
  • 网络novo nordisk;Novonordisk;NNIT
  1. 诺和诺德(NovoNordisk)和Shire等其他几家知名药企对非酒精性脂肪性肝炎药物的研发还处于较早阶段。

    Several other well-known pharmaceutical groups , including Novo Nordisk and Shire are working on Nash drugs at an earlier stage of development .

  2. 这家医药公司有一项“后备关怀”计划,旨在帮助那些主要由诺和诺德(NovoNordisk)员工照料的人们获得医疗专家服务,并且只对员工收取很少的医疗费用。

    The healthcare company 's Backup Care program allows those that rely on Novo Nordisk employees as primary caregivers to have access to specialists , billing the employee only a minor co-pay .

  3. 诺和诺德是熠熠生辉的全球性大公司。

    Novo Nordisk has the sheen of a global champion .

  4. 丹麦的诺和诺德于2002年在北京建立了研发中心。

    Denmark 's Novo Nordisk set up a research facility in Beijing in2002 .

  5. 我们非常感谢您对诺和诺德公司职位的兴趣并已收到您发来的简历!

    Thank you for your interest in Novo Nordisk position and resume received .

  6. 诺和诺德将要在这里建立一个生产胰岛素工厂。

    Novo Nordisk is building an insulin plant there .

  7. 诺和诺德计划于2008年第二季度末在美国和欧洲递交审查申请。

    Novo plans to file for an approval review for liraglutide in the United States and Europe toward the end of the second quarter of2008 .

  8. 该会议由内分泌协会和美国糖尿病协会共同主办,由诺和诺德公司非限制性教育基金赞助。

    The conference was coendorsed by The Endocrine Society and the American Diabetes Association and was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novo Nordisk .

  9. 罗氏、诺华、阿斯利康、诺和诺德和赛诺菲-安万特等医药公司都在大举投资于中国的研发项目,而这些项目多数集中在上海。

    Roche , Novartis , AstraZeneca , NovoNordisk and Sanofi-Aventis are all investing significantly in research and development in China , with the majority concentrated in Shanghai .

  10. 诺和诺德位于生产科技产业群的中心此处又被称为“医药谷”,由哥本哈根延伸至邻国瑞典的马尔默,每年营业额高达134亿欧元。

    Novo Nordisk is at the centre of a biotech cluster , dubbed Medicon Valley , that stretches from Copenhagen to malm in neighbouring Sweden and has an annual turnover of 13.4 billion .