a new model of smartphone that fuses the company 's signature QWERTY keyboard , slimmed to three rows and strictly alphabetical , with an unusual 4.5-inch square display .

  16. 二维正方柱结构光子晶体禁带的研究

    Research of band gap of two-dimensional photonic crystal with square rods

  17. 二维正方点阵液态声子晶体的带隙计算

    Band Gap Calculation for Two-dimensional Liquid Phononic Crystals with Square Lattices

  18. 把它放在帐本的正方。

    And that 's on the positive side of the ledger .

  19. 方形的有四个等边和等角的;正方的。

    Having four equal sides and four right angles ; square .

  20. 二维正方格子磁性光子晶体的带隙结构

    PBG structures of two-dimensional magnetic photonic crystals in square lattice

  21. 如果你准备给他做正方辩护的话。

    If you 're mounting some sort of affirmative defense .

  22. 关于椭圆方程正方网格差分格式的统一讨论

    Uniform Discussion of Square Net Difference Schemes of Elliptic Equation

  23. 某一公正方为解决争端而举行的谈判。

    Negotiation to resolve differences conducted by some impartial party .

  24. 液压剪,双刃剪,冲模,正方切剪设定。

    Hydraulic shear-dual , DIA set , resquaring shear set-down out type .

  25. 正弦平方势与掺杂超晶格双稳态系统的全局分叉正方副象半面象晶族

    Sine-squared Potential and Global Bifurcation for Dopping Superlattice as Bistable State Cell

  26. 目前评论界对口语诗歌的态度有正反两方面,而现在的情况则是反方压过了正方。

    Now critics have both positive and negative attitude of spoken poetry .

  27. 正方:洛杉矶本来就够有健康意识的了,到时候会更有健康意识。

    Pro : Los Angeles would become more health-conscious than it already is .

  28. 二维正方格子晶体中位错的晶格理论

    The theory of dislocation in two-dimensional square crystal lattice

  29. 二维正方复式晶格的完全光子带隙

    Absolute photonic band gaps of 2-D cubic compound lattice

  30. 正方副象半面象晶族奇异保序变换半群的极大正则子半群

    The maximal regular subsemigroups of singular order-preserving transformation semigroups