
  • 网络control rod drive mechanism;CRDM;CRDMs
  1. 本文介绍了稳态控制棒驱动机构的结构特点、设计参数和试验情况。

    The structure characteristics , the parameter of design and the test results of CRDM are presented .

  2. FFR控制棒驱动机构样机的后备减振器

    Design of the reserve damper in the FFR control rod drive mechanism prototype

  3. FFR实验快堆控制棒驱动机构样机设计(Ⅰ型)

    Design of the control rod drive mechanism prototype for the FFR ( I type )

  4. 300系列奥氏体不锈钢是PWR堆内构件、压力边界系统和控制棒驱动机构管座的主要材料,疲劳破坏是其失效形式之一。

    The 300 series austenitic stainless steel , which is the main material of the containment buildings pressure boundary and the control rod drive mechanisms ( CRDMs ), will be damaged for the fatigue .

  5. 控制棒驱动机构的电磁设计计算

    Electromagnetic Design Calculation of the Control Rod Drive Mechanism

  6. 先进堆长寿命控制棒驱动机构热态寿命考验

    Longeval Control Rod Drive Mechanism Hot Life Test for Advance Pressurized Water Reactor

  7. 对该型控制棒驱动机构本文进行了快速落棒实验,得到了各种工况的落棒时间和特性。

    The drive mechanism is experimentally studied to gain the characteristic of scram time .

  8. 压水堆控制棒驱动机构用球轴承的结构设计

    The Construction Design of Ball Bearings Used in the Control Rod Driving Mechanism of PWRs

  9. 介绍了一种全新的控制棒驱动机构方案&可动线圈电磁铁控制棒驱动机构,它将应用于中国先进研究堆上。

    The movable coil electromagnet drive system is a completely new scheme for reactor control rod .

  10. 脉冲控制棒驱动机构具有全行程脉冲时间短、结构简单、维修方便的特点。

    The feature are : the pulse time of whole journey is short , the configuration is simple , the maintain is convenient .

  11. 主热交换器、控制棒驱动机构和乏燃料与堆芯一起置于反应堆压力壳内。

    Primary heat exchangers , control rod drives and spent fuel elements are put in the reactor pressure vessel together with reactor core .

  12. 本文介绍了秦山核电二期工程控制棒驱动机构的设计规范和设计准则,驱动机构结构特点及工作原理、设计计算及设计验证等。

    This paper introduces the design codes and standards , the characteristics of CRDM and its working principle , design computation and design verification .

  13. 为验证长寿命控制棒驱动机构能否满足设计要求,进行行驱动机构热态寿命考验。

    The hot life test has been done to testify whether the longeval Control Rod Drive Mechanism can meet the requirements of the design indexes .

  14. 核电站主设备控制棒驱动机构管座是通过焊接和过盈配合共同作用安装在压力容器顶盖上。

    The control rod drive mechanism ( CRDM ) housing of nuclear power plant is installed on the reactor pressure vessel head by welding and interference fit .

  15. 本文介绍了先进堆长寿命控制棒驱动机构热态寿命考验的过程和考验结果。

    This paper describes the purpose , requirement , device , test process and results of longeval Control Rod Drive Mechanism hot life test for Advance pressurized water reactor ( APWR ) .

  16. 控制棒水压驱动机构单缸步进动态过程

    Single cylinder stepping motion for the control rod hydraulic drive mechanism

  17. 控制棒水压驱动机构水压缸步降过程研究

    Study on Step-Down Dynamic Process of Hydraulic Cylinder for Control Rod Hydraulic Drive Mechanism

  18. 针对控制棒水压驱动机构单个水压缸的步进性能,通过实验获得了水压缸步进的动态过程。

    The dynamic stepping motion of a hydraulic cylinder for the control rod hydraulic drive mechanism ( CRHDM ) was tested experimentally .

  19. 本研究结果为控制棒水压驱动机构单缸步进过程的动态模拟以及控制棒水压驱动机构在步进过程中各部件的应力分析奠定了理论基础。

    This model would be helpful for the dynamic simulation of the step motion process and the stress analysis of the control rod hydraulic drive mechanism .

  20. 为了解释控制棒可动线圈电磁驱动机构加入永磁后电磁力增强的机理,对机构的电磁机理及分布进行了研究。

    The electromagnetic field distribution was studied to explain the increased electromagnetic force after installing permanent magnets in a movable magnetic coils control rod drive mechanism .