
  1. 西北航空公司飞机融资租赁问题研究

    The Research on Aircraft Finance Lease of China Northwest Airlines

  2. 飞机融资租赁风险模糊综合评价模型

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Aircraft Financial Lease Risks

  3. 论飞机融资租赁的法律特征

    Legal Characteristics of Aircraft Financing Lease

  4. 飞机融资租赁作为一项现代的融资和营销手段已经在世界范围内被越来越多的航空公司和民用飞机生产制造商所采用。

    Aircraft financial leasing has been accepted by more and more airlines and civil aircraft manufacturers as method of financing and marketing around the world .

  5. 最后对开展国内飞机融资租赁的好处以及现存的障碍和不利之处作了探讨,并提出了一些建议。

    At the end of the article , the benefits and obstacles in carrying out domestic aircraft leasing are discussed and some propositions on it are provided .

  6. 针对融资租赁项目交易金额大、交易时间长、风险因素复杂多变的特点,本文进行了详细的风险类型、风险因素分析,探讨了飞机融资租赁的风险类型、各类风险的度量方法。

    Because of the large amount of capital , long duration and various risk elements in the aircraft financial leasing ; the risks in it are high .

  7. 文章的第四部分引用了一个实际的飞机融资租赁合同案例,根据这个案例中给出的数据,套用融资租赁模型估算该融资租赁租金定价的上下限,对实际合同执行时租金的合理性进行分析。

    The fourth part of the paper includes an airplane-leasing contract case , which offers data for rental pricing model of financial leasing . When price interval is set , analysis on rationality of contract execution is examined .

  8. 之后,重点对飞机的融资租赁做定价模型的分析,并从出租人以及承租人的角度分别对融资租赁的定价的区间做了限定。

    Secondly , on analysis of pricing model , we limit the financial leasing price interval for leaser and lessee respectively .

  9. 特别是在像汽车或飞机市场等融资租赁将极具发展潜力。

    Especially some important subsectors like the market for cars or airplanes exhibit immense growth potential .

  10. 融资租赁是我国航空公司引进飞机的主要方式,而飞机融资租赁业务中存在诸多风险因素。

    Finance lease is a main way of purchasing aircraft for domestic airlines . The business of finance lease of aircraft contains many risk factors .

  11. 然后以飞机租赁决策为例,对飞机租赁的两种主要方式&飞机经营租赁与飞机融资租赁进行了实物期权的特征分析,并且构建了相应的实物期权定价模型。

    And then making an example of aircraft leasing decision-making , this article analyzes the traits of real options towards two aircraft leasing methods which are aircraft management leasing and aircraft financing leasing , and constructs the corresponding real options pricing model .