
  • 网络World Peace Prize;World Peace Award;INTERNATIONAL PEACE PRIZE
  1. 现在支持扶轮世界和平奖学生的情况如何?

    How are the current Rotary World Peace Fellows being supported ?

  2. 扶轮世界和平奖助金受奖人的平均年龄几岁?

    What is the average age of a Rotary World Peace Fellow ?

  3. 扶轮世界和平奖学生大多是来自美国吗?

    Are most of the Rotary World Peace Fellows from the United States ?

  4. 大约每年可捐助一名在扶轮中心研读的扶轮世界和平奖学生。

    Endows one Rotary World Peace Fellow at a Rotary Center approximately every year .

  5. 批评人士对评奖委员会把通常授予世界领袖的和平奖颁发给一名环保人士提出质疑。

    Critics question the Nobel Committee 's choice of an environmentalist for the Peace Prize , which frequently is given to world leaders .

  6. 纳尔逊?曼德拉,政治活动家,世界领袖,诺贝尔和平奖得主,

    Nelson Mandela , political activist , world leader , Nobel Peace Prize winner ,

  7. 这个世界只有迈拿和平奖是当之无愧的!

    There is a place in my heart , you make it brighter , michael !

  8. 很显然,诺贝尔委员会已决定重新定义这个使世界更美好的和平奖,虽然它没有明说。

    Evidently the committee has decided to redefine the award as the Nobel Prize for Making the World a Better Place in Some Unspecified Way .