
  1. 试论魏晋书法的空间美

    On Space Beauty of Wei and Jin Calligraphy

  2. 考察《世说新语》,将有助于我们解读魏晋书法。

    Studying the book will help us a lot understand and appreciate the calligraphy in those two dynasties .

  3. 本文试图通过探讨艺术的空间性,进而探讨魏晋书法的空间美,即魏晋书法在内容上表现写意的人,人的心灵空间和对历史与宇宙的观照;

    This paper attempts to discuss the space nature of art in order further to discuss the space beauty of Wei and Jin calligraphy .

  4. 在这一部分中,阐述了选题的意义及自南朝至今人们对魏晋书法研究的历史,作了总体的概括。

    In this section , the significance of the study and self-awareness of the Wei-Jin Dynasty calligraphy is explained which has made an overall generalization .

  5. 汉末魏晋前书法艺术生成论

    The Generic Theory of Handwriting Art in the End of the Han Dynasty and Early Jin Dynasty

  6. 他在继承魏晋六朝书法美学特点的同时,自觉吸收北朝康健爽达的美学风气,形成重法尚意的美学思想。

    While he inherited the aesthetic features of Wei-Jin and Six-Dynasty periods , he consciously assimilated the aesthetic style of health and facility in the northern period , forming aesthetic ideas of stressing calligraphy and appreciating implications .

  7. 论人物品藻对魏晋南北朝书法品评的影响

    On the Impact of Characters on Calligraphy Criticism in Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties