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  • 于世次为叔父

  1. 这是本笃十六世第一次以教皇的身份访问法国。

    This is Benedict 's first trip to France as pontiff .

  2. 塔里木盆地北部早古生代早&中奥陶世一次典型的碳酸盐岩台地沉没事件

    A typical carbonate platform drowning event during early Middle Ordovician in North Tarim Basin

  3. 这是本笃十六世第一次以教皇的身份访问法国。在法国国歌《马赛曲》的乐声中,教皇本笃十六世在巴黎奥利机场受到法国总统萨尔科齐和第一夫人卡拉.布鲁妮的欢迎。

    To the notes of the Marseillaise , Pope Benedict was welcomed at Orly airport in Paris by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and First Lady Carla Bruni .

  4. 以庆丰剖面已获研究成果为基础,结合邻区地层和古生物资料,探讨江苏北部全新世二次海侵事件和气候变化。

    Twice marine invasion events and climate change in Holocene Epoch of North Jiangsu are discussed based on the obtained results of Qingfeng Profile and combined with the neighbouring stratigraphy and paleontological information .

  5. 初步探明该探槽展现出3条断层,断距最大为2.8m,推测这3条断层反映了发生于全新世的3次7级以上地震。

    It infers that these 3 faults are related to 3 earth-quakes larger than M 7.0 , occurred in Holocene epoch .

  6. 全新世与末次间冰期对比,总体气候变化较平缓。

    Comparing with last interglacial , the climate change in Holocene is more gently .

  7. 中全新世存在一次海退沉积间断;

    A depositional break in the middle Holocene ;

  8. 我曾两次降生于世:第一次,一名女婴,在底特律的一个无烟日;第二次,一名少年,在密歇根托斯基的一件急诊室里,那是在1974年的八月。

    I was born twice : first , as a baby girl , on a remarkably smogless Detroit day in January of 1960 ; and then again , as a teenage boy , in an emergency room near Petoskey , Michigan , in August of 1974 .

  9. 基于孢粉数据和植物功能型全球分类系统的全新世中期和末次盛冰期我国古植被格局定量重建

    Pollen-based reconstruction of vegetation in China during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum using a global scheme of plant functional types

  10. 4000~3400aBP气候寒冷干旱,是中全新世晚期的一次重要的气候演变转折时期;

    Cold and dry climate environment from 4 000 aBP to 3 400 aBP , which is an abrupt change in the climatic evolution of middle Holocene ;