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  1. 收购后股利分配中存在高派现等。

    And high dividend distribution after MBO still exists .

  2. 第二部分为高派现、高转送与企业成长性的理论分析。

    The second part presents theoretical analysis of high cash dividends , high transfer and enterprise growth .

  3. 贵州茅台的高派现、连续稳定的股利政策首先源自其良好的财务状况。

    Guizhou Maotai high school now , continuous and stable dividend policy first from its good financial position .

  4. 第三部分为高派现、高转送现状和影响分析。

    The third part discusses current situation of high cash dividends and high transfer , and their impact on enterprise growth .

  5. 文章的最后又总结了高派现过程中存在的非理性高派现问题的影响和后果,并提出了解决这一问题的若干对策和建议。

    At the end of the article , the author summarized the problems that exist in the high pay-out ratio and its influence .

  6. 高派息率的公司通常从事成熟的行业兼拥有大量现金,以及没有任何值得投资的扩展计划。

    A typical company with a high dividend payout normally owns a mature cash-generating business and it does not have any worthy expansion plan .

  7. 上市公司高派现、高转送现象已成为当今证券市场关注和讨论的焦点。

    The high cash dividends and high transfer phenomenon of listed companies have become the focus of attention and discussion in the securities market .

  8. 第七章解决我国上市公司非理性高派现问题的对策建议本部分主要从市场角度、法制角度、管理层角度和上市公司角度提出来提出规范上市公司高派现行为的对策和建议。

    The seventh chapter put forward some suggestions to solve this problem in the aspect of market , laws , management and the listed company itself .

  9. 第三章西方股利理论对高派现行为的解释本部分主要从股利信号传递理论、代理成本理论、一鸟在手理论、追随者效应理论等西方股利理论的角度来对高派现行为进行解释。

    The third chapter used the western dividend theories to explain this problem , such as signaling hypothesis , Agency Cost Hypothesis , Bird-in-the-hand Theory , Clientele Effect .

  10. 该部分主要对上市公司高派现、高转送的总体情况和行业分布情况进行统计分析,并就双高行为对上市公司成长性的影响进行分析。

    The overall situation of high cash dividends and high transfer in listed companies and industry distribution are analyzed statistically . The influence of the " double high " behavior on the growth is discussed .

  11. 该部分主要对相关研究对象的概念进行界定,并依据股利政策的基本理论对高派现、高转送行为对公司成长性的相关性进行理论分析。

    In this part , the concepts of relevant research subjects are classified and the impact mechanisms of high cash dividends and high forwarding on enterprise growth are analyzed based on the fundamental theory of dividend policy .

  12. 但是,自开板以来,中小板上市公司普遍采取高送转、高派现的股利政策,其高回报的特性也颇受广大投资者的关注和市场的追捧。

    However , the listed companies in the small and medium enterprise board commonly adopt the dividend policy of " high level send and high level cash dividend ", which have been chased in the market and focus the attention of investors for its high return characteristics .