
  • 网络Flying;Flying Lesson
  1. 金·凯瑞(JimCarrey)饰演的主角接受了这个挑战,结果学了韩语,上了飞行课,还升了职。

    Jim Carrey 's character takes on this challenge and ends up learning Korean , taking flying lessons , and getting promoted .

  2. 她的指导老师耐塔。斯努克给她上常规的飞行课。

    Amelia took regular flying lessons from her instructor NETA snook .

  3. 来吧,把飞行课上完。

    Hey , come on , let finish your flying lesson .

  4. 他总是梦想能上飞行课。

    It 's always been his dream to have flying lessons .

  5. 霍琦夫人:欢迎你们上第一堂飞行课。

    Madame Hooch : Welcome to your first flying lesson .

  6. 或者参加普通教育或者上飞行课。

    It was either get a GED or take a pilot class .

  7. 上过几堂飞行课不是自愿的

    I took a couple of flying lessons . Wasn 't for me .

  8. 男:嗯,我没告诉他我参加了飞行课。

    M : Well , I didn 't tell him about my flying lessons .

  9. 欢迎来到你的第一堂飞行课。

    Welcome to your first flying lesson .

  10. 飞行课上,大森和杜松学会了姿势优美地飞上空中。

    During flying lessons , Forrest and Juniper learned to rise gracefully into the air .

  11. 或者上飞行课的事

    or taking flying lessons , either .

  12. 我学过几节飞行课。

    Took a couple flying lessons .

  13. 想尝尝飞鸟在空中翱翔的乐趣吗?快跟著我们到风隧道里上一堂飞行课。

    Inside a vertical wind tunnel , the author flies like a bird with very little danger .

  14. 奥蒂斯在飞行课上已经学会了专心,但他在降落课上却一直没有听过讲。

    Otis had paid attention during flying lessons , but he had never listened during landing lessons .

  15. 她同时在一家电话公司工作以支付她飞行课的费用。

    Amelia also took a job with a phone company to help pay for her flying lessons .

  16. 在第一节飞行课上,我被面前数目众多的刻度盘吓坏了。

    On my first flying lesson I was horrified by the number of dials in front of me .

  17. 游客可以识别出艾维克城堡的庭院就是上第一节飞行课的地方。

    Visitors may recognize Alnwick Castle 's courtyard as the field where the famous first flying lesson takes place .

  18. 那时我上的是夜班,所以就把飞行课放在了早晨。

    I was working an evening shift at the time , so I worked flying lessons into my morning schedule .

  19. 于是费利克斯去上了三天的飞行课学习如何解决难题、时间管理和有效沟通&没有一点儿跟飞行有关。

    So Felix went to a three-day course and learned about problem solving , time management , and effective communication-but nothing about flying .

  20. 第一天的“飞行课”,克拉伦斯抑制不住自己的兴奋(而费利克斯几乎吓得尿了裤子)。

    On the first day of the " flying lessons ," Clarence could barely control his excitement ( and Felix could barely control his bladder ) .

  21. 最近,他涉嫌偷盗了3架小型飞机&而更加令人称奇的是,他一节飞行课都没有上过。

    Lately , he is suspected of stealing three small aircraft & all the more impressive given that he has never taken a single flying lesson .

  22. 袋鼠爬行的成绩是优秀,但是在飞行课上却遇到了麻烦。他擅长从树上往下飞,而老师却让他从地面起跳往上飞。

    The squirrel got an A in climbing , but his flying teacher made him start from the ground up , instead of from the tree top down .

  23. 丽贝卡在地面控制训练方面做得十分出色。之后,在她第四堂空中飞行课上,飞行指挥员给了她一次她所认为的特殊待遇:

    After the mandatory ground schooling , at which Rebecca excelled , and during her fourth lesson in the sky , the flight instructor gave her what she thought was a special treat :

  24. 马尔夫的确正在大谈即将要上的飞行训练课。

    Malfoy certainly did talk about flying a lot .

  25. 下午三点半,哈利、罗恩,还有其它同学,怀着兴奋的心情准备上他们的第一堂飞行训练课。

    At three-thirty that afternoon , Harry , Ron , and the other Gryffindors hurried down the front steps onto the grounds for their first flying lesson .

  26. 我十六岁时,甚至上过一些滑翔机飞行训练课,但我父母得知后极力反对,认为这太危险。

    When I was sixteen years old , I even took some flying lessons on a glider , but my parents freaked out and thought it was too dangerous .

  27. 从上面提到草药学,飞行和魔药课这些课堂上的情况来看,他们甚至不是一个班的。

    Judging by the numbers cited above for herbology , flying , and potions , they must not even be in the same classes .

  28. 他原决定去学飞行,可是刚要开始上飞行课,他就害怕了。

    He decided to take flying lessons but just before they started he chickened out .

  29. 我还未独自一个人飞行过,但连续两周每天上飞行课让我离那一刻近多了。

    I have not yet flown solo , but two weeks of daily lessons have got me a lot closer .