
  1. 论香港的中药标准化

    On Standardization of Chinese Materia Medica in Hong Kong

  2. 中药标准化提供统一的单一植物化学一批又一批。

    Standardized herbs provide uniformity of a single plant chemical batch after batch .

  3. 中药标准化提取物应用建议及产业化思考

    Proposals for Application and Thinking of Industrialization of Standardized Extracts of Chinese Medicinal Plants

  4. 产品适应了中医临床需要,质量稳定可控,在实现中药标准化、产业化道路上走出了创新之路。

    The quality of their products is stable and controllable and able to meet clinical needs .

  5. 道地药材的学术思想是历史上中药标准化的重要组成部分,但在现代中药研究时被忽略了,这是中药现代化和国际化进展缓慢的原因之一。

    Academic thoughts on geo-herbals is an important part of standardization for Chinese materia medica ( CMM ) but had been ignored for some years so that the loitering standardization directly influences internationalization and modernization progress of Chinese herbology .

  6. 中药标准化提取物是现代中药的一种产品形式,中药提取过程是中药现代化的重要技术环节,提取物在国际市场上的应用是中药国际化的先行者和铺路石。

    The standardized extracts of Chinese medicinal plants are one of the forms of modern Chinese medicines , the process of their extraction takes an important technical link , and the application of their extracts in world markets implies the pioneer and flagstone in the internationalization of Chinese medicines .

  7. DNA分子标记技术在中药品质与标准化方面的研究概况

    The Latest Progress in Study of DNA Molecular Marker Used in Quality Evaluation of Chinese Medicinal Materials

  8. 应用HACCP原理建立中药注射剂综合标准化质量控制体系

    Application of HACCP principles to establish a comprehensive standardized quality control system of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection

  9. 目的:优化牛膝盐炙工艺,为中药饮片的标准化和现代化提供依据。

    Objective To optimize a stir-bake with saltwater technology of processing Achyranthes bidentata Bl.

  10. 建立中草药化学特征指纹图谱,目前已成为国际上公认的控制中草药或天然药物质量的最有效方法,该技术也必将成为控制中药生产工艺标准化的最有力手段。

    To build chemical characteristic fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) has been becoming the most efficient measure for quality control of TCM or natural medicines , and it would certainly become the powerful means for standardizing of producing process for TCM .

  11. 中药制剂质量的标准化研究是保障中成药质量的根本,也是真正实现中药现代化的必由之路。

    The standardized research in quality of Chinese traditional medicine preparation is the essence to ensure the quality , it is also the only way to achieve modernization of Chinese traditional medicine .

  12. 发明一种体积小、实时性好的在线检测中药生产的仪器对中药标准化生产非常必要。

    A portable apparatus of good real time performance for on-line detection is required in production of TCM .

  13. 分析我国中药产品质量混乱的现象,提出中药标准化的建议。

    Through analysing the complicated phenomenon of the traditional Chinese medicine product , we propose the standardization for the traditional Chinese medicine .

  14. 该研究结果可为全国范围内的中药电子处方评价体系构建、中药电子处方标准化建设提供有益的参考。

    This research provides useful reference for establishing a nationwide evaluation system fo Chinese medicine e-prescribing and standardizing the Chinese medicine e-prescriptions .

  15. 并结合天士力应用项目管理的实践,进一步说明了项目管理已经成为公司推进中药现代化的主要工具和战略手段,在加速中药产业信息化、标准化、现代化、系统化方面起到越来越重要的作用。

    The authors , furthermore , explained the more and more important role of project management in the informatization , standardization , modernization and systematization of the industry of Chinese Traditional Medicines .

  16. 目前中药制药先进过程控制和集成化生产技术的研究刚刚起步,由于中药制药装备的标准化和中药质量控制体系还不完善,为在中药企业实施集成化过程控制系统带来了巨大困难。

    Because the standard of Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment and Chinese medicine quality control system were not be still perfect , that had brought enormous difficulties to the implement of integrated process control in pharmaceutical enterprises .

  17. 中药化学、药理和临床之间的关联影响中药药性理论和中药方剂理论的继承及发展,其在中医标准化与中药标准化起到桥梁作用。

    The relation among the chemistry , pharmacy and clinic of traditional Chinese medical materials affects their inheritance and development of the theory of potency and formula , which connects the standardization of the potency and formula .

  18. 现代中药产业必须以科技重塑传统药业内涵,突破资源、用药方式和生产技术的限制,实现中药产业的标准化、规模化;

    Modern Chinese medicine industry should remold connotation of Chinese traditional medicine trade with science and technology , break through the shackles of resource , ways of administer and production technology , realize Chinese medicine industry standardization and scale .

  19. 为了更好地保证中药的临床疗效与安全性,保证中药的质量稳定,适应中医药代化、国际化发展的形势,进一步加强中药品质评价的标准化已势在必行。

    In order to guarantee the clinic therapeutic effectiveness , safety and stabilization of inner quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine , it is urgency for us to enforce the standardization of quality .