
zhì yí
  • question;challenge;query;call in question;fall in question
质疑 [zhì yí]
  • [query;fall in question] 提出疑问,请人解答

  • 时时好事者从之质疑问事。--《汉书.陈遵传》

  • 向上级对这个问题进行质疑

质疑[zhì yí]
  1. 企业核心竞争力不可替代说质疑

    Call in Question to the Thoery of Enterprises ' Core Ability Substitution

  2. 对合同法严格责任原则的质疑

    Give A Call in Question to Make Responsibility Principle Rigidly in Contract Law

  3. 这是对主席权威的直接质疑。

    It was a direct challenge to the president 's authority .

  4. 我打算对他声称的是否正确提出质疑。

    I intend to challenge the legitimacy of his claim .

  5. 他开始对他的立场是否符合道德准则提出质疑。

    He began to question the ethics of his position .

  6. 有人质疑安全措施是否充分。

    The adequacy of the security arrangements has been questioned .

  7. 没有人质疑票价下调是件好事。

    No one questions the desirability of cheaper fares .

  8. 我们有必要向西方哲学的某些基本假设提出质疑。

    We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of Western philosophy .

  9. 他们打算在法庭上对他的要求的合法性提出质疑。

    They intended to challenge the legality of his claim in the courts .

  10. 她对事情的陈述没有任何质疑就接受了。

    Her version of events was accepted without question .

  11. 这些结果的可信程度已受到质疑。

    The reliability of these results has been questioned .

  12. 这些理论现已大多受到语言学家的质疑。

    These theories are now largely discredited among linguists .

  13. 他们质疑她所述事情的真实性。

    They questioned the veracity of her story .

  14. 他们质疑这项法律是否符合宪法。

    They questioned the constitutionality of the law .

  15. 要鼓励学生培养判断力,而非不加质疑地接受各种观点。

    Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them .

  16. 假如当时他在法庭上质疑那些指控,那无异于自毁政治前程。

    It would have been political suicide for him to challenge the allegations in court .

  17. 他们的法律质疑未获成功。

    Their legal challenge was unsuccessful .

  18. 韦伯正要求观众们反思质疑各自的信仰。

    Weber is challenging his audience to question their own beliefs .

  19. 人们想仔细分析他的作品,并对他的动机提出质疑。

    People want to dissect his work and question his motives .

  20. 烟草业成功逃过了最严峻的法律质疑。

    The tobacco industry escaped unscathed from its toughest legal challenge .

  21. 选举舞弊的指控出现后,这次投票测验受到了广泛质疑。

    The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging .

  22. 部长的来信怀疑我的诚实,质疑我的动机。

    The Secretary 's letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives

  23. 里根的演讲在美国遭到了质疑。

    Reagan 's speech was met with incredulity in the US .

  24. 奥费也质疑“有组织的资本主义”的假设。

    Offe also challenges the postulate of an ' organized capitalism ' .

  25. 对核废料进行再加工的理由不可避免地受到了质疑。

    The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is inevitably being questioned .

  26. 谁都不会质疑失业率与犯罪之间存在直接联系。

    No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime

  27. 审计员质疑这些合同是否合法。

    The auditor has questioned the legality of the contracts .

  28. 这起事故再一次引发了人们对于工厂安全性的质疑。

    The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant .

  29. 他们计划对该法的合宪性提出质疑。

    They plan to challenge the constitutionality of the law .

  30. 有人会质疑把她排除在队伍之外是否明智。

    Some would question the wisdom of leaving her out of the team