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  • 网络goldman;GOLDMAN SACHS;Goldman-Sachs;Goldman Sachs Group
  1. 高盛银行在选择这些国家时采用的标准有:宏观经济稳定程度,政治成熟度,贸易及投资政策开放程度,以及教育质量。

    The criteria3 that Goldman Sachs used were macroeconomic stability , political maturity4 , openness of trade and investment policies , and the quality of education .

  2. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的老板拒绝将在家办公视为新常态,而是称其为“反常态”。

    The boss of Goldman Sachs rejected working from home as a new normal – labelling it an ' aberration4 ' instead .

  3. 11月份的时候,高盛分析师对中国股市进行了降级处理,因为重要的股票起伏不定,有消息称国家将出台政策抑制通货膨胀。

    Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups , signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation .

  4. 去年,高盛集团宣布,员工可以在办公室内着便装。

    Last year , Goldman Sachs announced that its employees could start dressing down for the office .

  5. 高盛银行在2005年12月12日将这些国家选为“新钻十一国”,每个国家都有良好的投资和增长前景。

    The bank chose these states , all with promising2 outlooks for investment and future growth , on December 12 , 2005 .

  6. 他最大的成就,正是他当初在高盛所抵制的事情:将这个大行情板(BigBoard,纽交所的代称)改造成了一家上市公司。

    His biggest achievement was to do what he 'd initially resisted at Goldman and transform the Big Board into a public company .

  7. 高盛分析师预测,明年Twitter的收入将增长55%。

    The Underwriters ' analysts are predicting 55 % growth next year .

  8. 他对麦肯锡(McKinsey)、高盛(Goldman)、亚马逊(Amazon)以及苹果(Apple)等大公司一点也不感兴趣。

    He had no interest in McKinsey or Goldman , Amazon or apple .

  9. 最后,他通过高盛(GoldmanSachs)筹集到500万美元。

    Eventually he raised $ 5 million through Goldman Sachs .

  10. 相比之下,保尔森却将高盛(GoldmanSachs)和花旗集团同等看待。

    By contrast , Mr Paulson lumped Goldman Sachs and Citigroup together .

  11. 这肯定也是总部位于美国的全球投行高盛(GoldmanSachs)的观点。

    That is certainly the view at US-based global investment bank Goldman Sachs .

  12. 高闻认为,高盛(GoldmanSachs)前雇员格雷格•史密斯最近刊登在《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)社论版的文章有失公允。

    Gorman said he thought the recent New York Times op-ed by former Goldman Sachs ( GS ) employee Greg Smith was unfair .

  13. Facebook、高盛和DST均拒绝置评。

    Facebook , Goldman and DST all declined to comment .

  14. 只有摩根大通(JPMorganChase)与高盛相近。

    Only JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) came close .

  15. 高盛CEO劳埃德•布莱克费恩早已宣布关闭自营交易业务。

    In the past , CEO Lloyd Blankfein has said that the firm closed its proprietary trading operations .

  16. 据称,高盛(GoldmanSachs)也在酝酿新一轮的裁员。

    Goldman Sachs ( GS ) is also reportedly planning a new round of layoffs .

  17. 高盛(goldmansachs)在许多方面都很擅长,其中就包括发起公关活动。

    Goldman Sachs excels at many things among them , waging a public relations campaign .

  18. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)把思科的这两个问题精简成了一个问题。

    Goldman Sachs figures it breaks down to two parts Cisco problems to one part global economy .

  19. 现年55岁、掌管超过8000亿美元资产的高盛资产管理(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)董事长奥尼尔依然乐观。

    O'Neill , the 55-year-old chairman of Goldman Sachs asset management ( GS ) , which oversees more than $ 800 billion , remains optimistic .

  20. 高盛资产管理(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)董事长吉姆·奥尼尔表示,美国总统奥巴马和共和党人士还有三周时间可以达成预算协议。

    Jim O'Neill , the chairman of Goldman Sachs asset management , says President Obama and Republicans have another three weeks to make a budget deal .

  21. 其他的大股东还包括风投机构加速合伙公司(AccelPartners),DST集团,T.RowePrice基金公司和高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    Other major holders include accel partners , DST group , T. Rowe price and Goldman Sachs .

  22. 尽管政府主导的基础设施投资继续发挥着领头羊作用,私营部门的投资也显示出积极的迹象,高盛经济学家宋宇(YuSong)表示。

    While government-led infrastructure investments continue to lead the charge , private investments are showing positive signs as well , said Yu Song , Goldman economist .

  23. 从量化的角度看,纽约联储当时应该知道MFGlobal在资本规模、经验或运营控制方面与高盛不能相提并论。

    Quantitatively , the New York Fed should have known MF Global was no Goldman Sachs as measured in capital size , experience or operational controls .

  24. 之后,她加盟高盛公司(GoldmanSachs),但收到高盛支付的首次公开募股股票之后火速离职。

    She joined Goldman Sachs ( GS ) board , but soon resigned after receiving shares of IPOs Goldman underwrote .

  25. Facebook可没有掏钱让他们定价时留个10-15%的折扣,以便摩根士丹利或高盛讨好高资产净值客户。

    It did not pay them to offer 10-15 % discounts so that Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs could ingratiate themselves to high-net-worth clients .

  26. 但一位LinkedIn的重要投资者&高盛(GoldmanSachs),决定远离二级市场的狂欢。

    But one sizable LinkedIn investor , Goldman Sachs ( GS ) , decided to sit out the secondary-market fun .

  27. 高盛(goldmansachs)在香港的研究显示,亚洲的银行业比许多全球同行“明显更加强健”。

    According to Goldman Sachs research in Hong Kong , Asian banking sectors are " notably stronger " than many global peers .

  28. 高盛没有参与的CDO交易数以百计,但迄今为止都没有受到调查。

    There are hundreds of non-Goldman CDOs that no one has yet investigated .

  29. 包括摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)在内的全球投资银行都在缩减规模,或关闭此前负责自营交易的部门。

    Global investment banks , including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs , are downsizing or closing units previously responsible for proprietary deals .

  30. 参与窝窝团首轮盛大融资的投资者包括鼎晖投资(CDHVentures)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)、天佑投资(SkyBlessingInvestment)和清科(Zero2IPOVentures)。

    Investors in this massive series a round included CDH ventures , Goldman Sachs , sky blessing investment and Zero2IPO ventures .