
  • 网络Economic Issues in China
  1. Sharpe出版公司发行,提供了有关中国经济问题的客观的和分析性的观点。

    Sharpe Publishing Co. , offers an objective and analytical account of the economic issues facing China .

  2. 浅谈用西方经济学的理论分析框架研究中国经济问题

    Researches on Chinese economic issues by use of theoretical analytical methods of western economics

  3. 此外,商科教师也渐次热心参与中国经济问题的讨论,并积极献策。

    In addition , the teachers of the Academic Commercial Education are gradually active in Chines economic issues , and give positive suggestions .

  4. 第一种看法是,目前“中国经济问题”就是由世界或是美国的金融危机引起的。

    The first point of view is that the current " Chinese economy problems " are caused by the global or rather American financial crisis .

  5. 因此,在课程教学过程中,教师令学生在正确的汉语文化背景下理解和分析与之相关的当代中国经济问题是十分重要的。

    So it is very important for teacher to teach students how to understand and analyze the economic phenomenon in modern China by right cultural background .

  6. 他认为中国经济问题的解决,有赖于政治问题的解决,提倡发展实业,增强资本。

    He believed that the resolution of the Chinese problem depended on the resolution of political problem , encouraged to develop industry and commerce and strengthen capital .

  7. 新体系在当代中国经济问题研究中的应用,涉及探讨计划经济下的需供管和市场经济下的需供管两个问题。

    And when we apply new system to modern China economic issue research , we should discuss two demand-supply - management problems between planned economy and market economy .

  8. 他们一方面运用现代经济理论分析中国经济问题,促进经济学的中国化、本土化,为解决中国经济问题寻求答案;

    On the one hand , by applying modern economic theory to Chinese economic problems , they sought solutions to those problems and facilitated the sinicization and localization of economics ;

  9. 周二,在北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)公布林肯大陆的量产车型时,福特高管们表示,他们,他们不畏惧中国的经济问题,依然在推进相关计划。

    At the unveiling of the production version of the Continental on Tuesday at the North American International Auto Show , Ford executives said they were undaunted by the economic troubles in China and were pressing ahead with their plans .

  10. 21世纪中国经济增长问题的若干思考与建议

    China economy growth problem 's thinking and suggestion in 21 century

  11. 21世纪初中国经济增长问题

    Economic Growth in China in the Early 21 st Century

  12. 本文运用新凯恩斯主义垄断竞争模型来研究中国经济波动问题。

    This paper studies China 's economic fluctuation in a New Keynesian model .

  13. 研究中国经济信用问题的一种思路&从现代契约理论角度进行的思考

    An Analysis of China 's Credit Disorder from the Perspective of Modern Contractual Theory

  14. 而中国的经济问题也前所未有地在世界各地引起反响。

    And China 's economic hiccup is echoing around the world as never before .

  15. 现阶段中国经济基本问题

    Basic Problems of China 's Current Economy

  16. 综合考虑上述因素,中国经济出问题是很有可能的。

    Put all of this together and there is a very real possibility of trouble .

  17. 假货现象已不仅是中国经济的问题,同时也是世界经济的问题。

    The phenomenon of the fake merchandise has become both a domestic and an worldwide problem .

  18. 中国经济周期问题研究

    Study of Economic Cycles in China

  19. 贝利相信,一旦中国遭遇经济问题,将会有更多的中国人在境外投资物业。

    And , if China experiences economic problems , Bailey believes more Chinese may invest in property abroad .

  20. 刘永佶教授关于中国经济矛盾问题的研究成果堪称中国劳动者的政治经济学。

    The achievement of LIU Yong-ji 's in Chinese economy contradiction can be rated as political economy of Chinese labourer .

  21. 第三种看法是,目前中国经济的问题与这场世界金融危机并没有什么太直接的关系。

    The third view indicates that there is no direct relation between Chinese economy problems and the global financial crisis .

  22. 所有的这些实证分析,实际上是借助基本经济学原理,对中国经济增长问题的再分析。

    All of these kinds of empirical analyses are a sort of re-analysis on economy phenomena on the basis of principles of economics .

  23. 的正处于一种高速的阶段,本文主要对中国经济失衡问题及中国经济后续发展进行了一些探讨和预测。

    This article mainly explores the imbalance of Chinese economy , which is in its booming period and forecasts its follow-up development as well .

  24. 这一自上而下的转变方式,形成了研究目前中国所有经济问题的最特殊的社会背景。

    This kind of way of changing has formed the most special social background of research of all China 's economic questions at present .

  25. 尽管大家都在谈论中国的经济问题——以及越来越多的消费部门放缓的证据——但中国的电影票房正呈现火爆之势。

    For all the talk of China 's economic problems - and mounting evidence of a slowing consumer sector - the box office is booming .

  26. 目前关于近代中国经济现代化问题的研究已经成为了一门显学,取得的成果还是相当丰富的。

    At present , the research into economic modernization of Modern China has become an important issue and there are quite a few achievements in it .

  27. 针对经济发展过程中日益严重的环境约束问题,通过把环境因素纳入全要素生产率分析框架,本文对环境约束下中国经济增长问题进行了实证分析。

    Focusing on the issues listed before , this paper analyses the economic growth under the blind of environment by TFP which takes the environment into account .

  28. 研究中国的经济问题,不能简单套用国外的理论和模型。必须充分考虑到中国现实的社会、经济乃至文化环境。

    The correct way of study the economic issue in China should be a joint effort of foreign theory and the reality of China 's society , economy and culture .

  29. 现在,中国的经济问题引起了货币汇率、大宗商品和股市的波动,而像舜天这样负债累累的公司,则处在问题的核心。

    Now , heavily indebted companies like Sainty Marine are at the center of the economic troubles in China that have unsettled currency , commodity and stock markets of late .

  30. 新自由主义经济思潮与中国市场经济地位问题

    New Liberalism Economic Thoughts and Problems of China Market Economy Status