
  • 网络highstand system tract;HST;LHST
  1. 高水位体系域相应的测井曲线呈现中幅箱形或桶形,不同体系域在地震剖面上的响应特征明显不同。

    The curves of HST 's well logging show as medium amplitude box-like or barrel-like . Diversity system tract show different seismic respond character .

  2. 陆相层序地层学的一个主要内容是将三级层序划分为低水位体系域、湖进体系域和高水位体系域等三个水位域沉积体系,分别代表着一个湖盆沉积的三个阶段。

    One of the main contents of continental sequence stratigraphy is dividing the three-order se-quence into LST , TST and HST , representing three stages of a lake basin deposition .

  3. 层序3-层序4高水位体系域的台地边缘则依次向海推进,呈进积或退覆(offlap)型组合关系。

    While platform margin advanced orderly in highstand systems tract stage of sequence 3-4 , showing combinatorial relation offlaped .

  4. 底部层序(SSⅠ)相当于沙河街组三段下亚段,低位体系域不发育,只发育湖侵体系域和高水位体系域,受早期构造沉降和气候控制。

    The bottom of sequence ( SSI ) corresponds to the lower submember of Member ⅲ of Shahejie Formation , characterized by lowstand system tracts undeveloped , only lacustrine transgression system tracts and highstand system tracts developed , all of theses are controlled by the early tectonic subsidence and climate .

  5. 研究表明,具有工业价值的煤层主要形成于高水位体系域。

    The research also indicates that the coal beds with industrial value are mainly formed in the highstand systems tracts .

  6. Ⅲ类储层以远砂坝和席状砂为主,在高水位体系域较为发育。

    And type ⅲ reservoir is dominated by far sand bars and sheet sand which is developed in high systems tract .

  7. 中部为次深海沉积,为海侵和高水位体系域;

    The middle is bathyal-abyssal , which belongs to the transgression system tract ( TST ) and high system tract ( HST ) .

  8. 把下白垩统划分为1个三级层序和低水位体系域、湖侵体系域、高水位体系域。

    The Lower Cretaceous is divided into 1 sequence and lowstand system tract , transgressive system tract as well as highstand system tract .

  9. 后裂谷早期高水位体系域扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、三角洲和河流砂体油气藏;

    And ( 4 ) fan delta , braid delta , delta and fluvial sand stone pools of immediate post rift highstand systems tract .

  10. 高水位体系域主要由滨浅湖沉积体系、扇三角洲沉积体系和浊积扇沉积体系组成。

    High stand system tract is composed of coast and shallow lake sedimentary system , fan delta sedimentary system and turbidite fan sedimentary system .

  11. 此外,风暴沉积在露头层序地层划分中,对于海进体系域和高水位体系域的识别具有重要的指示作用。

    Besides , the storm deposit is a important indication for identifying the transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract in outcrop sequence stratigraphy dividing .

  12. 淮南煤田二叠系三级层序内部具有明显的三分性,即一个三级层序由底部的低水位体系域、中部的水进体系域和上部的高水位体系域构成。

    Study shows that the internal architecture of the third order sequences in the study area is composed of the lowstand , transgressive and highstand systems tracts .

  13. 高水位体系域,主要分布在三角洲、扇三角洲、海底扇和峡谷水道。

    In a lowstand systems tract , sandstones are mainly distributed in lowstand wedges , slope fans , basin-floor fans , fan deltas , deltas and submarine canyons ;

  14. 在各勘探目的层层序地层内,主要发育于高水位体系域中中粗粒岩屑长石砂岩发育带,同时也主要位于主要层序界面上下。

    Among all sequence strata of exploration target , it mainly developed medium-coarse clastic arkose in high water system , which overlies and underlies the primary sequence interface as well .

  15. 其中层序3二分为湖侵和湖退体系域,其它层序三分,划分为低水位体系域、湖侵体系域和高水位体系域。

    Sequence three can subdivided into transgressive and regressive systems tract . Other third-order sequence can be subdivided into lowstand systems tract , transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract .

  16. 研究结果表明,冲积河流相地层的体系域划分具有4分性特征,即主要发育有低水位体系域、扩张体系域、高水位体系域,当基准面缓慢下降时,还可发育收缩体系域。

    The results show that there are four types of system tracts in alluvial-fluvial facies including low system tract , extension system tract , high system tract , contracting system tract .

  17. 其储层段由三个不完整的层序构成,高水位体系域沉积构成了层序的主体,层序界面为I型和Ⅱ型。

    The reservoir interval consists of 3 uncomplete sequences , with high stand sytem realm as the main body of the sequences , and sequence boundaries being Type I and Type ⅱ .

