
zhāng jié
  • chapter;passage;chapters and sections
章节 [zhāng jié]
  • [chapters and sections] 章和节。文章的组成部分,通常一本书分若干章,一章又分若干节

章节[zhāng jié]
  1. 本文中各章节基本上是按照InSAR成像处理的完整流程顺序进行安排。

    The chapters and sections of this dissertation are organized according to the routine of InSAR image formation .

  2. 各专业内容详见相应章节。

    See corresponding chapters and sections for detailed contents of each discipline .

  3. 章节标题有助于了解书的内容。

    The chapter headings are useful signposts to the content of the book .

  4. 主要的论证被压缩进了一个章节。

    The main arguments were compressed into one chapter .

  5. 小说的一些章节不错。

    The novel is good in parts .

  6. 这本书因含有需要删除的问题章节而被撤回。

    The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted

  7. 做一做本章节的开篇习题。

    Try working through the opening exercises in this chapter

  8. 关于如何帮助这种病人,下面章节中将会作出解释。

    The method of helping such patients is explained in the following chapters .

  9. 这些争论的主要内容将在本书后面的章节中更为充分地加以讨论。

    Major elements of these debates are discussed more fully later in this book .

  10. 我发现自己跳过了这些章节,尽管有许多读者无疑会为这些描写兴奋不已。

    I found myself skipping these passages , though no doubt many readers will slaver over them .

  11. 每一章节后均附有小结。

    There is a summary at the end of each chapter .

  12. 此剧是取书中的若干章节加以编排贯串,演义而成的。

    The play is an adaptation of some chapters of the book .

  13. 正如其他章节所述,在美国,健全经济管理体制的工作因为要适应经济变化的各种潮流而并非一帆风顺。

    As other chapters have described , economic governance in America has evolved unevenly , responding to the major currents of change in the economy itself .

  14. 史密斯先生写了一本轻松的旅游指南,其中有一系列简短的章节专门介绍城市公园的具体方面,比如多年来为建设完美城市而提出的各种方案。

    Mr. Smith has written a breezy guidebook , with a series of short chapters dedicated to specific aspects of urbanity — parks , say , or the various schemes that have been put forward over the years for building the perfect city .

  15. 正如人们所料,他的写作大体上是清晰的,但公平地说部分章节没有那么突出。

    As one would expect , his writing is mostly clear and , to be fair , some chapters stand out above the rest .

  16. 这些关于拘留的章节不仅具可读性而且研究得很透彻

    The chapters on the internment are Both readaBle and well researched .

  17. 参见Tips&Tricks章节

    See Tips & Tricks for an exploit .

  18. 他们的壁纸可能是他们的宠物、自拍、父母、孩子、配偶、现有的车/想要的车、最喜欢的演员/歌手/运动员、最喜欢的《圣经》章节、一张漂亮的风景照甚至是系统默认壁纸。

    Their wallpaper may be of their pet , selfie , parents , children , partner , current car / dream car , favorite actor / singer / sportsperson , favorite Bible verse , a beautiful scenery or even the default wallpaper .

  19. 还有就是所有18个章节,提供打印或PDF格式下载。

    All18 chapters can be printed or downloaded in PDF format .

  20. 完整的SPA工具支持会分散在各个章节中进行介绍。

    The complete SPA tooling support is covered in a separate article .

  21. 如果要生成PDF,则可以包含目标章节的页码。

    When you generate a PDF , you can include the page number of the target section .

  22. Chapter&这个类表示PDF文档中的章节。

    Com . lowagie . text . Chapter & This class represents a chapter in the PDF document .

  23. 第一章节介绍了与LCA有关的几种心理学理论及其相关的教学法。

    In this chapter four approaches to teaching related to the LCA are discussed .

  24. 在加入WTO,饲料工业的发展面临新的形势,有新的发展趋势,本章节对此问题进行了分析。

    After our country entered WTO , the development of feed industry facing new situation , will has new trends , this chapter will do the analysis about such issues .

  25. 从某些方面来看,《生活真奇怪》(LifeIsStrange)与DontnodEntertainment的科幻动作类游戏《勿忘我》(RememberMe)是两款截然不同的游戏,而从另一些方面来看,这两款章节式的冒险游戏十分类似。

    In some ways , Life Is Strange couldn 't be more different than Dontnod Entertainment 's sci-fi action game Remember Me , but in other ways , the episodic adventure game is similar .

  26. 在前面章节基础上,着重研究了KDD/DM应用到CBR系统中。

    Based on previous sections , an emphasis on explaining how to apply the technology of KDD / DM to CBR system is laid .

  27. 链接到一起后,如果您正在查看某一章节的第三个面板,那么单击Next会进入第四个面板,而单击Previous会进入第二个面板。

    We 'd link them so that if you 're looking at the third panel in a section , clicking Next should take you to the fourth panel , and clicking Previous should take you to the second panel .

  28. 在以下章节中,我们将讨论如何对ILM使用这些命令。

    In subsequent sections , we discuss how these commands are used for ILM .

  29. 在阐述该样品中的等离子体特性后,本章节讨论了土豆皮中LIBS光谱特性,并且提取出半定量的分析结果。

    Following this characterization , semi-quantitative analytical results were extracted from LIBS spectra corresponding to potato skin .

  30. 论文最后一部分在以前章节的研究基础上,使用混合仿真方法设计了一款芯片的ESD保护结构。

    Based on the former investigation , one ESD protection structure is designed using the mixed-mode simulation in the last part of this dissertation .