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  • 网络Under World;underworld;Underground
  1. 本章主要对他后期的三部小说《天秤星座》,《地下世界》,《坠落的人》进行了详细的文本分析。

    Emphasis in this chapter mainly falls on his three later novels & Libra , Underworld , and Falling Man .

  2. 她把观众引领到日本妖姬的诗意地下世界,美丽、抑制而富启示性,将我们的想法与无法言喻的感受剖切开来。

    Beautiful , subdued and inspired , Takano invites the viewer into a poetic underworld of Japanese doe-eyed beauties traversing our thoughts and unspoken feelings .

  3. 戴维(David)每天有12个小时的时间都花在了在某个洞窟和精灵的地下世界中扮演某种彪悍角色上面了。

    David spends twelve hours a day as a swashbuckling explorer in a subterranean world of dungeons and elves .

  4. 这一决定还没有在我们看来,作为一个倒霉的一年甚至到今天,特别是因为它带来的美丽的学校气氛地面的PSP地下世界。

    This decision still doesn 't seem to us as a bad one even to this day , especially since it did bring-up the wonderful school ground atmosphere of the PSP underground world .

  5. Temen-ni-gru将最终获得它全部的功能并指引我们到达地下世界。

    Temen-ni-gru will finally regain its full function and lead us into the Demon World .

  6. 这些地下世界数量很大。

    These subterranean worlds aren 't even in the minority .

  7. 的确,可以想见随着地下世界变得越来越精巧复杂。

    Indeed , as one imagines the underground world to become increasingly elaborate .

  8. 我想也许我们环游一下纽约地下世界。

    I thought maybe we 'd do a walking tour of New York underground .

  9. 雨、雪、霰、雾将不会给地下世界带来麻烦。

    Rain , snow , sleet , fog would not trouble the underground world .

  10. 请保护地下世界的美景。

    Protecting the beauties of the underground world .

  11. 黑暗中,一个舞男纽约市的地下世界是残酷的,因为它是淫。

    The dark , underground world of a New York City gigolo is as cutthroat as it is kinky .

  12. 幽灵:远古时期,人们认为幽灵是生活在地下世界的死者的灵魂。

    Shades : Throughout ancient history , Shades meant the spirit of a dead person , residing in the underworld .

  13. 波顿和德普凭借他们独特的方式,将仙境重新塑造成一个怪异,多彩的地下世界,那是片充满惊奇的丛林。

    Burton and Depp , in their unique style , re-imagined Wonderland as Underland – a creepy , colorful , jungle of wonder .

  14. 该片充斥了各种特效,包括地下世界、神话生物,甚至连朱迪·丹奇女爵都在片中饰演精灵警察局局长鲁特司令官。

    Laden with special effects , the spectacle includes underground worlds , mythical creatures and even Dame Judi Dench as a police chief , Commander Root .

  15. 地球的地下世界仅仅能能从世界仅有的几个地方进入,那里有研究人员通过钻井到达了超过地下3公里处。

    The Earth 's subterranean world is only accessible to researchers in a handful of places worldwide where ore-mining requires drilling to reach depths of more than3km .

  16. 如今,在维也纳的地下世界,通过在一间宽敞的污水过滤室面上的投影,游客们首先可以观看一部关于维也纳公共卫生状况以及下水道工人作业情况的电影。

    Underground today , visitors first see a film about Vienna 's sanitation and the tasks sewer workers perform , projected on the wall of a spacious sewage-filtering chamber .

  17. 这部电影里地下世界的色彩非常跳跃,显得非常真实,看上去比人类真实的生存空间还要有趣(除了那台大电视机)。

    The color in the sewers was quite vibrant , and the world seemed quite alive and vast-and much more interesting than what the human world had ( aside from that large television ) .

  18. 这是因为我们一开始就打算把地下管道世界描绘的更加丰富有趣,吸引人,和Roddy一直生活着的无趣的(地上)环境造成鲜明对比。

    The idea was to make the sewer world more interesting and rich in order to underline how Roddy feels about it in contrast to the sterile world he 's been living in all this time .

  19. 你才隐没到地下的世界。

    And you withdraw to the underground world .

  20. 无人驾驶探测车是探测行星表面和地下未知世界的重要工具。

    Unmanned rover is the most useful tool for exploring the planetary surface and unknown world under the ground .

  21. 据猜测,上述工作让很多网络罪犯锒铛入狱,让地下黑客世界布满了恐惧疑云。

    It is thought their work has already managed to put dozens of online criminals in jail-leaving the underground hacking world riddled with paranoia .

  22. 警方或政府也许并不像他们所愿意表现出来的那样,完全不了解地下商业世界的规模。

    The police or the government may be more aware of the size of the world of underground commerce than they are willing to reveal .

  23. 千百年来,中国人都相信一个人死了后便会变成鬼住在地下的世界里。

    For thousands of years , the Chinese people have always believed that after death a person will become a ghost living in the world of the underground .

  24. 最近一件令人尴尬的事情发生在本周,有报导披露中国出现了地下“世界杯病假条”行业,不择手段的球迷买伪造的医生病假条,翘班看世界杯。

    The most recent embarrassment came this week with revelations of an underground ' sick leave ' industry in which unscrupulous soccer fans purchase fake doctor 's notes to take time off from work and watch the World Cup .

  25. 普林塞萨港地下河是世界上最大的地下河,它开源于菲律宾巴拉望岛上喀斯特石灰岩山洞口晶莹剔透的泻湖。

    Beginning in a crystal clear lagoon at the mouth of a limestone karst cave on the Philippine island of Palawan , the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River is the world 's largest underground river .

  26. 内置胶囊混凝土的裂缝自愈合行为分析和试验由于盐岩具有良好的密封性、低渗透性和损伤自愈合性,使得深部地下盐矿成为世界各国地下储存的一种主要介质。

    EXPERIMENTS AND ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE MATERIAL WITH CRACK SELF-REPAIRING PERFORMANCE USING EMBEDDED CAPSULES FILLED WITH ADHESIVE Salt rock has very low penetrability and good creep behavior , and can ensure the leak tightness of the natural gas storage .

  27. 地下管道在全世界的经济建设和日常生活中发挥了巨大的作用。

    The buried pipes are playing an important role in the economic construction and daily life in the world .

  28. 地下经济作为当前世界范围内的一种普遍现象,还没被人们充分认识但正受到广泛的关注。

    Underground Economy is a general economic phenomenon in the world , it still not be fully recognized yet being paid much attention .

  29. 北韩宣布星期一进行了一次地下核爆炸,世界很多国家立即纷纷谴责这次强烈爆炸。

    North Korea says it set off an underground nuclear explosion today ( Monday ), a powerful blast that drew immediate , worldwide condemnation .

  30. 城市地下交通系统在世界各国大城市近年来呈现迅速增长的趋势,尤其是那些面临交通问题的城市。

    Underground transportation systems have increased rapidly in many large cities these years in the world , especially those facing a problem with traffic .