
kòng zhì qiú
  • Control Ball;ball-control;ball-handling
控制球[kòng zhì qiú]
  1. 我们队控制球时,对方就无法得分。

    While our team is in possession the other team can 't score .

  2. 控制球组织进攻的队员右后卫是这个球队的组织进攻者。

    The right guard is the set-up player in this team .

  3. 守门员手套:有助于守门员控制球。

    Goalkeeper gloves : Help in the handling of the ball .

  4. 基本技术有:发球,回击球和控制球的落点。

    They include serving , returning the ball and placing it .

  5. 控制球、支配球能力较差。

    Three , to control the ball , ability .

  6. 曲棍球不允许球员用脚控制球。

    Hockey players are not allowed to use their feet to control the ball .

  7. 这项运动用手控制球。

    The ball is played by hand .

  8. 一种控制球或从对方抢球的熟练动作。

    A skillful maneuver in catching balls or in stealing the ball from the opposing team .

  9. 那就意味着,当我们控制球权时,我会全力拼抢进攻篮板。

    That meant , when we had the ball , I would look for offensive rebounds .

  10. 进攻采取典型的控制球打法,并且与快速反击相结合;

    The attack of Greece adopted typically way that combined control the ball with fast counterattack ;

  11. 同时,控制球时也不能接触池底或池边。

    Nor touch the bottom or sides of the pool while touching or holding the ball .

  12. 有经验的选手能在水中呆很长时间,而且能漂亮地控制球。

    Experienced players can in water for a long time , to control the ball perfectly .

  13. 他们打控制球战术,我们打快攻。

    They are playing a control game , we are playing the fast ( quick ) break .

  14. 除了守门员外,其他球员不能用脚或身体的任何部位控制球。

    The players are not allowed to use feet or any part of the body except the goalkeeper .

  15. 您可以通过单击遥控器上的键控制球的数量和大小。

    You can control the number and size of the balls by clicking the keys on the remote control .

  16. 个人控制球的能力是主要的,但作为全队的一员与全队其他队员合作也是重要的。

    Individual ball handing skills are important , as well as an ability to play as the member of a team .

  17. 你永远无法完美的控制球去按我们希望的路线运动,但是每个人可以决定自己的态度。

    The ball won 't always bounce the way we want it to , but every player can control their level of effort .

  18. 在复健过程中,我练习了一些花式足球的动作&学着控制球的平衡,尽管我还打着石膏。

    Throughout my recovery I was doing a few freestyle football moves & learning to balance the ball , even in my cast .

  19. 在复健过程中,我练习了一些花式足球的动作——学着控制球的平衡,尽管我还打着石膏。

    Throughout my recovery I was doing a few freestyle football moves - learning to balance the ball , even in my cast .

  20. 对于控制球来说他的手已经足够强壮且敏捷,所以的他的单手传球看起来那么轻而易举。

    And since his hands are strong and agile enough to control the ball , he can make very difficult one-handed passes look easy .

  21. 运球技术是篮球技术中最重要的技术之一,而控制球技术又是运球技术的关键。

    Dribble technique is the most important in basketball . While controlling the ball is the crux of the techniques needed in carrying the ball .

  22. 在篮球防守中,掩护配合是重新控制球投篮得分的重要手段。

    In the defending stage of a basketball game , the screen defence is an important way to regain control of the ball and score .

  23. 枢接壳体内恰可容纳一球形体,并设有控制球形体转向的转向装置。

    The pivoted casing can just contain the spherical body , and a turning device which can control the turn of the spherical body can be arranged .

  24. 认为日本队控制球能力强,多数进攻形成由于对球的成功控制所获得;

    The result showed that the ability of ball control of Japan team was refined and most of attacking came into being from its ball control successfully .

  25. 西班牙队的进攻以控制球的打法为主,其中前场的短传渗透极具威力;

    The attack of the Spain football team is mainly to control the ball , its short passing in midfield and front field is to have the power ;

  26. 如果你采用防守控制球的打法,很少向前进攻,那么经常的身后球只会导致丢掉控球,招致麻烦。

    If you are playing a defensive possession game and are not going forward a lot then often through balls will just give possession away and invite trouble .

  27. 巴洛特利没有控制球,但事实上埃文斯也的确拉了他的球衣。所以裁判有足够的理由出示红牌。

    The player ( Balotelli ) didn 't control the ball , but the fact Jonny tugged his jersey gave the referee plenty of reason to send him off .

  28. “那是个漂亮的进球,比赛中我们展示了自己的耐心。控制球。”他说。

    " It was a fantastic goal and it was the first point in the game where we showed a bit of patience and kept the ball ," he said .

  29. 篮球反掩护配合是篮球比赛中掩护配合的一种配合方式,本文探讨了对掩护队员、被掩护队员和控制球队员进行科学的训练方法,以提高反掩护配合的成功率。

    This paper attempts to discuss the scientific training methods of covering teammates and the one who is controlling the ball so as to improve the efficiency of anti-screen cooperation .

  30. 但他最喜欢的是控制球,等待时机,因为这是他跟少年球员一起上场的一次宝贵的机会。

    What he liked most , though , was just hanging out , because it was the one time in his life he was allowed to be just another teenager .