
  1. 本文以民国时期中国地质科学四大奠基人章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、李四光为切入点来考察民国科学家人文关怀的特点。

    This text attempt to announce the characteristic of the humane care by studying the four major founders of China 's geology .

  2. 章鸿钊(1877&1951年)是中国地质事业的开拓者和中国地质学会的创始人之一。

    Zhang Hongzhao ( 1877-1951 ), one of the founders of the Chinese Geological Society and elected as its first president ( 1922 ), was a pioneer in Chilla s geological undertakings .

  3. 本文紧密结合中国近代的政治与经济发展史,评述了章鸿钊对我国地质事业所做出的功绩。

    Combined with a brief description of the political and economic development in the modern history of China , this paper presents the contribution Zhang made to the cause of China 's geology .

  4. 他与章鸿钊、翁文灏等人一起,培养了中国第一代地质学家,是中国近代地质学的奠基者之一。

    As one of the founders of modern Chinese geology , together with Zhang Hongzhao , Weng Wenhao and others , he trained and brought up the first group of geologists in China .