
  • 网络High performance server;HPS
  1. 一种提高高性能服务器资源利用率的新方法

    Novel Approach to Improve Resource Usage in HPS

  2. 目前高性能服务器能够支持多种应用,但各种应用在同一段时间内对资源需求是不均衡的,致使高性能服务器的资源利用率较低。

    Now HPS ( HPC ) can support many application , but the resource usage of HPS is very low .

  3. 基于Linux的高性能服务器端的设计与研究

    Design of and Research on High Performance Server Based on Linux

  4. 希望此文可以给于TCP高性能服务器开发者一些帮助,选择最佳的设计方案。

    We hope that this article will help developers of high performance TCP based servers to choose optimal design solution .

  5. 该文所提出的动态部署系统是一种提高基于InfiniBand和SAN的高性能服务器资源利用的新方法。

    Dynamic deployment system & a novel approach to improve resource usage in HPS is presented based on InfiniBand and SAN .

  6. 提示:经验表明,许多高性能服务器环境都被错误的网卡速度设置所拖累(例如,采用“auto-detect”而不是使用100MbFullDuplex或Gigabit)。

    TIP : Experiences have seen many high-performance server environments ruined by using the wrong network card speed ( for example ' auto-detect ' instead of100Mb Full Duplex or Gigabit ) .

  7. 针对远动网关机既是IEC61850客户端又是IEC61850服务器的特点,选用数据处理能力较强的高性能服务器作为网关机硬件。

    As the telecontrol gateway is both the IEC61850 client and IEC61850 server , high-performance server with better data-handling capacity is chosen .

  8. 其中I/O模型是高性能服务器的瓶颈。

    I / O model was the bottleneck of high performance .

  9. 高性能服务器上爆轰波传播的并行计算

    Parallel Computing of Detonation Wave Propagation on High Performance Server

  10. 高性能服务器底层网络通信模块的设计方法

    Design Method of Underlying Module of Network Communication for High Performance Server

  11. 基于线程池的高性能服务器软件的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Software of High-Performance Server Based on Thread Pool Technology

  12. 新型商用高性能服务器的体系结构

    The New Commercial High Performance Server Architecture

  13. 其中集群技术已经成为目前解决服务器超载和提供高性能服务器的一种有效手段。

    The cluster technology has become an effective solution of server overload and providing high-performance server .

  14. 高性能服务器的应用领域越来越广,目前已经广泛应用于银行、军事、航天、气象服务等领域。

    High-performance server has been widely used in banking , military , aerospace , meteorological services and other fields .

  15. 在这些领域中,高性能服务器都是用来处理关键的业务,系统数据丢失或者异常停机都会造成严重的后果。

    In these areas , high-performance servers are used to handle critical business , system data loss or abnormal shutdown will lead serious consequences .

  16. 高性能服务器集群系统将成为实现高可扩展、高可用网络服务的有效体系。

    The server cluster , which is a set of autonomous servers connected by a high performance network , becomes the effective way to realize the high scalability and high availability of web server system .

  17. 可扩展、高性能Web服务器系统的研究

    Research on Scalable High Performance Web Server Systems

  18. 高性能网络服务器Linux网络接口驱动程序设计

    Design of a High Performance Network Interface Driver Based on Linux

  19. 使用动态负载均衡技术的LINUX高性能集群服务器研究

    On High Performance Cluster Servers of Linux Using Dynamic Load-Balancing

  20. 支持SSL的高性能通信服务器设计与实现

    Design and implementation of high performance communication server supporting SSL

  21. 针对传统光盘服务器的缺点,实现了一个新的高性能光盘服务器CDS(CDServer)。

    To the shortcoming of the traditional CD server , we have realized a new high-performance CD server ( CDS ) .

  22. 机载网络存储系统中的高性能NFS服务器的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of High Performance NFS Server in Airborne Network Storage System

  23. 并对基于线程池机制的高性能DHCP服务器进行了总体设计。

    And has designed overall high-performance DHCP server based on pool mechanism of the thread .

  24. IOCP技术被广泛应用于各自高性能的服务器,像Apache等。

    The IOCP technology is widely used for different types of high performance servers as Apache etc.

  25. 研究基于线程池机制的高性能DHCP服务器的体系结构;

    To carry on the analytical design according to the high performance DHCP server of the thread pool mechanism .

  26. 用于高性能网络服务器的InfiniBand体系结构

    InfiniBand Architecture for High Performance Network Servers

  27. 本文研究比较了高性能TCP服务器的两种设计模式,提出了一种可扩展、多平台的解决方案(含实例)。

    This article investigates and compares different design patterns of high performance TCP-based servers . It proposes a scalable single-codebase , multi-platform solution ( with code examples ) and describes its fine-tuning on different platforms .

  28. 接着研究了基于线程池机制的高性能DHCP服务器的技术问题:探讨了应用多线程技术和线程池机制中经常出现的问题;

    Classify the client and collection of information . Then it has studied High-performance DHCP server on the basis of the pool mechanism of the thread .

  29. Geronimo的目标之一是提供高性能应用服务器,而JVM统计信息的分析是寻求最高应用程序性能的一项重要补充。

    One of the goals of Geronimo is to provide a high-performance application server , and JVM statistical analysis is a great complement in your quest for maximum application performance .

  30. 随着Internet的高速发展,采用并行WEB服务器机群系统是实现高性能Web服务器的一个有效途径,通过请求分配使机群达到负载平衡是提高这种系统运行效率的基本手段。

    With the thriving of the Internet , Applying the Parallel Web Server Clusters system is an efficient way to achieving the high performance of the Web Server . And a basic method of improving the performance of the system is to balancing the Server Load by dispatching the requests .