
  1. 另外,在教育部直属师范大学建立师范生免费教育的相应制度,也将全社会的目光再一次集中到高等院校贫困生的身上。

    The policy of free education for all normal universities under administration of the Ministry of Education attracted the attention to the needy students in the university .

  2. 二是在教育部直属师范大学实行师范生免费教育,建立相应的制度。

    Two , we will institute free education for students majoring in education in teacher colleges directly under the Ministry of Education and set up a corresponding system .

  3. 最近,我从报纸上获悉教育部直属师范类大学将招收一批免费师范生。

    Recently I learned from the newspaper that normal universities belonging to the Education Department would recruit some students free of charge .

  4. 2007年秋季开始,国家在教育部直属6所师范大学实行师范生免费教育政策。

    The autumn of2007 , the state starts to implement the policy design of free education for students in the6 Normal Universities directly under the Ministry of Education .

  5. 义务教育学校实施绩效工资,在教育部直属师范大学实行师范生免费教育,加强了农村教师队伍建设。

    The pay of teachers in compulsory education is now linked to their performance . Students majoring in education at teachers universities directly under the Ministry of Education were exempted from paying tuition , and the ranks of rural teachers were strengthened .

  6. 二零零七年九月,超过一万两千名享受免费师范生教育的学子走进了教育部直属的六所师范大学。

    In September of 2007 , over twelve thousands high school graduates , in the identity of tuition-free normal college students , entered six normal universities directly under the management of the Ministry of Education .

  7. 5月9日,教育部、财政部、人事部、中央编办等四部委发布《教育部直属师范大学免费教育实施办法(试行)》,标志该政策进入了实施阶段。

    The Ministry of Education , the Ministry of Finance , the Ministry of Personnel , and the Central Editing Office jointly promulgate " The Trial Guideline for Conducting Free Education in Normal Universities within jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education " on May 9 , which indicated the commencement .

  8. 继2007年教育部实行公费师范生政策之后,2010年教育部又颁布了《教育部直属师范大学免费师范毕业生在职攻读教育硕士专业学位实施办法(暂行)》。

    After carrying out the free normal education policy in 2007 , Ministry of Education promulgate measures of free normal graduates in the subordinate normal universities being granted the master degree on-the-job in 2010 ( interim ) .