
  • 网络address line;Address Bus;ADD
  1. 存储器地址线断路故障的检测方法

    Diagnosis Way of Broken Fault of Memory Address Line

  2. 对m序列与存储器地址线非顺序连接的情形、地址线位数与量化噪声功率、截幅噪声功率及输出信号的自相关函数的关系进行了理论分析。

    And gives an theory analysis of the bonded case between m-seriation and negate sequential connection of memory address line , order of units of address line and noise power of quantization , noise power of sever amplitude and self-correlation function of signal waveform .

  3. 少地址线实现大容量RAM扩展及其查找技术

    Large Capacity RAM Expansion With Less Address Lines And the Technology of Searching

  4. 介绍了采用少地址线实现大容量RAM数据存储器的扩展系统。

    This paper introduces a new way to realise the large Capacity RAM expansion with less address lines .

  5. 该接口采用16位数据线,10位地址线,并以非DMA方式提供信息。

    The interface adopts 16-bit-wide data bus , 10-bit-wide address bus and provides information by non-DMA mode .

  6. 解决了在DSP提供的地址线少于异步存储器地址线的情况下,实现并行加载的问题。

    The parallel booting problem , which occurs when the number of the address lines provided by DSP is less than that of the asynchronous memory , is also solved .

  7. 电路方面,文档录入机的控制电路和USB接口电路是整个系统设计的重点,而USB与文档录入机的信号采集共用数据线和地址线,因此数据和地址总线仲裁是设计的难点。

    In the circuit aspect , it record into with document the semaphore of the machine collect to use the data wire totally and address wire , avoid the data and the clash of address is to design a little bit difficult .

  8. 根据应用系统的要求,设计了用16根地址线寻扯96K内存的扩展电路,解决了ROM与RAM32K地址空间的复用问题。

    According to demand of an applying system , this paper designs an extern circuit , which visits 96K memory by 16 addressing lines , and solves the problem of reuse of ROM / RAM memory .

  9. 并行接口在EPP模式下能实现8位数据的双向传输,具有数据/地址线、控制线和状态线,能响应中断请求,已初步具有总线的接口特性,为开发平台的实现提供了基础。

    This kind of interface provides 8-bit bidirectional communication , has data / address bus , control bus and status bus , and responds to the requirement of interruption . It almost has the features of microcomputer bus and makes the design feasible theoretically .

  10. 时钟频率给定后,输出信号的频率取决于频率控制字,频率分辨率取决于累加器位数,相位分辨率取决于ROM的地址线位数,幅度量化噪声取决于ROM的数据位字长和D/A转换器位数。

    As the referenced frequency is fixed , the output frequency , the phase quantization noise and the resolution of frequency and phase are due to frequency word , the value of ROM and the bits of D / A converter , the bits of accumulator and ROM respectively .

  11. 为了对1024个字节寻址,需要10条地址线。

    In order to address 1024 bytes , 10 address lines are needed .

  12. 未来的系统将需要至少16条数据线和大约多达24条地址线。

    Future systems will require at least 16 data lines and perhaps as many as 24 address lines .

  13. 提出了一种新的低功耗非冗余排序总线编码方法,通过对改进的偏移地址线的动态重排以降低具有高负载的地址总线的功耗。

    The irredundant sorting bus encoding method reduces the power dissipation of highly capacitive memory address bus based on the dynamic reordering of the modified offset address bus lines .

  14. 描述了低功耗传输与总线编码的算法原理,以及在地址线、读/写数据线上的实现结构。

    The algorithm was described based on the principles of low power transfer and bus encoding , and then its implementation structures on address and read / write data lines were given .

  15. 本文研究了双通道A/D自动采集存储系统,利用数据收发器及数据选通控制器分别控制RAM的数据线及地址控制线。

    The memory system of dual channel A / D automatic acquisition is studied in this paper . Using transceivers and gating controllers , the data bus and address bus of RAM are respectively controlled .

  16. 充分体现CAN控制器的地址和数据线时分复用的特点,解决了它与DSP的地址线和数据线分离之间所存在的问题。

    This system fully embodies the feature of TDM of address and data lines of CAN controller , resolving the problem caused by seperation of DSP address line and the data line .

  17. 好吧我行等下短信息跟你说地址要收线了

    All right , I will text you the address . I gotta go .

  18. 我都是在家里开展咨询业务,用的也是单独的电子邮件地址、电话线等。

    My consulting business is home-based and has a separate email address , phone line , etc.

  19. 如果你需要一个体积扫描复制全部,请寄给我们电子邮件与你的名字,地址及电话线的土地。

    If you require a full size scanned copy , please send us ane-mail with your name , address and land line phone number .

  20. 一般地,保证NIC支持可编程MAC地址并且使用交叉线直接连接局域网的结点。

    Basically , ensure that the NIC can support a programmable MAC address and that cross-over cables are used to directly connect the nodes on the Private LAN .

  21. 8301单片机的P2口用来输出高位地址,其中对输出有效地址无关的口线,通常认为也不能再作一般I/O口线使用。

    Port 2 of Single Chip Microcomputer 8031 is used for the output of high-order address , whereas the lines which are not related to effective address generally cannot be used as universal I / O lines .