
  1. 是我国20世纪著名画家和书法篆刻家。

    Is a famous painter of the20th century , and calligraphy and seal .

  2. 陈豫钟是清代著名篆刻家,并在书法、绘画、鉴定、收藏方面甚有建树。

    Henan Zhong Chen is a famous Qing Dynasty seal and calligraphy , painting , identification , collection of great achievements .

  3. 浑朴其质虚灵生韵介绍晚清篆刻家赵穆的四方印作当她慢慢扭动身子,渐渐恢复知觉时,她觉得浑身彻骨地疲倦、虚弱和困惑不解。

    When she made feeble swimming motions to come back to consciousness , she was tired to her bones , weak , bewildered .

  4. 明代中期著名的书法篆刻家文徵明的长子文彭,深受其父文徵明的影响。

    Ming and the famous calligraphy and seal the eldest son of Wen Zheng Wen Peng , Wen Zheng-ming of by his father .