
  • 网络norbert;Noble
  1. 怎么都行,只要能摆脱诺伯——还有马尔福。

    Anything to get rid of Norbert - and Malfoy .

  2. 看来诺伯的牙齿是有毒的。

    It looked as if Norbert 's fangs were poisonous .

  3. 他一定知道我们要弄走诺伯了。”

    he 's going to know we 're getting rid of Norbert .

  4. 不过这也可能是因为诺伯刚刚咬了他的腿。

    although that might have been because Norbert had just bitten him on the leg .

  5. 我们不妨把诺伯送给他。

    We could send Norbert to him .

  6. “它现在真的认识我了,你们看着。诺伯!诺伯!妈妈在哪儿?”

    He really knows me now , watch . Norbert ! Norbert ! Where 's Mommy ?

  7. 如果他们碰到一条龙,一条完全成年的大龙——诺伯就已经够难对付的了……

    If they met a dragon , a fully-grown dragon - Norbert had been bad enough ...

  8. 第十四章挪威脊背龙——诺伯


  9. 再加上诺伯和隐形衣,他们早就该收拾行李回家了。

    Add Norbert and the invisibility cloak , and they might as well be packing their bags already .

  10. “我决定叫它诺伯,”海格用泪水模糊的眼睛看着小龙

    I 've decided to call him Norbert , said Hagrid , looking at the dragon with misty eyes .

  11. “应该不会太难——我认为隐形衣足够遮住我们两个人和诺伯。”

    It shouldn 't be too difficult - I think the cloaks big enough to cover two of us and Norbert .

  12. “海格,”哈利提高了嗓门,“再过两个星期,诺伯就会变得跟你的房子一样长。

    Hagrid , said Harry loudly , give it two weeks and Norbert 's going to be as long as your house .

  13. 他刚才到海格的小屋去帮他喂诺伯,诺伯现在开始吃用木板箱装的死老鼠了。

    He had been down at Hagrid 's hut , helping him feed Norbert , who was now eating dead rats by the crate .

  14. “我们没有时间再派一只猫头鹰去找查理,而且这大概是我们摆脱诺伯的惟一机会了。

    We haven 't got time to send Charlie another owl , and this could be our only chance to get rid of Norbert .

  15. “我不能让你们进来,”他喘着气说,“诺伯现在很难对付——我拿它没有办法。”

    I won 't let you in , he puffed . Norbert 's at a tricky stage - nothin ' I can 't handle .

  16. 为《纽约时报》撰写了登月报告的记者约翰•诺伯•威尔福德后来写道,火星对我们的吸引力比地心引力还大。如果能到达火星,那将是一次巨大的飞跃。

    The reporter who covered the moon landing for The New York Times , John Noble Wilford , later wrote that Mars tugs at our imagination " with a force mightier than gravity . " Getting there will take a giant leap .