
  • 网络high-end router;high level router
  1. 高端路由器的IP层性能统计需要存储大量的数据,传统的方法用D触发器进行存储,往往消耗大量的逻辑单元和布线资源。

    IP layer performance statistics in high-end router require a large mount of local data storage , traditionally implementation with standard flip-flops , which can quickly consume many logic cells and routing resources .

  2. 高端路由器CIDR表非关键字索引的B-Tree机制

    A Kind of Non-Key Words Index B-Tree Mechanism in High-End Router CIDR List

  3. 一种基于Linux的高端路由器上的QoS实现方案

    A Way of QoS Implementation on High-speed Router Based on Linux

  4. 并以此为基础,为公司高端路由器新品制定了战术层面的4Ps营销策略,即产品、价格、促销、渠道策略。

    Moreover , on the basis above , the paper makes 4Ps marketing tactics ( product , price , promotion and place ) of MP high-level Router .

  5. 本文详细分析了一种高速、稳定、灵活的高端路由器广域网接口&通道化POS接口,简称CPOS。

    This thesis will analyze a high speed , steady , flexible wide area network interface of high-end routers-channel interface of POS , referred to CPOS .

  6. 高端路由器路由查找算法分析与实现

    Analysis and implementation of route lookup algorithm in high-end router

  7. 高端路由器中交换模块的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Switch Module in High-end Routers

  8. 基于热备份的主备倒换在高端路由器中的应用

    Application of Swap Based on Hot Standby in Router

  9. 高端路由器设计需要考虑的数据缓冲器问题

    Data Buffer Considerations for High End Router Designs

  10. 高端路由器组播流量管理

    High Level Router Multicast Traffic Management

  11. 随着交换容量和交换速率的提高,采用硬件来实现高端路由器中的交换结构是必然的。

    With switch capacity and switch speed increasing , it is inevitable to realize switch architecture with hardware in the hign-end router .

  12. 从高端路由器的可靠性出发,提出提高可靠性、减少故障持续时间的关键在于减少路由器主备倒换时间。

    The paper started with high reliability of router , pointed out the key point of reliability is cutting down standby time in router .

  13. 然后以确立的战略方向为依据,进一步对相对独立的高端路由器市场分别进行了市场细分、目标市场选择、市场定位。

    Then based on the strategy direction of high-level Router , the paper makes segmenting , targeting and positioning to the relatively telecom and non-telecom markets respectively .

  14. 高端路由器作为骨干网络节点的核心设备之一,其软件系统的开放性与通用性已成为设计的普遍需求。

    High-performance router is one of the kernel equipments in core network , openness and generalization of its software system has become a universal requirement of design .

  15. 目前,电信级核心路由器、企业高端路由器等大型路由设备主要由线路接口物理层芯片、网络处理器、流量管理器、交换单元四种芯片组成,每种芯片具有各自的作用。

    At present , the carrier-class core routers , enterprise routers and other high-end large-scale routing equipment are mainly consisted by the physical layer interface chips , network processors , traffic managers , and switching modules .

  16. 转发处理技术是影响网络性能最重要的部件,而转发性能也是高端路由器最关键的特性,所以各个网络设备生产商将快速转发作为研究实现的重点。

    Forwarding processing technology is the most important part of the influence of network performance , meanwhile , Forwarding performance is also the most crucial characteristics of high-end router . So , all network equipment manufacturers take Fast-forwarding as the focus of research and implementation .

  17. 高端路由器、交换机、智能网关等嵌入式设备的配置比较复杂,如果通过命令行配置,会给用户带来很多的不方便,用户难以掌握,这就会造成产品不受欢迎。

    The configuration of embedded devices , such as , routers , switches and intelligent gateways is complex . To configure through the command-line will bring users a lot of inconvenience or it may be difficult for users to master , which will cause the products to be unwelcomed .

  18. 本文描述了高端骨干路由器上MPLS流量工程的设计与实现方案。

    The paper presents the design and implementation solution of MPLS TE .

  19. 文章中基于本系统,使用形式化的一致性测试方法,对目前五款高端IPv6路由器的ND协议实现进行一致性测试,并对测试结果进行比较分析。

    This paper use the Formal Specification Method of conformance test , realize testing five kind of ND router at present in the system , and at last analyse the test results .

  20. 研究了分布式高端核心路由器实现链路聚合技术时,平台软件对主控板和业务板的板间通信处理,各任务间调度关系的处理和工作流程。

    This paper also studies communications between main board and sub boards and the scheming of tasks when implementing link aggregation in the distributed high-end core routers .