
liú wáng zhě
  • exile;displaced person;person in exile;refugee abroad
  1. 他是一位诺贝尔奖得主,但也是一个流亡者和一个阿非利卡人(Afrikaner),他的作品描绘了新南非的黯淡景象。

    He is a Nobel Prize-winner ; but he is also an exile and an Afrikaner , whose work presents a bleak portrait of the new South Africa .

  2. 你是最后一个流亡者。

    And you must be the last exile .

  3. 400多名流亡者举行从早到晚的绝食抗议来让人们关注他们的苦难。

    More than 400 exiles were on a dawn-to-dusk hunger strike to dramatize their plight

  4. 阴谋论者指责美国中央情报局(CIA)或古巴流亡者策划了刺杀事件。

    Conspiracy theorists accused the Central Intelligence Agency or Cuban exiles .

  5. 领导茶党运动的参议员特德・克鲁兹(TedCruz)是一名古巴流亡者的儿子。

    Sen. Ted Cruz , the man who leads the tea party , is the son of a Cuban emigre .

  6. 还有就是那个流亡者在哪儿?啊,先生,请帮帮我吧,求求您了!

    Oh Monsieur , please help me , I beg you !

  7. 在那个时候有许多俄国流亡者生活在巴黎

    There be many russian emigres living In paris at that time

  8. 流亡者如今正转而和古巴老百姓接触。

    Instead , exiles are now reaching out to ordinary Cubans .

  9. 那么你肯定是个流亡者啰。

    So you are an emigrant , surely . '

  10. 流亡者们渴望回到自己的祖国。

    Exiles long to return to their native land .

  11. 1802年拿破仑对大部分流亡者给予特赦。

    Napoleon granted the great majority of é migr é s amnesty in1802 .

  12. 登盛先生也呼吁持不同政见的流亡者返回家园。

    Mr Thein Sein has also appealed to exiled dissidents to come home .

  13. 他希望在法律的意义和精神上他并不是流亡者。

    Not an emigrant he hoped within the sense and spirit of the law .

  14. 他们觉得自己并非是英雄。而是社会叛逆、外人和流亡者。

    They felt themselves to be rebels , aliens and exiles rather than heroes .

  15. 流亡者总是梦想着回国。

    The exiles always dreamed of return .

  16. 该反对组织指责选举过程是流亡者们口中的对伊朗人的侮辱。

    The opposition group condemned an election process the exiles called an insult to Iranians .

  17. 他们只说我是为一个流亡者效力。

    They say only that I worked for an emigrant , and where is that emigrant ?

  18. 长满流亡者废弃的家园。

    The abandoned homesteads of exiles .

  19. 政府对待他们远远不同于来自伊拉克、苏丹或巴勒斯坦的土地的流亡者们。

    The government treats them far differently than exiles from Iraq , Sudan or Palestinian lands .

  20. 欧洲难民和流亡者问题协商

    European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles

  21. 据统计,春秋“流亡婚姻”共10起,涉及11国28人次,其成因分为流亡者流亡和与流亡者通婚两个方面。

    In this article there are ten " exilic marriages " involving 28 persons from 11 kingdoms .

  22. 持不同政见者大多表示赞同;若不是热血沸腾,或许甚至大部分流亡者也会这么认为。

    Most dissidents agree ; and , when their blood is not up , perhaps even most exiles , too .

  23. 本文将着重分析乔伊斯戏剧《流亡者》中的艺术特征来说明其戏剧的现代性。

    Understanding the artistic features of the play correctly will help a lot in understanding the modernity of Joyce 's play .

  24. 在英国,奈保尔又一次感受到双重移位(印度人,特立尼达人)的痛苦,再一次成为了流亡者。

    When living in England Naipaul is once again a two-displaced exile experiencing alienation and strangeness as the consequence of displacement .

  25. 他对各种流亡者都给予大量的捐助,这样的巨额财富的馈赠让人想到巴格达和开罗的宫廷中的情景。

    His generous patronage of exiles of all stripes harks back to the fabled courts ofBaghdadandCairo , with their similarly fabulous wealth .

  26. 卡斯特罗称这名流亡者是「怖主义恶魔」这是卡斯特罗最近几个星期发表的第4篇文章。

    Mr. Castro described the exile as a " monster of terrorism . " This is his fourth published article in recent weeks .

  27. 离婚造成的是对孩子的伤害,使他们随着身边人的离散而成了流亡者。

    What divorce does is to damage children , making them into refugees as the people in their lives scatter in all directions .

  28. 在政治上,他也经历了典型的流亡者生涯:从激烈反对卡斯特罗到寻求对话。

    Politically , too , he has made the typical journey of El exilio : from raging against the Castros to seeking dialogue .

  29. 对于返回伊拉克帮助组成新政府的流亡者所起的作用也有不同的意见。

    There was also disagreement over the role of Iraqi exiles who have come back to try to help put together a new government .

  30. 我用“重构”这个词,因为她的叙述几乎完全由成功逃出朝鲜的流亡者的访谈拼接而成。

    I say " reconstruct " because her narrative is pieced together almost entirely from talking to exiles who managed to flee the country .