
  • 网络control statement;control flow
  1. 最好将流程控制语句缩进排列,使读者能方便地看出起点与终点。

    It is conventional to indent the body of a control flow statement so the reader might easily determine where it begins and ends .

  2. 在Java里,我们利用运算符操纵对象和数据,并用执行控制语句作出选择。

    In Java you manipulate objects and data using operators , and you make choices with execution control statements .

  3. 正如所提到的,这两个特征是Python中流控制语句所必需的。

    As mentioned , these two characteristics are required in Python for flow control statements .

  4. 在UDBV8.2中,为了在LOAD期间调用目录统计信息的收集,必须将选项“STATISTICSUSEPROFILE”添加到LOAD控制语句中。

    In UDB V8.2 , to invoke the collection of catalog statistics during a LOAD , the option " STATISTICS USE PROFILE " must be added to the LOAD control statements .

  5. Python中的第二种流控制语句是while循环,它在一个表达式计算为True时执行一个程序语句块。

    The second type of flow control statement in Python is the while loop , which executes a block of program statements while an expression evaluates True .

  6. 基于SIMD体系结构的数据相关控制语句转化方法

    Data Dependent Control Statement Conversion on SIMD Architecture

  7. 在执行UNLOAD时,您还可以生成相应的LOAD控制语句,并使用它加载数据到任何DB2子系统中的相同或类似的表中。

    While doing an UNLOAD , you can also generate corresponding LOAD control statement and use it for loading data to the same or a similar table in any DB2 subsystem .

  8. 一种新的GP-IB控制语句的开发

    Develop ment of a New Language of GP-IB Control

  9. 参照西门子802S数控系统编程规范,对NC程序头、起始部分、程序尾等所涉及的控制语句和变量进行了重新调整和设计;

    These correlative control sentences and variables are adjusted and designed renewedly that are for CNC head and start and tail ect , according to programme criterion about 802S .

  10. 当然应该类似,因为流控制语句就是复合语句。

    It should because flow control statements are compound statements .

  11. 一种从输入设备提交到操作系统的作业控制语句和数据的序列。

    A sequence of job control statements and data submitted to an operating system from an input unit .

  12. 这个列表相当简单,并且您可能从其他编程语言认识了这些流控制语句。

    This list is fairly simple , and you may recognize these flow control statements from other programming languages .

  13. 大多数程序化的编程语言都提供了某种形式的控制语句,这在语言间通常是共通的。

    Most procedural programming languages have some kind of control statements , and there is often overlap among languages .

  14. 该方法在约束生成时只考虑控制语句的条件表达式,可有效避免生成冗余约束;

    The method only generates constraints for condition expression of the control statements , which can reduce the costs on constraint solving .

  15. 接下来的三章补充一些基础性知识,主要是讨论控制语句、队列以及如何写出你自己的方法。

    The next three chapters fill out the basics , with discussion of control statements , arrays , and how to write your own methods .

  16. 通过编写接触力计算子程序实现了轮齿啮合力的计算,结合脚本控制语句实现了变速换挡过程的仿真。

    The meshing force of the gearbox was computed by writing the sub-routing of contact force and the shifting process was realized through script control .

  17. 因为它具有丰富的数据类型,结构化的控制语句,高效率的目标代码和良好的可移植性的特点;

    Because it have the control language of the abundant data type , construction the sentence the characteristics for , high-efficiency target code with goodly transplanting the sex ;

  18. 使用if/else和while这些控制流语句,通过逻辑选择不同的执行路径。

    Provide alternate paths through logic by using control flow statements such as if / else and while .

  19. EcmaScript里大多数控制流的语句对于Java编程人员来说都应该是熟悉的,因为这些语句都是根据Java编程语言的模型设计的。

    Most of the control flow statements in EcmaScript should be familiar to Java programmers , as the statements were modeled after the Java programming language .

  20. 应用控制语言控制语句

    Application control language control statement

  21. 但可惜的是,这也意味着您将不能控制哪个预备语句将被缓冲,而只能控制被缓存的语句的数目。

    Unfortunately , this also means that you do not have control over which prepared statements are pooled , only the number of statements that are cached .

  22. 该语句指定当发生运行时错误时,控制由错误语句跳转到紧随发生错误语句之后的语句,并从该位置继续执行。

    Resume next specifies that when a run-time error occurs , control goes to the statement immediately following the statement where the error occurred , and execution continues from that point .

  23. 如:如何用SHARED-VARIABLE属性和一个控制时限的LOCK语句更好的实现了对并发的控制。

    Such as how to utilize SHARED-VARIABLE properties and a limit time LOCK sentence to perform a better parallel processing control ;

  24. 介绍对控制执行流的语句的更改。

    Covers changes to statements controlling execution flow .