
  • 网络missile
  1. 在核能工程中飞射物(包括飞机)的冲击问题,本文给予一个总的评述。

    This Paper Presents an overview of the major aspects of the missile ( including aircraft ) impact problems in nuclear power engineering .

  2. 变截面叶片受飞射物强烈撞击的塑性动力响应

    Plastic dynamic response of turbo blade rotating in high speed under impact by flying object

  3. 因此,本文作者在阅读了大量国外文献的基础上,对风致飞射物问题进行了深入的研究,总结了该问题的研究现状,并提炼了关键的理论问题。

    So the author goes deep into the problem based on reading a great deal of foreign literatures , summarizing the research status quo and abstracting the pivotal theory problem .

  4. 以飞射物撞击构件引起破坏为工程背景,研究端头带有质量块的悬臂梁受到冲击载荷作用后发生剪切失效的可能性。

    Related to the dynamic failure of structural members struck by projectiles , this paper studies the possibility of the shear failure of a cantilever beam with an attached mass block at the tip under impulsive loading .