
  • 网络takamori;GOSSEN;Gosen;Golson;gaussen
  1. 在电动汽车上下注最多的人可能当属日产公司的CEO卡洛斯•高森。

    Arguably the biggest bet on EVs is by Carlos Ghosn , CEO of Nissan ( nsany ) .

  2. 日产(Nissan)CEO卡洛斯高森2010年曾预测道,到2014年,日产将在全球卖出50万辆聆风(Leaf)电动车。

    In 2010 , CEO Carlos Ghosn predicted Nissan would be selling 500,000 leafs worldwide by 2014 .

  3. 本田CEO卡洛斯o高森一边督促高管团队努力实现他的“三年计划”目标,一边培养继承人。

    Focused now on his legacy , CEO Carlos Ghosn drives executives even harder to meet targets in his latest three-year plan while he grooms a successor .

  4. 日产公司CEO卡洛斯•高森本来计划参加在八月底参加本次活动的一个环节,但由于公司高层闹起了内讧需要他亲自弹压,因而只能遗憾缺席。

    Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn was scheduled to attend a 360 session at the end of August but became a no-show when he had to tamp down an uprising in his executive ranks .

  5. 同时一向精力充渍的卡洛斯•高森也已将日产公司(Nissan)打造成了电动汽车领域的龙头企业。

    Toyota is getting a jolt of energy from Akio Toyoda , scion of the founding family , while the ever-energetic Carlos Ghosn has made Nissan the leader in electric cars .

  6. 高森希望在2017年前销售出150万辆插电式混动轿车和纯电动汽车,为此他不惜血本。

    Ghosn wants to be selling 1.5 million plug-ins and pure EVs by 2017 .

  7. 今年11月,高森本人也承认,即便2012年聆风在美国的销售目标只有20000台,日产离这个目标也差得很远。

    In November , Ghosn conceded that sales of the all-electric leaf would not reach its far more modest U.S. goal of just 20,000 in 2012 .