
  • 网络control line;Control circuit;PLC;control scheme
  1. 其中的相间功率控制器IPC(InterphasePowerController)能有效地控制线路潮流,提高线路输送功率或用于设备增容,限制短路电流。

    The Interphase Power Controller ( IPC ) which is one kind of FACTS was mainly introduced . The IPC can control line power flow effectively , enhance the transport power of line or increase equipment capability , limit short-circuit current .

  2. 多台电机多种状态控制线路的设计

    The multi - state control line design of multi electric machinery

  3. 万能铣床电气控制线路改造的PLC程序设计

    The PLC Transformation of Electrical Control Circuit of Universal Milling Machine

  4. 继电控制线路系统CAD软件关键算法的应用研究

    Study on the Kernal Algorithm of CAD Software of Relay Control Circuit System

  5. 电液顺序控制线路的优化设计及PC实现

    Optimal design and PC implement of electrohydraulic sequence control circuit

  6. 继电控制线路系统CAD软件

    CAD Software for Relay Control Circuit System

  7. 用于弧焊跟踪的IBMPc/XT接口及控制线路设计

    IBM PC / XT Interface and control circuit Used in Arc Welding Tracking System

  8. 对电解槽控制线路故障元件存在范围的确定,提出了K故障下诊断的新方法。

    A method for determining the existent minimum range of fault elements in control circuit for aluminium reduction cell was presented .

  9. PTC元件及其在电气控制线路中的应用初探

    The tentative application of the PTC component into electrical control circuits

  10. 以往的PLC编程方法大多沿袭了传统的电气继电器控制线路的设计思路,而数据编程方法则是将与控制设备工作状态相对应的控制数据直接由PLC输出对工作设备实施控制。

    The data programming method directly use the control data related to control the work state of controlled equipment via PLC .

  11. 基于Authorware的电气控制线路模拟实验

    Simulation of Electric Control Circuitry Experiment Based on Authorware

  12. 基于以上两点,再利用继电控制线路图上表达出的驱动元件与开关之间的关系,可实现对继电控制线路进行功能分析的CAD方法。

    Using switching function , the idea " batch " and the driving relation between load elements and switches , the method can implement a CAD method for analyzing relay control circuit .

  13. 文章结合CNC机床继电器电路改造实例,介绍了以满足大批量连续生产设备的高可靠性要求为目标,在可靠性分析的基础上合理选择方案和改造设备继电器控制线路的思路和过程。

    This paper shows a real improvement example of CNC machine control relay circuit . The improvement is based on the reliability analysis to fit the high reliability requirement .

  14. 统一潮流控制器(UPFC)可以有效控制线路的有功和无功功率。

    UPFC ( Unified Power Flow Controller ) is always used to control the active and reactive power of transmission lines .

  15. 逻辑模块对某通用船舶继电接触器辅机控制线路进行改造、编程、接线的实例,给出了基于LOGO!

    By discussing a practical example about reconstructing , programming and contacting of general marine auxiliaries control circuits ( including electric relays and contactors ) in which LOGO !

  16. 基于LOGO!逻辑模块的船舶辅机电气控制线路易维护保养、易排故障、易修改功能。

    Electric control circuit of marine auxiliaries can be maintained and debugged easily , and its junctions can be changed conveniently , where LOGO ! modules are used .

  17. 采用PSA技术分离制氧的微型氧气机广泛应用于医疗保健等场合,其电气控制线路非常适合使用单片机技术来实现。

    Miniature oxygen machine that adopts PSA disjoining oxygen applies in many circumstance such as remedy and race hygiene conservancy so on , its circuit of electrical control adapts implement of microprocessor technique .

  18. 针对Authorware的图标和流程结构的编程环境,开发了一种机床电气控制线路模拟实验软件。

    Authorware is one of the good programme software based on the icon and flow structure . The simulation experiment software of the electric control circuitry using Authorware is introduced .

  19. 本文介绍了220V与380V控制线路之间电气元件的替换方法及注意事项。

    The replacing methods and notices of electric apparatus between 220V and 380 V control circuits are introduced in this paper .

  20. 对UPFC元件的控制线路潮流的能力进行静态分析,并讨论当系统中存在多个UPFC元件时,各元件对线路潮流调节范围的相互影响。

    The power flow control capability of UPFC is analyzed and the interactions of each UPFC 's regulating boundary are discussed when there are more than one UPFC devices installed in the system .

  21. 简要介绍SJY型影象式烧结点试验仪的原理、用途,并分析其原有缺点,着重在电气控制线路、机械结构等方面作了改进,以提高控制精度,方便安装调整。

    Principle and applications of Model SJY projection type sintering point tester are presented briefly , its shortcomings analyzed , and improvement on control circuit , mechanical construction ect suggested to increase control precision and for convenience of installation and adjustment .

  22. 补偿电容器合闸无冲击及分断无弧的控制线路

    Compensating Capacitor Non surge Close and Non arcing Open Control Circuit

  23. 在机电设备复杂的电气自动控制线路中,继电器存在失效问题。

    There are relay failures in the complicated automatically controlled circuits .

  24. 太阳能光伏电源控制器弱电控制线路的研究

    Study on the weak electricity control circuit of solar power controller

  25. 继电控制线路的网络拓扑图的生成与再次抽取

    Generation and Simplification of Topo Graph of the Relay Control Circuit

  26. 继电控制线路原理图可以抽象为网络拓朴图。

    Relay control circuit can be understood as a topo graph .

  27. 电力拖动控制线路实践安装方法的探讨

    Discussions on Practical Installation Methods of Control Line in Electric Drive

  28. 《电力拖动控制线路》教学探讨

    Study the Teaching of The Electric Power Drags Control the Circuit

  29. 一种保险箱暗码锁控制线路的设计

    A design of control circuit for built-in code lock in strong-box

  30. 对一开榫机控制线路的缺陷分析与处理

    Analysis and treatment of the control circuit faults for a tenoner