
  • 网络Educational Benefits;education benefits;Educational effectiveness;benefits of education
  1. 汇集各方努力,我们相信雷生春的形体结构、历史信息和文化价值将能得以妥善地保存,并能带来社会、经济及教育效益。

    With concerted effort from members of the community , Lui Seng Chun will surely be preserved with its physical attributes and cultural significance , and bring about social , economic and educational benefits .

  2. 观众们在参观后,以「教育效益」方面的感受最高,「心理效益」感受次之,而感受程度最低的是「生理效益」;

    As for the perception after the visit , the " educational benefits " were the highest , the " psychological benefits " were the next and the " physiological benefits " were the lowest .

  3. 本文研究的最终目的是利用运筹学中的DEA方法在教育效益评价领域的适用性,并密切结合网络课程教育的特殊性,运用该方法对网络课程教育投入产出综合效益进行量化评估。

    According to the applicability of DEA method used in the educational field , this article aims at evaluating on the integrative benefit of E-learning course quantitatively .

  4. 教育效益是教育质量标准评价的总体特征的表现。

    The educational benefit is the characteristic of educational quality evaluation .

  5. 高校促进学生扬长发展的教育效益探讨

    Study on Exploring Benefit of Education in Encouraging University Students'Self Development

  6. 第三部分:提高当前思想政治教育效益的对策。

    Part three : countermeasures of increasing the benefit of IPE .

  7. 第二部分:当前思想政治教育效益存在的问题和原因。

    Part two : plight of the benefit of IPE and causes .

  8. 军队后勤院校教育效益研究

    On Study of Troops Logistic Universities and Colleges Education Benefit

  9. 一是目标的军事性,就是指军队后勤院校教育效益所表现的要求把提高军事效益作为最高目标的特性;

    One is the military property of the target .

  10. 教育效益的价值基础和基本向度

    Value Basis of Educational Benefit and Fundamental Orientations

  11. 第五部分在分析大学生思想政治教育效益主要影响因素的基础上,提出了一些具有针对性的对策思考。

    Fifth , to bring forward the countermeasures on the basis of the analyses mentioned .

  12. 当代大学生思想政治教育效益问题及对策

    On the Plight and Countermeasure of Present-age University Students ' Ideological and Political Education Benefit

  13. 试论新形势下干部教育效益流失的成因与对策

    On the Causes and Countermeasures to Benefit Loss of Cadres ' Education in the New Circumstances

  14. 教育效益略论

    A Brief Discussion About Educational Efficiency

  15. 实现理想的医德教育效益是医德教育的重要价值目标。

    Achieving the desired medical moral educational efficiency is the value goals of medical moral education .

  16. 大学生思想政治教育效益主要影响因素分析及对策

    On the Factors That Influence the Benefit of College Students ' Ideological and Political Education and Countermeasures

  17. 高等教育效益的复杂性,决定了人们需要选择不同的教育效果。

    The complexity of higher education benefits decides that people need to choose different effects of education .

  18. 研究高校思想政治教育效益的影响因素,是为了更好地提高高校思想政治教育效益。

    To research the influential factors , is better to improve the college thought and politics educational benefits .

  19. 第二部分界定了大学生思想政治教育效益的内涵和特征。

    Second , to introduce the connotation and characteristics of the benefit of college students ' ideological and political education .

  20. 思想政治教育效益是思想政治教育一如既往地保持生存和发展的最现实依据。

    The benefit standard of ideological political education provides scientific basis on which ideological political education itself can keep existing and developing as always .

  21. 最后根据国外发达国家企业投资职业教育效益的比较,探讨出促进我国企业投资中等职业教育的有效途径。

    At last , the author finds out some effective ways to promote enterprises invest secondary vocational education through comparing benefit of developed countries with ours .

  22. 然而,调查表明,大学生法律素质虽有所提高,但存在明显不足,大学生法制教育效益是低下的。

    It 's hoped that college students should have higher quality of law , However , investigation shows college students quality of law is inadequate and benefits in legal education is low .

  23. 合格评估关乎着学校的生存与发展,对提高学校教学质量、教育效益以及教学管理科学化、现代化具有重要的意义。高校应理性应对合格评估,做好学校工作。

    The qualified evaluation , which determines the college 's existence and development , plays an important role in the improvement of the teaching quality , the educational efficiency and the scientific & modern management of teaching .

  24. 通过这些分析,可以看到,这些因素既各自对思想政治教育效益发生作用,又相互制约而从总体上影响着高校思想政治教育效益。

    Through these analysis , it can be seen that those factors would make the efforts individually to thought and politics educational benefit , and also inter restricted to totally influenced the college thought and politics educational benefits .

  25. 随着知识型经济和知识型军事的发展,知识对军队思想政治教育效益的促进和提升作用也日益明显和深刻。

    Today , with the development of social economy and military application more and more based on knowledge , the promotion and elevation of efficient military - politic-education ( MPE ) by knowledge are increasingly obvious and profound .

  26. 只有对高校思想政治教育效益的影响因素进行系统地分析,才能有针对性地提出相关对策,从而提高高校思想政治教育的效益。

    No other than systematic analysis to influence factors of college thought and politics education benefits , can bring forward in pertinence to some relative countermeasures , in order to enhance the educational benefits of college thought and politics .

  27. 需要对新课程改革理论基础、价值取向、思维方法、教育效益等方面进行理性的反思,试图为深化新课程改革提供一些启示。

    It is necessary to give logical reflections on the new curriculum reform , such as its theoretical basis , values orientation , thinking mode , and education benefits trying to afford some revelation to the deepening of new curriculum reform .

  28. 教育效益是教育活动中三种价值及其关系实现的结果,包含着基于使用价值、商品价值的基础性效益和以人的价值为核心的建构性效益两个基本向度。

    Since educational benefit is the outcome of three kinds of value and their relations in educational activities , they naturally include two fundamental orientations-basic benefit based on utilization value and commodity value , and constructive benefit centered on human beings ' value .

  29. 所以通过精品课程建设,可以优化课程资源的配置和使用,使有限的课程资源发挥最大的作用、产生最好的教育效益,最大限度地提高教育质量。

    Thus through the construction of excellent course , it can optimizing the configuration and use of teaching resources , it makes the limited teaching resources play his most contribution , it can achieve the best educational benefits and enhance the quality of education .

  30. 21世纪初农科专业如何调整关系到人才培养的质量、毕业生的就业竞争力、专业的发展、专业的教育效益、农业经济以及农业院校的发展等重大问题。

    How to adjust agricultural majors in the early 21st century is very important to the quality of college students , the ability of graduates to compete in the job market , the educational profits of agricultural majors and the development agricultural colleges and universities .