
  • 网络Camera angle
  1. 用很多不同摄影角度覆盖一场景。

    You get a scene and you cover it from many different angles .

  2. 然后策划你要用的摄影角度。

    And then to actually plan the camera angles that you 're gonna use .

  3. 它们的眼睛被一圈黑色的毛包围着,所以从摄影角度来说,要拍到他们眼睛的细节部分是很有难度的。

    They are surrounded by black , so from a photographic point of view , it 's quite hard to get any detail into the eyes .

  4. 从时尚摄影的角度,本书特别收录了30位当今最前沿的艺术总监,时装设计师和摄影师的作品。

    With a primary focus on fashion photography , Mastermind features the work of30 of today 's most cutting edge art directors , fashion stylists and photographers .

  5. 从摄影的角度出发,用分析的方法,把徽州建筑放在整个徽州文化背景下,将摄影方法结合地区文化、建筑特点、细节等方面,来展现徽派建筑的美。

    From the perspective of photography , using analysis method , the huizhou construction in the huizhou culture background , the photography method combining with the characteristics of regional culture , construction , details , etc. , to show the beauty of the building has been gloriously enrolled .

  6. 照相机的视角&探索摄影创作的角度和观念

    The Visual Angel of Camera & Exploring the Angel and Notion of Photographic Creation

  7. 文章第一章论述了自拍现象的出现以及其原因,分析其与自画像之间的关系,从摄影术的角度论述自拍照的演化。

    The first chapter discusses the phenomenon of self-photo-taking and its causes and also analyzes the relation between self-portrait in terms of photography .

  8. 从摄影测量学角度出发,重点研究了确定外方位角元素的两种方法,根据实际结果选择精度较高的方法确定旋转矩阵。

    The thesis is focused on the two methods of calculating the outer azimuth elements with photogrammetry . And then the rotation matrix is determined by the more precise method . 3 .

  9. 我用照相机的闪光灯和掌握摄影成一个角度避免刺眼。

    I used the on camera flash and took the shot at an angle to avoid glare .

  10. 结论:髂内动脉造影显示子宫动脉开口的最佳位置为对侧斜位摄影;最佳倾斜角度为31°~45°。

    Conclusion : The best projection position to show the opening of uterus artery is contralateral oblique position , The best oblique angle is 31 °~ 45 ° .