
  • 网络Gnomeregan
  1. 对我来说,诺莫瑞根是罪有应得!

    As far as I 'm concerned , Gnomeregan got what it deserved !

  2. 自从他成为诺莫瑞根的国王以来,他占用了自己大部分的时间在疯狂的征服世界的发明上。

    He keeps to himself most of his time since becoming king of Gnomeregan , working on insane world – conquering inventions .

  3. 当我们还是诺莫瑞根工匠学院的学生时,他总是令我的成绩惨不忍睹。

    It was Narain , after all , that destroyed the curve on every exam back when we were students at the Gnomeregan Institute of Tinkering .

  4. 然而,他最近开始与黑铁矮人商谈,让他们使用诺莫瑞根的隧道,以为自己换取他声明的铁炉堡的一部分。

    Recently , however , he opened negotiations with the Dark Iron dwarves , allowing them use of Gnomeregan 's tunnels in exchange for a part of Ironforge to call his own .