
  • 网络Special Education in China;Chinese Journal of Special Education
  1. 中国特殊教育学学科论初探

    Research on Disciplinary Theory of Special Pedagogy in China

  2. 当今中国特殊教育组织形式之分析

    Analysis of the from of special education in China

  3. 中国特殊教育经历了从照搬到创新的过程。

    The development of special education in China was from adaptation to innovation .

  4. 中国特殊教育演进历程及启示

    Evolution and Enlightenment of Special Education in China

  5. 中国特殊教育中的四个问题

    Four Problems of Special Education in China

  6. 试论中国特殊教育之校本管理者角色的范式转变

    The Tentative Discussion about the Normal Form Transformation of Chinese Special Education school-based Administrator 's Role

  7. 俄罗斯特殊教育与中国特殊教育若干问题的比较研究大学普通教育和专业教育关系的历史透视

    Comparative Study on Some Problems of Special Education in Russia and China Historical Relations between General Education and Special Education in University

  8. 根据目前中国特殊教育立法发展的状况,作者提出了相关建议。

    On the base of the present condition of legislation of special education in China , the author put forward correlated suggestions .

  9. 中国特殊教育具有数千年的历史,但却未能发展成为现代意义上的特殊教育。

    Chinese special education has a long history of several thousand years . However , it is regrettable that it had failed to develop into modern special education .

  10. 本文论述近代教会在华特殊学校事业的兴起与教育制度特点,及其对中国特殊教育发展的作用。

    This paper discusses the rising , the characters of educational system of the missionary special school in modern China , and its functions to the development of special education in China .

  11. 本文从特殊教育现代化的涵义出发,得出了人的现代化是殊教育现代化的本质的结论,并在分析中国特殊教育现状的同时提出了克服阻碍的个人意见和看法。

    Starting from the meaning of modernization of special education , this article concluded that man 's modernization is the hypostasis of the special education modernization , and brought forward some personal opinions and suggestions to overcome difficulties .

  12. 虽然特殊教育在我国很早就受到人们的关注,并得到一定程度的发展,但在旧中国特殊教育一直被看作一项人道主义的福利事业。

    Although the special education is paid attention to by the people early in our country , and has got certain development in a way , it was always regarded as a welfare work of humanitarianism in old China .

  13. 发展中国农村特殊教育:基点、焦点、接点、支点

    Developing Chinese Rural Special Education : Basis , Focus , Integration , Fulcrum

  14. 中国古代特殊教育的发展

    Development of Special Education in Ancient Times in China

  15. 民国是中国现代特殊教育初步发展的重要时期。

    The Republic of China is an important stage of Chinese modern special education 's initial development .

  16. 关注中国农村特殊教育:重点、热点、难点、盲点

    Concerning about Chinese Rural Special Education : on the Focused , Heated , Difficult and Ignored Issues

  17. 余论部分则以认识为统揽,着重分析影响中国特殊音乐教育的核心要素,并从宏观层面对中国当代特殊音乐教育的未来发展进行了理性思考。

    It analyzes emphatically the essential factors that affect Chinese SME system and discusses objectively the future development in Chinese SME from macroscopic views .

  18. 近代以后,国人与来华传教士一起将西方现代特殊教育思想引入,并由传教士首先进行实践,随后国人纷纷跟进,共同开创了中国现代特殊教育事业。

    Some Chinese and western missionaries had introduced the western modern special education thoughts into China since the modern age . The missionaries were first to carry it into practice , and then the Chinese followed them . They inaugurated the Chinese modern special education together .

  19. 中国残疾青少年特殊教育问题评估报告

    Evaluative report on the special education for the disabilities of youth and juveniles

  20. 21世纪中国高等美术特殊教育要加强对学生创造性思维的培养。

    In the 21st century the high special education of fine art in China should enhance fostering of the students ' creative thinking .

  21. 中国近代盲聋哑特殊教育起源于太平天国。

    Abstract : Chinese modern Special Education originated from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Dynasty .

  22. 书院作为中国古代社会特殊的教育组织形式,是我国教育史上的重要现象。

    Academy education as a special form of ancient Chinese education , is an important phenomenon in the history of education .

  23. 论文最后对现代中国普通教育和特殊教育的关怀性问题进行了研究。

    After surveying the current theoretical and practical developments on caring education , the paper studies the caring issues in contemporary general and special education in China .

  24. 中学生作为当代中国较为特殊的受教育群体,他们个性化的阅读认知和思维模式正在慢慢形成,并且有一个趋向成熟的转型过程,因此对当下中学生的课外阅读进行调查和研究是很有必要的。

    Middle-school students in contemporary China are a special education groups . Their special reading and cognitive thinking is slowly formed , and there is a process of transition towards to mature , so it is necessary to make a survey on their extracurricular reading .