  18. 河控浅水三角洲沉积体系发育于太原组上段和山西组的中下段的高水位体系域。为海陆交替型含煤岩系的最上部地层。

    Fluvial-dominated shallow water deltaic depositional system is developed in high stand system tract of upper Taiyuan formation and mid-bottom Shangxi formation , and is the top of land-sea interaction coal-bearing strata .

  19. 低水位体系域形成的低水位扇和低水位楔,以及高水位体系域形成的扇三角洲砂体为油气的主要储层。

    The low stand fan caused by the low stand systems tracts and the fan delta sand body caused by the high stand systems tracts are the main oil and gas reservoirs .

  20. 根据沉积相演变和海平面变化历史,钱塘江下切河谷经历了深切、充填和埋藏三个阶段,形成一个由低水位体系域到高水位体系域的地层旋回。

    The development of Qiantang River incised valley underwent three stages : deep-cutting , filling , and burial stage , forming a stratigraphic cycles from lowstand system tract to stable highstand system tract .

  21. 高水位体系域发育大型S/斜交复合型前积结构,斜坡三角洲砂泥岩沉积特别发育,陆架边缘不断向海推进。

    Deltaic foreset in large S-type and obligue type configuration , developed in highstand systems tract , and composed of deltaic sand / mud sediments , prograde from shelf margin to the sea basin .

  22. 储集岩往往是成熟烃源岩之上层序的低水位体系域或紧邻成熟烃源岩的高水位体系域;

    The main reservoir rocks are always located in the lows-standing systems tract of a sequence above the effective hydrocarbon source rocks or in the high-standing systems tract immediately above the effective hydrocarbon source rock .

  23. 陆表海充填沉积的三级层序为二元结构,即下部为海侵体系域,上部为高水位体系域,缺少低水位体系域。

    The third-order sequence of sediment filling in epicontinental sea is of dualistic structure , that is , the lower part is transgressive system tract and the upper high stand tract , lacking low stand tract .

  24. 滇池&生态水系、人文水际、效益水体低水位体系域和高水位体系域水体较浅,沉积较粗,而湖进水位域则水体较深,沉积较细。

    Lake Dianchi : An Ecological Water System , A Cultural Waterscape , and A Productive Water Body Water body is shallow and sediments are coarse in LST and HST , but in TST , being deep and fine .

  25. 提出了川西前陆盆地的层序地层模式,认为川西前陆盆地一个完整的陆相层序是由湖盆边缘冲积体系域、湖侵体系域和湖泊高水位体系域三部分构成。

    The paper put forward the particular mode of Sequence Stratigraphy in the foreland basin , which includes Lacustrine Margin Alluvial Systems Tract ( AST ), Lacustrine Expanding Systems Tract ( LTST ), and Lacustrine Highstand Systems Tract ( LHST ) .

  26. 奥陶系储层主要形成于高水位体系域开阔台地相、台地边缘相和藻滩相中,由于受海水成岩和埋藏成岩环境影响,胶结作用发育,致使储层整体面貌呈Ⅳ类差储集层。

    Whereas the Ordovician reservoirs were mainly formed in open platform facies , platform edge facies and algal beach facies , together with the joint influence by marine-burial diagenetic environments , the carbonate rocks were tightly cemented to form low-quality reservoir bed .

  27. 气候的周期性变化导致湖盆中湖平面的变化,从而控制并发育了具有低水位、湖泊扩张、湖泊收缩和高水位体系域的气候层序。

    Periodic change of climate leads to lake level change in lacustrine , and then controls the formation of climatic sequence which is composed of Lacustrine lowstand system tracts , Lacustrine extension system tracts , Lacustrine highstand system tracts and Lacustrine contraction system tracts .

  28. 低水位背景下Ⅲ级层序湖侵体系域聚煤作用较差,Ⅲ级层序低水位与高水位体系域聚煤作用最差。

    In addition , the effect of collect coal which is transgressive system tract of the ⅲ class sequences about the background of lowstand system tract is less inferior , moreover the lowstand system tract and highstand system tract of ⅲ class sequence are most inferior .

  29. 运用层序地层学原理对该区划分了6个超层序,10个层序,建立石炭系风化面以上到侏罗系层序框架,以及低水位、水进、高水位体系域的平面展布。

    By using the principle of sequence stratigraphy , six supersequences and ten sequences are divided in the study area , sequence framework from above Carboniferous weathering surface to Jurassic strata is established , and the plane distribution of lowstand , transgressive and highstand system tracts are determined .

  30. 在南口虎峪剖面中,海侵体系域砂岩地层与高水位体系域砂泥质白云岩和叠层石白云岩组成了较有规律的层序地层相序,可以作为混积岩系层序地层划分的典型代表。

    In this section , the regular sedimentary succession composed of both the sandstone strata of the transgressive system tract and the sandy to muddy dolomite strata of the high-stand system tract enables the Dahongyu Formation to become an emblem on the sequence division of mixed rock system .