
liú kòu
  • roving rebel bands;roving bandit
流寇 [liú kòu]
  • (1) [roving bandit]∶到处流窜的盗匪

  • (2) [roving rebel bands]∶流动不定的叛乱者

流寇[liú kòu]
  1. 流寇滋扰百姓。

    The roving bandits caused trouble to common people .

  2. 历史上存在过许多流寇主义的农民战争,都没有成功。

    History knows many peasant wars of the " roving rebel " type , but none of them ever succeeded .

  3. 有的人当了土匪或者流寇,女孩子则跑到长江下游的一些城市卖笑为生。

    Other people joined bandits or rovers , girls looked for employment in the red quarters of the lower Yangtze cities .

  4. 因此,从游击战争的领导者们的头脑中驱除流寇主义,是确定建立根据地的方针的前提。

    Therefore , ridding the minds of guerrilla commanders of this idea is a prerequisite for deciding on a policy of establishing base areas .

  5. 反对单纯军事观点和流寇主义,承认红军是中国革命的宣传者和组织者;

    Oppose the purely military viewpoint and the ways of roving rebels , and recognize that the Red Army is a propagandist and organizer of the Chinese revolution .

  6. 应当认识,历史上黄巢⑷、李闯⑸式的流寇主义,已为今日的环境所不许可。

    It must be understood that the ways of roving rebels of the Huang Chao [ 4 ] or Li Chuang [ 5 ] type are not permissible under present-day conditions .

  7. 在交通和技术进步的今日而企图用流寇主义获得胜利,更是毫无根据的幻想。

    In the present age of advanced communications and technology , it would be all the more groundless to imagine that one can win victory by fighting in the manner of roving rebels .

  8. 只有彻底地克服了流寇主义,提出并实行建立根据地的方针,才能有利于长期支持的游击战争。

    Only when this ideology is thoroughly overcome and the policy of establishing base areas is initiated and applied will there be conditions favourable for the maintenance of guerrilla warfare over a long period .

  9. 凡此一切流寇思想的表现,极大地妨碍着红军去执行正确的任务,故肃清流寇思想,实为红军党内思想斗争的一个重要目标。

    All these manifestations of the ideology of roving rebels seriously hamper the Red Army in performing its proper tasks ; consequently its eradication is an important objective in the ideological struggle within the Red Army Party organization .

  10. 总的来讲,这些许可是由各州颁布的,不是由环境保护局颁布。应当认识,历史上黄巢⑷、李闯⑸式的流寇主义,已为今日的环境所不许可。

    Generally , these permits are issued by the states , not by EPA . It must be understood that the ways of roving rebels of the Huang Chao [ 4 ] or Li Chuang [ 5 ] type are not permissible under present-day conditions .