
  • 网络pipeline;Pipelining;Pipelined;pipelined architecture
  1. 自适应流水线结构可根据帧内预测模式自动调整流水线的级数,能够降低工作频率和消除冗余的时钟,从而可以减少延迟,降低功耗。

    The self-adoptive pipeline can adjust the stage of pipeline according to intra prediction mode . It not only helps to save power since it reduces the design frequency and eliminate the redundant cycles , but also reduce latency . 2 .

  2. 基于并行流水线结构的可重配FIR滤波器的FPGA实现

    FPGA Implementation of Reconfigurable FIR Filter Based on Parallel Pipeline Structure

  3. 进而提出了一个新的服务器结构:流水线结构(Pipeline)。

    A new taxonomy of architectures of servers is presented .

  4. 8位精度200MHz流水线结构CMOS电压比较器

    A 200 MHz Pipelined CMOS Comparator with 8 Bit Accuracy

  5. 流水线结构RS(255223)译码器的VLSI设计

    A VLSI design of pipeline rs ( 255,223 ) decoder

  6. 高速FIR滤波器的流水线结构

    A Pipeline Architecture for High Speed FIR Filters

  7. 基于两层流水线结构的FIR滤波器设计

    FIR Filters Design Based on Two-Hierarchy Pipeline Structure

  8. CPU的流水线结构

    The Structure of Pipeline of CPU

  9. 基于流水线结构的高速嵌入式MCU设计

    A High-Speed Embedded MCU Based on Pipeline Structure

  10. 提高FFT处理速度的主要途径是采用流水线结构和并行运算。

    The main approaches of improving FFT processing speed include pipeline and parellel architecture .

  11. 然后论文提出了一种流水线结构的基于对象模型的快速Warp变换算法。

    Second , this dissertation gives an algorithm of object-based fast warping .

  12. FPGA实现流水线结构的FFT处理器

    FPGA Implementation of Pipelined FFT

  13. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)实时成像处理是一种典型的流水线结构,要分为很多步骤分开进行处理,并且数据量大,算法复杂。

    The SAR real-time imaging process is a typical pipelined structure , which includes many complicated algorithms such as FFT .

  14. 提出了一种开关电容流水线结构A/D转换器(ADC)的速度分析方法。

    A speed analysis methodology for a switched-capacitor pipelined A / D converter is presented .

  15. 数字信号处理(DSP)具有并行的硬件乘法器、流水线结构以及快速的片内存储器等资源,其技术广泛地应用于数字信号处理的各个领域。

    DSP technologies have applied in every field of digital signal processing because of its parallel multiplier , pipeline structure and fast On-Chip memory .

  16. 采用CORDIC流水线结构的FFT处理器的改进

    Improvement on FFT processors based on pipelined CORDIC architecture

  17. 与其它结构相比,流水线结构(PipelinedArchitecture)ADC的特点是既能实现高速又能实现相当的分辨率。

    Compared to other architectures , the pipelined architecture ADC is creditable for its high speed and high resolution .

  18. 基于流水线结构的高速专用DMA系统设计

    Design on a Pipeline-Based High-Speed Specific DMA System

  19. 同时,对流水线结构ADC功耗与速度进行了折中分析,为了实现低功耗,采用了分辨率为每级1.5位的流水线结构。

    By analyzing the tradeoff between the speed and dissipation , 1.5bit/ stage pipeline ADC is adopted .

  20. 流水线结构ADC具有能同时实现高采样速率和高分辨率的特点。

    The pipelined ADC architecture has the characteristics of high sampling rate as well as high resolution .

  21. 同时提出了采用并行流水线结构进行该方法的在系统芯片(SoC)实现。

    A parallel pipeline architecture is proposed to implement the proposed method in System on Chip ( SoC ) .

  22. 并采用乒乓RAM的结构提高运算能力,得到流水线结构。

    And Ping-Pong RAM structure is used to improve the efficiency of the computation and to gain pipeline structure .

  23. CORDIC流水线结构在FFT设计中的改进

    Improvement on CORDIC Pipeline Architecture in FFT Design

  24. 而在实现高速高精度ADC的各种结构中,流水线结构是最常用的。

    Among all structures of high-speed and high-resolution ADCs , the pipeline structure is the most popular one .

  25. 设计一种可以连续计算N点复数序列傅里叶变换(FFT)的流水线结构处理器,其序列长度N(为2的幂)可变。

    A pipeline processor which may compute various 2 ~ n points FFT is proposed for continuously performing complex points fast Fourier transforms ( FFTs ) .

  26. FPGA在分布式计算、并行处理、流水线结构上有独特的优势,自然成为设计软件无线电系统的首选技术之一。

    FPGA has become the first choice for designing the software radio system because of its unique advantages in distributed computing , parallel processing and pipelining .

  27. 由于RISC具有流水线结构和指令多样性的特点,传统的CoVerification方法使RISC验证工作复杂而艰巨。

    Because the RISC has pipeline structure and various instructions , the traditional verification process Co-Verification is very complex and arduous .

  28. CPU采用五级流水线结构,通过对指令集分析确定了其系统结构划分成取指模块、运算模块、寄存器堆模块、系统总线模块和控制器五大模块。

    The CPU design is divided into five parts : instruction-fetching module , executing module , register-file module , system-bus module and controller module .

  29. RISC体系结构的重要特点是其便于利用流水线结构进行指令操作。

    The crucial trait of RISC architecture is that it can fit the pipeline compatibly .

  30. 在流水线结构A/D转换器中,参考电压的波动将会影响到其转换精度。文章分析了参考电压变化对A/D转换器整体性能的影响,通过Matlab仿真加以验证。

    The influence of the variation of reference voltages on the overall performance of the A / D converter is analyzed and the result is verified by Matlab simulation .