
  • 网络NOVA;nuova
  1. 该商学院现在缩小了与里斯本另外两个在国际上更为老牌的商学院的差距:诺瓦商业与经济学院(Nova)和天主教-里斯本商业与经济学院(Católica-Lisbon),综合排名分别为第25位和26位。

    The school is near to two more internationally established business schools in Lisbon : Nova and Cat ó lica-Lisbon , ranked at 25th and 26th overall .

  2. 一百年前,罗伯特·法尔康·司各特(RobertFalconScott)开始特拉诺瓦之旅,启程前往南极洲的时候,目标有两个:一是科学发现,二是达到地理意义上的南极点。

    A hundred years ago , when Robert Falcon Scott set out for Antarctica on his Terra Nova expedition , his two primary goals were scientific discovery and reaching the geographic South Pole .

  3. 我们就此咨询了佛吉尼亚州诺瓦亚历山大医院医院急诊室主任MartinBrown医生。

    We asked Dr. Martin Brown , chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia .

  4. 维拉诺瓦大学商学院(VillanovaUniversity'sSchoolofBusiness)开设了一门《理解后政府救助经济时代的全球市场》的公共课,教授们请来企业和政府领导人来讲解对危机的看法。

    Villanova University 's School of Business is offering ' Understanding the Global Marketplace in a Post-Bailout Economy , ' a team-taught class where professors bring in corporate and government leaders to offer perspectives on the crisis .

  5. 诺瓦机SDPL自动绘图系统

    The plotting SDPL system of NOVA machine

  6. 加利福尼亚州诺瓦托(Novato)NavitasLLC公司销售的NavitasNaturals系列产品就有脆脆的可可豆或去了壳的可可粒,8盎司一包,售价10美元。

    Navitas Naturals , sold by Navitas LLC , Novato , Calif. , offers crunchy whole beans or nibs ─ beans with the shell removed ─ at $ 10 for an eight-ounce bag .

  7. 昂克诺瓦Onconova医药公司执行长雷米什·库玛尔说,他的公司正在进行有关Ex-Rad这种“神药”的研发工作。

    Ramesh Kumar , the CEO of a U.S. drug research firm called Onconova , says his company has just such a wonder drug in the works .

  8. 诺瓦(NOVA)机自动绘制地震平面图的应用程序SDPL系统,是根据地图投影的原理设计的,可为用户绘制不同比例尺的各种地震平面图。

    SDPL system , the program by which the NOVA machine automatically plots seismic plane figure , is edited according to the principle of map projection , and used to plot various seismic plane figures with different plotting scales .

  9. 为了应付这种危机,或者为治疗遭受核反应堆受损后辐射泄漏侵袭的民众,美国国防部和昂克诺瓦医药公司合作研发这种叫作Ex-Rad的药物。

    To combat such a crisis - or to treat people exposed to radiation from a damaged nuclear reactor - the Department of Defense and Onconova have collaborated on the development of Ex-Rad .

  10. 在进入中国这个问题上,我们一直有些保守,诺瓦表示。他最为人熟知的是于1995年创立了美国门户网站Lycos,之后不久便加盟高原资本。

    We have been somewhat conservative in our approach to China , says Mr Nova , who is best known for founding Lycos , the US internet portal , in 1995 shortly before he joined Highland .

  11. 高中时我认识的那个“诺瓦”是怎么了?

    What happened to the Nova I knew in high school ?

  12. 诺瓦梯埃的房门也象其他的房门那样大开着。

    Noirtier 's room was opened , like all the rest .

  13. 你们想把杰诺瓦的头拿去做什么?

    What are you planning to do with jenova 's head ?

  14. 他们好像得到了杰诺瓦的头。

    It seems that they came into possession of jenova 's head .

  15. 迪韦尔诺瓦太太终于出现了,把我带到她的小会客室里;

    Madame Duvernoy appeared at length and showed me into her parlour .

  16. 诺瓦称,该公司拥有逾3000万用户。

    Mr Nova says it has more than 30m users .

  17. 格雷格•邦纳是维拉诺瓦大学的市场学教授。

    Greg Bonner is a marketing professor at Villanova University .

  18. 您现在就可以跟诺瓦蒂埃谈话了。

    You now know quite enough to enable you to converse with m.noirtier ;

  19. “这个诺言会履行吗,诺瓦梯埃先生?”

    " Will this promise be fulfilled , m.noirtier ?"

  20. 我们承认杜诺瓦是一位大将。

    We admit dunois is a great captain .

  21. 10月27日,特若·诺瓦号船抵达新西兰的惠灵顿。

    On October 27th , the Terra Nova arrived in Wellington , New Zealand .

  22. 我们离开座位想到楼上迪韦尔诺瓦夫人的包厢里去。

    We left our seats in the stalls and made for Madame Duvernoy 's box .

  23. 他们看见莫雷尔以超人的力量抱住那只坐着诺瓦梯埃的圈椅,把老人抬上楼来。

    Morrel was seen carrying , with superhuman strength , the arm-chair containing Noirtier up-stairs .

  24. 在诺瓦斯科舌今早

    In Nova Scotia earlier today the ocean

  25. 瓦朗蒂娜拿来了一本字典,把它放到诺瓦蒂埃面前的书桌上。

    " Yes . " valentine fetched a dictionary , which she placed on a desk before noirtier ;

  26. 如果你到埃拉克莱米诺瓦的海边,临近威尼斯,记住在那里建沙雕是被禁止的。

    If you go to the sea in Eraclea , near Venice , remember that building sandcastles is forbidden .

  27. 他在厅里等了一会儿,想叫一个仆人来带他去见诺瓦梯埃先生;

    He waited for a moment in the hall and called for a servant to conduct him to m.noirtier ;

  28. 诺瓦东南大学的研究人员发现了导致外来海洋生物扩散的罕见原因——飓风。

    Researchers from Nova Southeastern University have found an unlikely cause of the proliferation of invasive marine species - hurricanes .

  29. 在奥运会女子撑竿跳高比赛中,伊辛巴耶娃击败了同胞费奥法诺瓦,夺得了冠军,并且在比赛中创造了新的世界记录。

    Yelena Isinbayeva saw off fellow Russian Svetlana Feofanova to claim Olympic pole-vault gold with a world record in Athens .

  30. 在斯特帕诺瓦居住的西伯利亚州府新西伯利亚,几乎三分之一的结核病感染者会死亡。

    In Novosibirsk , the capital of Siberia where Stepanova lives , almost one in three TB infections is fatal .