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  1. 如本文的最后两章所示,所有受试在这一年中意义和搭配的接受性知识和产出性知识都有很大发展。

    The results show that all subjects display great increase in meaning and collocation both receptively and productively .

  2. 该种界定,正如第二章所示是审美共通感概念的净化。

    This kind of limit , as shown in the second chapter , is purification of the concept of " common sense of the aesthetic " .

  3. 须与之协调的机构在第c-5章施工前列示出。

    Agencies with whom coordination is planned are listed in section c-5 , preconstruction .

  4. 第四章详细论述了示教盒系统硬件底层驱动程序的开发。主要包括存储器、网络通讯、PS/2键盘以及液晶显示屏幕驱动程序。

    Chapter 4 , designing the hardware driver , including the Nand-Flash , Ethernet , PS / 2 keyboard , LCD controller , etc.