
  • 网络centurial year;centennial year
  1. 这种方法得出了一个读数,它说明了自上世纪九十年处家庭能源的使用是如何演化的。

    This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s .

  2. 求出本世纪各年Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ三带的地震活动性指数A(b),并对A(b)指数随时间的变化作了最大熵谱分析和周期图分析。

    The maximum entropy analysis and the periodogram analysis are made for the temporal variations of the A ( b ) indexes .

  3. 一百万以上的移民者已经取代了于19世纪90年的死亡或者离开的柏林人。

    More than1m newcomers have replaced Berliners who have died or left the city since the1990s .

  4. 迈入这个新世纪十年之后,我们正在看到卫生发展援助可带来实效的迹象。

    Ten years into this new century , we are seeing signs that aid for health development can bring solid results .

  5. 第四章论述新世纪10年大众文化掀起娱乐化、平民化浪潮对主持人语态的影响。

    The fourth chapter discusses new century 10 years popular culture sparring more entertaining , popular tide of host tense influence .

  6. 新世纪千年回合的启动,使贸易与环境问题再次成为瞩目的热点。

    Trade and environmental question become the hot point again with the starting of ' millennium round ' in the new century .

  7. 20世纪70年发展起来的社会存在本体论,其实质是关系实在论。

    The essence of the ontology of social being , which has developed since the 1970s , is the realism of relationship .

  8. 对20世纪100年来,学术界对唐五代女性诗歌的研究状况进行了整理、研究。

    The current research condition about the female verses of Tang and Wu Dynasty is tidied up and studied in the academic circle .

  9. 我参加这场竞选,因为我不想看到明年在华盛顿重新发生上世纪90年那样的斗争。

    I am in this race because I don 't want to see us spend the next year re-fighting the Washington battles of the1990s .

  10. 新世纪第一年,在世界经济增长明显减速的情况下,我国国民经济继续保持了良好的发展势头。

    China 's national economy maintained a good momentum of development in the initial year of the new century in spite of global economic slowdown .

  11. 20世纪100年,人类空间变迁的速率及深刻程度远远超过了以往1000年!

    In the 100 years of 20th Century , the changing velocity and profundity of human 's space exceeded those of the past 1000 years greatly !

  12. 20世纪80年,黑客们有种叫“战争拨号”的技术,它通过调制解调器,循环搜索数据,不受区域限制的找到互联网中无保护的电脑。

    In the 1980s , hackers used a technique called " wardialing , " cycling through numbers with their modems to find unprotected computers faracross the Internet .

  13. 洛阳与汴梁:文化重心与政治重心的分离&关于11世纪80年代理学历史与思想的考察

    Luoyang and Bianliang : Separation of the Center of Culture from that of Politics & On the History and Ideas of Neo-Confucianism during the 1070s and 1080s

  14. 研究了本世纪中国年平均气温、年总降水量的气候趋势。

    N this study , the climate trend of the annual average air temperature and total annual rainfall in China in the present century has been examined .

  15. 第二阶段为20世纪60-70年,这一阶段泰国非政府组织关注的重点是自身的内部构建,产生了许多关注各种议题的非政府组织。

    The period between 1960 and 1970 is the second stage while NGOs in Thailand concern their inside construction and have produced a lot of NGOs focusing on various topics .

  16. 20世纪20年达早期希尔山上,一个有着出众表演才能的意志坚定的女性,用一辆安装在两块浮力板材上的自行车,横穿英吉利海峡。

    In the early1920s Zetta Hills , a determined young woman with a taste for showmanship , cycled across the English Channel on a bicycle mounted on two buoyant planks .

  17. 在20世纪百年中,经过几代学者的不懈努力,中国满&通古斯语言文化的研究工作取得了丰硕成果。

    In the last century , after the researchers ' hard work of several generations , the research of Manchu - Tungusic language and culture in China has achieved a lot .

  18. 很多媒体也没有负起责任,大部分主流媒体都忽略了这样一个事实:本世纪头七年,正在出现一场金融革命。

    Much of the media has been remiss , too : most mainstream outlets all but ignored the fact that a revolution was under way in finance during the first seven years of this decade .

  19. 20世纪90年以来,尤其是进入21世纪以来,我国正处在社会的转型期,整个社会在政治、经济、文化等领域都发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    Since the 20th century , particularly since the beginning of 21st century , are in social transformation period in China , the whole society in the political , economic , and cultural fields are earthshaking changes have taken place .

  20. 中国20世纪100年的现代主义文学,呈现出鲜明的地域特征并形成其独有的历史发展规律,它对20世纪中国文学产生了重要而深刻的影响。

    During the past century , Chinese literature of modernism has developed into different stages with regional characteristics and unique laws of historical development . It is of important and deep influence over the Chinese literature in the 20th century .

  21. 经过对现有文献资料的查询,发现鲜有文章专门论述自上世纪八十年以来苗族群体受社会发展的重大影响,以及苗族群体在礼仪习俗、服饰及婚恋家庭等传统民俗文化方面发生的变迁。

    By analyzing the existing literature materials , I find few essays that discussed the great influence on the Miao and the change of their life custom and the traditional folk-custom culture including the costume , marriage , love , family and so on since China reformed and opened up .

  22. 较高的储蓄率(几乎相当于全球gdp的24%)增大了资本池,大大高于本世纪最初几年的水平。

    The pool of capital is being augmented by a reasonably high level of saving ( nearly 24 per cent of world gross domestic product ) , up significantly from earlier this decade .

  23. 展望21世纪前10年,中国的石油石化工业既面临加入WTO以后严峻的竞争和挑战,又迎来了珍贵的历史性发展机遇。

    Looking to the first decade of the 21st century , China 's petroleum and petrochemical industry is facing intense competition and challenges resulting from participation in the World Trade Organization . The industry will also be presented an opportunity for development .

  24. 因此,21世纪头十年美国实行宽松货币政策的原因,主要不是归因于美联储(Fed)的决策,而是中国低估了人民币汇率,以形成出口产业的高就业率。

    Thus loose monetary policy in the US in the 2000s is ascribed not so much to decisions of the Federal Reserve , but to the Chinese undervaluation of the renminbi in order to produce high levels of employment in export industries .

  25. 本世纪头10年,墨西哥是未能受益于中国崛起的少数发展中国家之一,因为2001年中国加入世贸组织(WTO)使得中国出口商从其他国家那里夺取了市场份额,首当其冲的便是墨西哥。

    and in the 2000s Mexico was one of the few countries in the developing world that failed to benefit from China 's rise , since China 's membership of the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) in 2001 allowed its exporters to capture market share from , above all , Mexico .

  26. 熊彼特(Schumpeter)创造性破坏理论的实际运用令美国在20世纪最后20年丧失了4400万个就业岗位,但同时也在私营部门创造了7300万就业岗位。

    In an application of Schumpeter 's notion of creative destruction , the US lost 44m jobs in the last two decades of the 20th century , but simultaneously created 73m private sector jobs .

  27. 同时,这十年是跨世纪的十年,是不同寻常的。

    Meanwhile , this decade is cross-century time , and unusual .

  28. 20世纪温庭筠生年研究综述

    The Review of Research on Wen Ting-yun 's Birth Year

  29. 在跨世纪的2000年,中国面临了许多挑战。

    China met many challenges in the cross-century year of2000 .

  30. 社会科学研究方法的复归和创新&20世纪后20年学术现象回顾

    The Involution and Innovation of Social Sciences Study Method