
  • 网络noranda;Rouyn-Noranda
  1. X射线荧光分析仪在诺兰达生产中的故障判断及处理

    Trouble Diagnosis and Remedy in Noranda Reactor Operation with X ray Fluorescent Analyzer

  2. 简要介绍应用X射线荧光分析仪判断及处理诺兰达工艺生产故障的工作原理和具体过程。

    It describes briefly the working principle and specific process for diagnosing and remedying troubles occurring in Noranda process operation by using X ray fluorescent analyzer .

  3. 大冶诺兰达炉渣选矿厂清洁生产实践

    Cleaner Production Practice of Daye Noranda Furnace Slag Dressing - works

  4. 大冶诺兰达余热锅炉设计总结

    Sum up of Waste Heat Boiler Design for Daye Noranda Reactor

  5. 浅谈石油焦在诺兰达炉生产中的作用

    On Function of Petroleum Coke in Operation of Noranda Reactor

  6. 大冶诺兰达熔炼渣缓冷生产实践

    Production Practice of Slow Cooling of Daye Noranda Reactor Slag

  7. 诺兰达炉炉结炉衬控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of Noranda Furnace Slag and Liner by Controlled Blasting

  8. 诺兰达炉的消化试制和密封烟罩的开发

    Assimilation and Trial manufacture of Noranda Reactor and Development of Sealed Hood

  9. 诺兰达炉渣选矿工艺探讨

    Discussion on Mineral Processing of Slag of Noranda Reactor

  10. 大冶诺兰达炉工艺控制及技术管理

    Process Control and Technical Management of Daye Noranda Reactor

  11. 诺兰达炉铜冶炼系统对SO2排放的影响及措施

    The Effect of Nowland Cu Smelting System and Its Measures on SO_2 Discharging

  12. 大冶诺兰达炉分散式计算机控制系统的开发

    Development of Distributed Computer control System ( DCS ) for Daye Noranda Reactor

  13. 诺兰达炉处理低硫铜精矿的生产试验研究

    Industrial Test Research on Processing of the Low Sulphur Copper Concentrate with Noranda Furnace

  14. 大冶诺兰达炼铜工艺设计特点

    Design Features of Daye Noranda Copper Smelting Process

  15. 大冶诺兰达炉烟气净化设计

    Gas Cleaning Design of Daye Noranda Reactor

  16. 利用选矿工艺贫化诺兰达炉渣

    Noranda Reactor Slag Cleaning with Mineral Processing

  17. 保护炉衬的诺兰达炉炉结的高温控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of Noranda Furnace accretion by controlled blasting under conditions of high temperature and lining protection

  18. 本文介绍了大冶有色金属公司诺兰达炉渣选矿的现状及改进情况。

    This paper introduced the improvement and situation of Noranda slag beneficiation in Daye Non ferrous Metals Company .

  19. 介绍230kt/a诺兰达炉铜冶炼烟气制酸装置的运行及技术改造。

    The operation and revamping of a 230 kt / a sulphuric acid plant based on NRD smelter off-gas are described .

  20. 介绍了诺兰达炉氧平衡控制方法,对控制中常见的问题总结了一些相应措施。

    This article introduces control method of oxygen balance for Norlanda Furnace , and summarizes some relevant measures for solving common control problems .

  21. 叙述了引进的诺兰达炉转化设计、研制和与之相配套的密封烟罩的开发设计。

    This paper describes design transformation and trial manufacture of Noranda reactor imported and development and design of sealed hood necessary for the reactor ;

  22. 介绍计算机及自动控制系统在大冶诺兰达炉的基本配置、硬件组成和自动控制的实现过程。

    This paper describes basic configuration , hardware composition and realization of automatic control of computer and automatic control system in Daye Noranda reactor .

  23. 介绍了大冶冶炼厂的技术改造方案,以及诺兰达熔炼系统试车投产过程中的种种问题。

    This paper gives the introduction of the plan of technical modification of Daye Smelter and some problems raising from trial production in Noranda system .

  24. 介绍大冶有色金属公司诺兰达富氧熔池熔炼系统改造设备慨况、配套设施、主要问题分析及运行实践。

    This paper recommends briefly the equipment and corresponding establishment in innovation of Noranda reactor smelting system , analysis of main problems existed and the operation in Daye nonferrous metals corporation .

  25. 考察了一些调整剂对大冶含铜诺兰达炉渣浮选的影响。

    To observe and study some regulators which influence the flotation of Copper mineral in Raranda slag of Daye , and probe into the function amd mechanism of the sodium sulphide .

  26. 简要介绍大冶有色金属公司冶炼厂冶炼技术改造的必要性、改造方案的选择以及工程建设和大冶诺兰达炉第一炉期的生产概况。

    It describes briefly the necessity for smelting technical modification , modification scheme , project construction and operation status in 1 st campaign of Daye Noranda reactor in Daye Smelter of Daye Non ferrous Metal Corporation .

  27. 简单介绍利用选矿法处理诺兰达炉炉渣的概况,对炉渣的性质与选矿生产的相关因素进行了简要分析,提出了进一步解决渣选不足的设想。

    This paper describes briefly treatment of Noranda reactor slag with mineral processing , gives analysis in brief on slag property and factors related to the mineral processing and proposes consideration to settle insufficient slag cleaning .

  28. 介绍了大冶诺兰达炉工艺控制的原则、操作步骤和技术管理网络。探讨了工艺控制中常见问题的处理及异常情况的操作策略。

    The paper describes the principle and operating procedures of process control and technical management network of Daye Noranda reactor , and discusses remedy of common trouble in the process control and operating strategy in abnormal case .

  29. 介绍设计宽极距、超高压电收尘器净化诺兰达炉烟气、回收高比电阻粉尘的过程与实践效果。

    The paper describes the design of an electrostatic precipitator with long electrode distance and super high voltage that is used for cleaning Noranda reactor gas and presents process and results in recovering high specific resistance fine dust .

  30. 阐述了诺兰达富氧熔池熔炼工艺的主要特点和对大冶冶炼厂改造的适应性,详细分析了大冶改造设计与霍恩冶炼厂的不同之处,并介绍改进后所取得的效果。

    It describes major features of Noranda oxygen enriched air bath smelting process and its adaptability to modification of Daye Smelter , analyses in details the modification design and the difference from Horne Smelter and presents satisfactory results achieved after modification .