
  • 网络Control register;Mcr;TMOD;SPCR;TCON;HPIC
  1. 运行在CPU上的软件必须能读出或者写入这些控制寄存器。

    Software running on the CPU must be able to read and write those controlling registers .

  2. 可用于全部数据类型的主要优点体现在系统编程过程中的任何结构,(包括硬件控制寄存器)都可用C语言来表达。

    The major advantage of this full set of data types is that any construction that arises in system programming , including hardware control registers , can be represented in C.

  3. 基于寄存器的DMA允许处理器直接通过修改DMA控制寄存器来启动DMA传输。

    Register-based DMAallows the processor to directly program DMA control registers to initiate aDMA transfer .

  4. 此外,蓝牙技术规范还定义了主机到控制器接口(HCI),它提供了调用下层的基带规范、链路管理协议、状态和控制寄存器等硬件的同一命令接口。

    And Bluetooth protocol also include HCI , which provide a unite command access to the lower protocols and hardware state .

  5. 数据和状态寄存器可以读取而且控制寄存器和EEPROM的值可以读取和改变。

    Data and status registers can be read out and control registers and EEPROM values can be read and changed .

  6. 使用物理地址扩展位(PAE),位于控制寄存器CR4的第五位。

    Using the physical address extension ( PAE ) flag , located in bit5 of control register CR4 .

  7. 电台同步数据传输系统终端在收发数据时一般为透明逐bit传输,计算机并行接口包括数据寄存器、状态寄存器和控制寄存器3个端口。

    The synchronous data transmission system terminal of a transceiver always transmits bit by bit transparently when receiving and transmitting data . A computer parallel interface includes three ports respectively for a data register , a state register and a control register .

  8. 从设备的角度来看,比如说软盘控制器,它只能看到在ISA总线上的控制寄存器而不是系统内存。

    From the point of view of the device , say the floppy disk controller , it will see only the address space that its control registers are in ( ISA ), and not the system memory .

  9. 为满足3D加速引擎的实现与验证,设计搭建的图像处理平台还实现了DDR-SDRAM控制器模块、VGA输出模块、总线控制器模块、命令解释模块、指令寄存器模块及控制寄存器模块。

    To meet the 3D accelerating engine to accelerate the realization and verification , image processing platform also has DDR-SDRAM controller module , VGA output modules , bus controller module , the command interpretation module and associated modules .

  10. 介绍了音频模拟接口芯片TLC320AD50C的原理和使用注意事项,以及TMS320VC5402串行口的主要特点,并且详细分析了TMS320VC5402控制寄存器的配置和工作过程。

    The TLC320AD50C principles and main characteristic of the serial port of TMS320VC5402 are introduced and the configuration of control registers and their process of operation are analyzed .

  11. 利用AD7811和AD7812的控制寄存器,可以将输入通道配置为单端或伪差分输入。

    The control registers of the AD7811 and AD7812 allow the input channels to be configured as single-ended or pseudo differential .

  12. 针对这3个寄存器特点,采用计算机并行接口数据寄存器发送数据,状态寄存器接收数据和同步时钟,控制寄存器控制电台PTT。

    Taking the characteristics of the three registers into account , we use the data register of the parallel interface to transmit data , the state register to receive data and synchronize clock and the control register to control the transceiver 's PTT in this paper .

  13. 其次,给出了基于PCI9052的板卡的配置方法,包括地址范围寄存器、基址寄存器、与片选控制寄存器的配置。

    Secondly , the collocation method of the board was introduced , thus the configuration of address rage register , base register and chip selection control register was involved .

  14. 目前,不能修改控制寄存器。

    Currently , the control registers cannot be modified .

  15. 该控制寄存器还具有软件转换启动与软件关断特性。

    The control register also features a software convert start and a software power-down .

  16. 串行模式控制寄存器;

    Serial Model Control Register ;

  17. 覆盖存取控制寄存器

    Overlay access control register

  18. 设备控制寄存器地址

    Device control register address

  19. 本文采用对EGA/VGAF的图形控制寄存器直接编程的方法,实现了点阵汉字按字节方式送屏幕显示。

    In this paper , programming EGA / VGA graphic control registers directly , the method of displaying chinese words on screen in byte by byte come true .

  20. 1149标准详细设计了边缘扫描测试系统,相应增加了两个专用数据寄存器,其中一个为扫描链寄存器,一个为扫描子链控制寄存器。

    1149 . Correspondingly two special-used data registers are added , one of which is the scanning chain register and the other is the child scanning chain control-register .

  21. 软件设计包括:CMOS图像传感器寄存器配置、图像解码器、地址译码器、时序逻辑控制及寄存器控制。

    The software design including : CMOS image sensors register configuration , image decoder , address decoder , timing logic control and register control .

  22. SiePkt负责处理USB包,SieSil用于与MCU进行接口,包含MCU可访问的用于协议控制的寄存器,同时产生SiePkt所需要的一些控制信号。

    The SIE_PKT is in charge of the process the USB packet . SIE_SIL is used to interface the MCU , it include a lot of registers for protocol control and MCU can access these registers . SIE_SIL also generate some control signal that SIE_PKT would need .

  23. 维护控制地址寄存器

    Maintenance control address register

  24. 启用,并且还控制了寄存器读取端口的数据源。相关引脚为输入缓冲区。

    When a shared analog function is enabled for a pin , both the input and output buffers are disabled . A value .

  25. 指令集控制和寄存器管理技术是实现高性能控制处理芯片设计的重要技术。

    The technology based on instruction set control and register optimization is important to realize the high performance design for micro-control unit and micro-processing unit .

  26. 论文详细阐述了数字控制电路中的寄存器配置模块、数据发送控制逻辑状态机、反转不归零编码模块、比特填充器模块、并行转串行模块的实现原理和方法。

    The paper elaborated on the register configuration of the digital control circuit module , and send data to the control logic state machine , the NRZI module , bit stuffing module , parallel to serial module implementation of principles and methods .

  27. 虽然系统使用的USB控制芯片是飞利浦公司的ISP1362,但是除了控制寄存器的使用不同外,USB协议栈的实现却是相通的。

    Although ISP1362 is employed as the USB control chip here , the protocol stack has the same structure besides the slight difference between the control registers when other chips used .

  28. 它们均构造在各自的硬件设备驱动程序和主控机软件服务之上,但具有更高的集成度,可为系统控制软件提供功能一级的调用,而不是控制寄存器和硬件层的调用。

    They are constructed on their respective hardware device drivers as well as the Host Control software , but with higher levels of integration which can provide the best function of call to system control software rather than to call control register and hardware .