
  • 网络Stream Processor;Streaming Processor;CUDA;shader
  1. X流处理器的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of X Stream Processor

  2. SPI流处理器实现AVS整数变换的研究

    Research the Realization of AVS integer Transform on SPI Stream Processor

  3. 该算法利用GPU作为流处理器的特点,实现了基于GPU的多通道图像重建,充分挖掘了GPU计算能力。

    It implemented multi-channel reconstruction and fully utilized GPU 's computing capacity .

  4. GPU具有数百个甚至更多的流处理器,拥有强大的并行处理能力。

    GPU has hundreds and even more processors , so it has powerful parallel processing ability .

  5. 经过资源、性能等方面的评估,该流处理器对帧内预测算法表现出有很好的性能,且较通用DSP性能有明显的提高。

    Via evaluation , the processor consumes less energy and area , and the performance is better than the usual DSP core . Also I make optimization to the stream processor of intra-prediction arithmetic .

  6. 论文主要研究了X流处理器计算群内互连的物理设计与优化,对互连线延时优化技术、布局布线优化、互连分布模型等方面进行了详细的分析和研究。

    The thesis analyses the physical design and optimization of interconnection in X stream processor cluster mainly . Optimization of interconnection wire-delay and placement & routing , and interconnection distribution models are researched in detail .

  7. 二维拉格朗日和欧拉结合法在流处理器MASA上的实现与评测

    Implementation and Evaluating of a 2D Lagrange-Euler Method on MASA Stream Processor

  8. 倍。CUDA使GPU流处理器阵列的性能得到充分发挥,极大地提高了并行计算程序的效率。

    CUDA gives full play to the advantages of GPU Streaming Multiprocessors Array and greatly improves the efficiency of the parallel computation programs .

  9. 结点内并行的一种发展趋势是同时支持指令级并行和数据级并行,Stanford大学研制的Imagine流处理器是同时支持指令级并行和数据级并行的典型代表。

    One of the trends of intra-processor parallelism is to support both instruction-level parallelism ( ILP ) and data-level parallelism ( DLP ) . The Imagine stream processor developed by Stanford University is an ILP-DLP representative .

  10. 鉴于Storm流处理器DPU的强大处理能力,尽可能的提高DPU的效率是流程序设计和优化的重点。

    In view of powerful processing capability of DPU , the most important thing of design and optimization is to improve the efficiency of DPU as much as possible .

  11. 本文分章节地对这些处理环节从基本原理到具体实现进行了详细的阐述和分析,逐步描述了借助FPGA最终实现QAM调制器前端TS流处理器软硬件设计、开发、调试的整个过程。

    Thus this paper explains basal theory and how to realize in separate paragraphs , show the whole process about head-end TS package processor of QAM modulator is how to be designed 、 developped and debugged by FPGA .

  12. 通过在模拟器上做实验,我们发现TPA-PD在结构可扩展的同时,性能上超过集中控制计算资源的流处理器。

    Through experiment on simulator , it is found that not only architecture of TPA-PD is scalable , but also performance of TPA-PD exceeds stream processor in which computational resource is centralized controlled .

  13. 分片式流处理器数据并行存储系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Data-Parallel Memory System for Tiled Stream Processor

  14. 流处理器延迟隐藏机制的优化及实现

    Optimization and Implementation of the Latency Hiding Mechanism for Stream Processors

  15. 一种用于多媒体流处理器的缓冲器体系结构设计

    The design of a buffer architecture for multi - media stream microprocessor

  16. 地球引力位函数在流处理器上的实现与分析

    Implementation and Analysis of Gravitational Potential Function on Stream Processors

  17. 流处理器上基于参数模型的长流分段技术

    Parameter Model Based Strip-Mining Technique on the Stream Processor

  18. 多媒体流处理器中缓冲器的体系结构设计

    Design of buffer architecture for multi-media stream microprocessor

  19. 可配置流处理器核心级指令设计及相关编译技术研究

    Research on the Design of a Kernel-Level Instruction Set and the Compiler-Related Techniques for Configurable Stream Processors

  20. 根据所前几章节所建立的基于流处理器的采摘机器人图像加速系统进行了相关仿真实验。

    According to the previous chapter established stream-based image processor speed picking robot processes simulation test related .

  21. 研究表明,流处理器作为新型处理器,在很多领域都有其优越性。

    Study shows that as a new type processor , stream processor has much more advantage than others .

  22. 在流处理器硬件系统构建完成后,对系统软件进行编写。

    After the stream processor hardware system is completed , it is the preparation of the system software .

  23. 论文的研究工作着眼于分片式流处理器的数据并行存储系统的分析、设计和实现。

    This dissertation focuses on the analysis , design and implementation of data-parallel memory system for Tiled Stream Processor .

  24. 本文分别从分片式流处理器的计算模型、指令系统、体系结构、流编程模型映射四个方面开展研究。

    Computation model , instruction set , architecture and mapping of stream programming model are studied in this dissertation .

  25. 详细分析了目前农业采摘机器人与流处理器的国内外发展现状,并讨论了主要存在的问题。

    It analysis in detail current development status of agricultural picking robot and the stream processors , and discusses the major problems .

  26. 其中,多核流处理器不但展现出巨大的计算性能潜力,而且在面积利用率、平均功耗和可编程灵活性上也有着显著的优势。

    The multi-core stream processor shows tremendous computing capability and it had advantages in area utilization , average power consumption and programming flexibility .

  27. 分片式流处理器的性能是否也具有可扩展性依赖于其支持的编程模型、片上存储层次、片上互连网络以及计算模型。

    The performance of tiled stream processor is determined by programming model , memory hierarchy , NoC ( Networ-on-Chip ) and computation model .

  28. 最后根据这三个问题提出了一套基于流处理器的采摘机器人图像加速系统解决方案。

    Finally , according to the three questions it presents a set of speed picking robot image system solutions based on the stream processor .

  29. 流处理器以其强大的计算能力、较低的功耗和灵活的可编程性,成为当前新型体系结构的研究热点。

    The stream processor has become a hot spot of researches in computer architecture , due to its high ALU density , low power and flexible programmability .

  30. 编译系统的正确性和执行效率通过实验在一组基准测试程序上进行了验证与评测。(4)研究了不规则程序在流处理器上的程序优化方法。

    The correctness and efficiency of our compiler system has been verified on a group of benchmarks . ( 4 ) We also study the program optimization on stream processor .