
dì zhǐ yìnɡ shè
  • address mapping
  1. Linux内核地址映射机制分析及实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Address Mapping in Linux Kernel

  2. 接着,通过对ARM处理器启动流程的研究,并根据电路板的地址映射,详细阐述了系统引导程序的设计思路,并给出了程序流程图。

    Thirdly , the bootload is designed according to the address mapping of the PCB and the start-up procedure of ARM processor .

  3. IP电话系统中地址映射表的创建与查询

    The Construction and Searching of Address Map Table in VOIP System

  4. 反向区域&这些区域将IP地址映射回名称。

    Reverse zones & These map IP addresses back to names .

  5. 这个IP地址映射到实际运行应用程序的节点。

    This IP address is mapped to a node where the application is actually running .

  6. 将不同节点的MAC地址映射为IP地址。

    Map MAC address of different nodes to IP addresses .

  7. X微处理器使用不同的存储机制,将逻辑地址映射到物理地址空间。

    It adopts a variety of memory management techniques to map a logical address to a physical one .

  8. CPU会自动把一个虚地址映射成一个物理地址。

    The CPU control unit transforms a linear address into a physical address automatically .

  9. 下图是在RAM中的线性地址映射。

    The following diagram illustrates the mapping of linear addresses to RAM .

  10. ARP是把IP地址映射到MAC地址的通用工具。

    ARP is the universal tool for matching IP addresses to MAC addresses .

  11. 从校园网安全管理角度讨论虚拟交换网的建立、IP地址映射等技术的实现。

    The construction of Virtual LAN and the transformation of IP data are discussed from the angle of security management of campus web .

  12. Anycast是一个IP地址映射多个物理主机的路由技术。

    Anycast is a routing technique where a single IP address maps to multiple physical servers .

  13. 不管是哪种情况,新的CPU都提供将PCI物理地址映射到客户虚拟系统的方法。

    In each case , the new CPUs provide the means to map PCI physical addresses to guest virtual addresses .

  14. NAT技术将外部公共IP地址映射到AmazonEC2网络中的内部IP地址。

    NAT technology maps an external public IP address to an internal IP address within the Amazon EC2 network .

  15. 它提供了一种方式,可以将IP地址映射成简单的具有固定长度的标签,用于不同的包转发和包交换技术。

    It offers a method which can map the IP address into simple labels with fixed length and is used in different packet forwarding and packet switching technologies .

  16. 利用免费或商业型数据库管理系统来保存资产属性和使用者与MAC地址映射关系。

    This mapping of asset attributes and owner to MAC address can be stored in a free or commercial database management system .

  17. VAX/VMS虚实地址映射中若干算法的探讨

    Approach to some vax / vms algorithms of mapping virtual to physical addresses

  18. 一种CMAC神经网络的直接地址映射

    A direct address mapping of the CMAC

  19. 针对基于访问驱动的攻击,提出一种基于异或的地址映射重排技术,该技术通过打乱cache行与主存储块的映射关系使得攻击不再可行。

    Aiming at access-driven attacks , a XOR address remapping technique is proposed , which could obfuscate the mapping relationship between cache line and memory block .

  20. 将基于地址映射技术的数据存取模型用于心电数据的高效存储,通过内置USB实现了数据的高速传输。

    An address-mapped approach based data storage model is used to improve data storing efficiently . A built-in USB technique is applied to implement high-speed data transmission .

  21. 如果服务器有多个网络接口,那么一定要把HADR主机名或IP地址映射到适当的接口。

    If a server has multiple network interfaces , ensure that the HADR host name or IP address maps to the intended interface .

  22. DNS作为互联网中的一项核心服务,能够提供域名和IP地址映射信息的存储、管理以及响应域名的解析请求。

    DNS as a core services in the Internet , can store and manage domain name and IP address mapping information and response the domain name resolution request .

  23. NAT-PT中一种改进的地址映射表查找算法

    An Improved Searching Algorithm for the Address-mapping Table in NAT-PT Based on Patricia Trie

  24. 同时,提出通过NAT之后的主机定时向NAT发送保持映射的UDP消息,解决了NAT中动态地址映射保持问题。

    Moreover . A method of periodically sending UDP packet to NAT gateway is proposed in order to maintain the dynamic address mapping within the NAT .

  25. 为了实现它们之间的地址映射,提出了虚网络协议,并针对IP互连网协议,进一步提出了虚互连网协议。

    In order to realize address mapping between the virtual network and the physical network , the virtual network protocol is described . Corresponding to IP internet protocol , the Virtual internet Protocol ( VIP ) is proposed further .

  26. 在数据转发模块中提出用MAC地址映射方式对数据帧地址转换,以保证在Station模式下数据帧能顺利转发,并给出了实现方法。

    In the data forwarding module , the paper proposes using MAC address mapping to translate the addess of the data frame to ensure data frame in Station mode can be forwarded smoothly , and gives the implementation .

  27. ARP协议指向媒体访问控制的地址映射,ARP高速缓存中有一项不正确,IP数据报就可能被发往错误的计算机。

    ARP Protocol points to the address mapping of Media Access Control . There is an error in ARP high-speed buffer storage . IP data package may be sent to wrong computer .

  28. 模型算法采用直接权地址映射技术,将训练样本的输入量化后直接作为联想存储器中C个权的首地址,建立起输入与权的关系。

    The direct weight address mapping techniques are employed in the underlying algorithm of the model , and the relationship between the inputs and weights is established by taking the scaled inputs of training samples as the head address of C weights unit in the associative memory .

  29. 在时钟管理模块中,遵循尽可能减少数据移动和节省MCU处理时间的原则,设计了基于双地址映射机制的存储、搜索、删除、新增和编辑方法的定时提醒信息。

    The management module follows the principle of minimizing data movement and processing time of MCU and designs dual-address based mapping mechanism to store , search , delete , add and edit information of timing alerts .

  30. 接收机中数据采集卡使用模数转换器件和PCI总线来传输高速数字信号,该系统工作在通用计算机上,采用DMA方式和双端地址映射方法实现高速数据传输。

    The digital signals are transferred by the digital acquisition system and PCI bus in the receiver which can implement high-speed data channel in current computer using DMA mode and double side address map .