
  • 网络control platform;console
  1. 基于数据库的DAB复用器控制平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of DAB Multiplexer Console based on RDBMS

  2. 最后,设计了无轴承异步电机的实验控制平台。同时提供了按键和LCD液晶来构成人机交互,完成控制系统参数的设定和显不。

    Finally , the experimental console of the bearingless asynchronous motor is set up . User can set the parameters of remote control system on the LCD display by keys of console .

  3. 基于Linux的嵌入式控制平台的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Embedded Control Platform Based on Linux

  4. 基于Web的DMC远程仿真与控制平台开发

    Development of Web-based DMC Remote Simulation and Control Platform

  5. 从而解放PC总线,将运动控制平台做成一个外接的开放式平台。

    Thus liberate PC bus , will move and control the platform to make into an outer open platform .

  6. 同时,设计和实现了一套开放智能控制平台原型系统,并在该平台上实现了ForCES协议。

    We designed and implemented a prototype system of the open intelligent control platform , and implemented a ForCES protocol on the platform .

  7. 此前,应用于这些系统的控制平台一般由运行于版权软件上基于PC的电脑数值控制(CNC)组成。

    The previous control platform used on these systems consisted of PC-based computer numeric control ( CNC ) running on proprietary software .

  8. 宏微控制平台还可以应用于其他领域,比如说MEMS、超精密加工等。

    The platform can also be used in other fields , such as MEMS , super precise process .

  9. 按照工程设计的需求,又采用了一套基于DSP的控制平台,设计了此平台的软件和部分硬件,验证了平台和软件的可行性。

    According to the engineering requirements , another control platform of DSP is also designed to prove the feasibility of hardware and software .

  10. PC+基于DSP运动控制器构成的开放式运动控制平台是运动控制领域研究热点之一。

    Open motion-control platform , which is consisted of PC and motion controller based on DSP , is one of the hot research areas .

  11. 他以通信设备故障测试仪为基础,基于Internet,以PC机作为远程控制平台,应用嵌入式、网络编程等技术,实现了远程信息显示和控制。

    Via Internet , taking the fault diagnosis platform for communication equipment as application terminal and adopting embedded system , network program technique , it realizes the remote monitor and control .

  12. 基于CICS的交易控制平台的研究与设计

    Research and design of the transaction control platform based on CICS

  13. 考虑机械手的动力学特性,设计了单神经元自适应PID控制器,在开放式控制平台上实现了机械手的精确轨迹跟踪。

    The dynamic model of the manipulator was deduced , the neuron adaptive PID controller was designed , and servo control with high accuracy was achieved .

  14. 最后,设计与实现了SaaS通用访问控制平台。

    Last , this paper showed the detailed design and implement of the SaaS oriented general access control platform .

  15. 基于CPCI的多通道短波通信控制平台开发

    Development of Multi-channel Short-wave Communication Control Platform Based on CPCI

  16. OPC是一种为企业信息系统方便地存取工业生产控制平台数据较突出的软件标准。

    OPC is an emerging software standard designed to provide enterprise information system applications with easy and common access to industrial plant floor data .

  17. PaaS的应用程序开发人员控制平台上处于一个完整业务生命周期中的所有应用程序。

    A PaaS application developer controls all the applications found in a full business life cycle for the platform .

  18. 控制平台通过USB通信模块和LAN通信模块,建立与外部设备的数据处理通道,将与SPI接口连接的仪表数据进行传输处理。

    The control platform connects external equipment with USB module and LAN module for transmitting the data of instrumentation which connects the control platform with SPI interface .

  19. 主要工作有:实现了RCC设备模拟器和适配器、实现了RCC在设备自动化控制平台中的过程控制、实现了RCC在制造执行系统中的逻辑控制。

    The main work is to realize the Equipment Adapter for RCC , realize the RCC process control in the Equipment Automation Control Platform and the logic control in Manufacturing Execution System .

  20. 信息家电网络控制平台SOPCA

    Sopca : a home network control platform for information applicance

  21. 第四章详细介绍了基于GPIB接口总线的虚拟仪器技术的软件设计,本地控制平台的工作流程。

    In the forth chapter , software design of Virtual Instrument Technology based on GPIB-Bus , and working flow of local control flat will be introduced in detail .

  22. 首先,对面向用户开放的嵌入式运动控制平台进行了功能分析,并根据功能要求分别选择WINDOWSCE嵌入式操作系统和EtherMAC(EthernetforManufactureAutomationControl)实时以太网运动控制平台为其软硬件实施平台。

    In this dissertation , according to the function requirements , Windows CE embedded operating system and EtherMAC ( Ethernet for Manufacture Automation Control ) real-time Ethernet motion control platform are chosen as the software and hardware implementing platform .

  23. 为解决强背景噪声下的语音通信问题,设计了基于ARM核处理器的硬件控制平台和以DSP为核心的语音处理系统,采用嵌入式以太网完成实时语音和指令数据的传输;

    A speech signal processing system based on the hardware control platform of ARM core processor and DSP is designed to resolve the speech communication in the high noise environment . transmission of real time speech and instrument datum is realized by the embedded ethernet .

  24. 提出了一种应用于单相级联型SVG的软硬件控制平台的设计方法,详细分析了系统硬件设计方法,涵盖了FPGA的系统设计及功率单元采样系统设计。

    It designs the hardware and software control platform , which could be used in single-phase cascaded SVG . Detailed analysis of the system hardware design is given , it covers the designs of FPGA system and power unit sampling system .

  25. 提出了以嵌入式系统为硬件控制平台、uClinux为软件控制平台,以嵌入式Web为信息传输方式,以数码相机为图像拍摄主体的电子警察系统。

    In this Electronic Police System , we use embedded system as the hardware platform , uClinux as the software platform , the embedded Web as the information transmission mode , and the digital camera as the picture capture equipment to realize it .

  26. 系统采用windowsSockets网络编程接口(WinSockAPI),构建了移动终端与中心主控端之间的通信和控制平台,实现了卫星网络接入终端管控、语音通话、远程电子白板等功能。

    The system uses Windows Sockets Application Programming Interface ( WinSock API ) to build a communication and control platform between Client and Server . The main functions of the system are Satellite Terminal Control , Voice Calls and Remote Whiteboard .

  27. 针对目前实时数控系统的发展现状和存在问题,提出了一种基于CAN总线的运动控制平台,该平台由高性能DSP芯片构成的伺服控制模块和嵌入式计算机模块两部分组成。

    The current situation and difficulties on research of real-time numerical control system were described and a new method about constructing motion control system based on CAN BUS system was put forward . This system consists of high performance DSP based servo control module and embedded computer module .

  28. 控制平台中采用井下温度压力传感器和井上流量计采集相关信号,由上位机进行信息处理,以RS-485总线通讯方式对下位机进行分布式在线控制。

    In the monitoring platform , downhole pressure-temperature sensor and surface flowmeter were adopted to pick up corresponding signals . Information was processed in host computer . RS-485 bus was employed to connect the distributed controlled nodes .

  29. 新Allen-Bradley控制平台可以让客户减少故障检修和停工期。

    The new Allen-Bradley control platform gives customers the competitive advantage of being able to minimize troubleshooting and downtime .

  30. 只有优化系统和被优化系统建立实时通讯的时候,才能实现良好的优化效果,其中基于DCS的热工优化控制平台系统的自定义算法块和复杂算法块功能,都必须在这个基础上才能实现完整功能。

    Only by optimizing system and optimize the system establishment real-time communication , to realize the good optimization effect , including thermal optimization based on DCS control platform system custom algorithm blocks and complicated algorithm block function , must be based on that can realize complete function .